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Well-Known Member

sorry to post this here but, I havent been here for a couple of days and I just read the thread about vid....

did he really pack up??

If someone really finds the need to close this, sobeit... but Id really like to know what happened.... if you dont want to post any opinions on the board then just pm me, Ill be on all day


Well-Known Member
yeah dumbass, thats the answer I was lookin for!!!!! actually, you make me feel a little........:spew:


Well-Known Member
I recieved some pm's from him earlier, i'm not sure if he is going or staying i dont mind one way or the other, it's a shame that all this started just because videoman banned babygro because he disagreed with him a lot. If this hadnt happened then we wouldnt have all these threads and it would be business as usuall growing, lets get back to growing and stop battering the general marijuana growing section with stuff that shouldnt be there, i know i'm guilty of it too, but please lets all of us move on and get along.


Well-Known Member
make sure you can..... shut the fuck up

NGT, was it true about his saying that you would have done the same thing if you were a mod????

and, I already apologized for posting in here, and, I also said if they didnt like it to remove it, so thanks for pointing that out


Well-Known Member
your just a guilty,

you know i read all that shit and the basis of all the shit seemed to be greed. your making to much off seeds, or your charging 3 times going rate.

the fact that this site ands its members promoted a newer gardner to mod seems irrational. this site is growing, but moving towards a bunch of babies.
When you have mods and members participating in illegal trade F= you all. you are putting every user and member at risk with this behaior.

The your problems to another forum as i am sick of poor NGT BG VM Drama.
there will always be another cut and paste gardner. these are on every site.
if you cant keep your egos in check



Well-Known Member
make sure you can..... shut the fuck up

NGT, was it true about his saying that you would have done the same thing if you were a mod????

and, I already apologized for posting in here, and, I also said if they didnt like it to remove it, so thanks for pointing that out

I did say this to videoman, that was in a message asking him to stick around and ride the wave and everything will return to normal soon enough, i said it basically to try and make him feel better about the situation so that the tensions would be eased, but everything i have said to videoman in this respect has fallen on deaf ears and he has just taken insult at anything i have said.

Would I acutally ban someone for disagreeing with me though, no I wouldnt. I disagreed with it when videoman did it and I wouldnt do it myself because its a fascist action.

All i want is for the site to be back to normal, where we are all talking about growing and not some silly arguement thats been finished for a week.


Well-Known Member
your just a guilty,

you know i read all that shit and the basis of all the shit seemed to be greed. your making to much off seeds, or your charging 3 times going rate.

the fact that this site ands its members promoted a newer gardner to mod seems irrational. this site is growing, but moving towards a bunch of babies.
When you have mods and members participating in illegal trade F= you all. you are putting every user and member at risk with this behaior.

The your problems to another forum as i am sick of poor NGT BG VM Drama.
there will always be another cut and paste gardner. these are on every site.
if you cant keep your egos in check

I admit that I have added fuel to this fire, but now its out of control and needs to stop.

I never participated in illegal trade with videoman or a moderator, videoman has never ordered seeds through me and since rollitup has asked me not to sell seeds I have stopped.

I will from this moment on not mention the videoman ngt babygro saga because as long as threads like this are around it will never go away


Well-Known Member
I do agree to them putting us at risk w/ that bullshit but, Im looking for an answer to ONE question.....

NGT, was it true about his saying that you would have done the same thing if you were a mod????

Im curious if thats true, thats all, no opinions and shit


Well-Known Member
actually, nevermind,

I now know who good people are and whos not

but, what if one of these new kids on the block here get caught w/ YOUR seeds and then they snitch this site out and say that they recieved the seeds through someone on this site?????????????

what the fuck would happen then??? I bet more than u all think would happen!!! what if video already knows of somethin like this and thats why he is resigning..... really, noone knows.... but seriously, aftyer finding out about YOU selling seeds ILLEGALLY, it kinda mekes me want to bounce now, now EVERYONE knows about it, thats prolly not a good thing


Well-Known Member
actually, nevermind,

I now know who good people are and whos not

but, what if one of these new kids on the block here get caught w/ YOUR seeds and then they snitch this site out and say that they recieved the seeds through someone on this site?????????????

what the fuck would happen then??? I bet more than u all think would happen!!! what if video already knows of somethin like this and thats why he is resigning..... really, noone knows.... but seriously, aftyer finding out about YOU selling seeds ILLEGALLY, it kinda mekes me want to bounce now, now EVERYONE knows about it, thats prolly not a good thing
I only let 3 packs go out, and this has been stopped for a while now, i'd made the descion personally to stop and rollitup told me to aswell.

This has nothing to do with rollitup and I actually conducted any sale on messenger.

If i were to get caught, the buyer would have my payment details, and these would be used.

I would then be extradited to the united states to stand trial, based on this do you think i would actually sell any seeds to someone that I didnt trust and run this risk.

The site seems to have a low opinion of me now and I'm just a rip off merchant, I've put the site and myself at risk just for helping ppl out for seeds when nirvana were not shipping to the states.

Incidently if a newbie came on here and clicked on that big banner above and got seeds and was questioned, do you think there was any chance he might say he got them through rollitup also.

I tell you what then, I will leave and let you all suck videomans cock, no please tell me to stay threads or anything, i'm just out of here.


Well-Known Member
now youre gonna leave?! this is rediculous, I didnt realize that the selling had stopped, I didnt know that rollitup asked you to stop, therefore, I was wrong for talking about it, my bad..

I still want to know if you had said that though, about you banning babygro if you were a mod..... but I think you are beating around the bush, and avoiding the question...... but thats cool, Ive asked you about other things and you avoided the other questions as well..... Im used to it now.


Well-Known Member
Step back and look at it this way.

we have 12000 members and hundreds of thousands of guests. is this the kind of people or things you would want to see.

i could sell thousands of seeds, that is not why i am here. i look for new ideas or better ways to do things.

My biggest thing with this whole VM guy is he is so uneducated in green thumb world.

Hello he finished one grow. yet you regard this type of man as god here?
When you start taking about water cure and you cured what ONCE?

Now the rest falls down to where you get your copy and paste from. videomanic as i once called him would post hundreds of pages of info,

yet to some his posting of these things led them to believe he is master gardner. this man has made some lasting impressions here and thats great, he made some bad decisions as a moderator and was removed,

This crushed his ego. i like yet still dislike this man. his intensions are great , i feel he need a few more years of growing hands on before you represent yourself as a high profile gardner


Well-Known Member
"I did say this to videoman, that was in a message asking him to stick around and ride the wave and everything will return to normal soon enough, i said it basically to try and make him feel better about the situation so that the tensions would be eased, but everything i have said to videoman in this respect has fallen on deaf ears and he has just taken insult at anything i have said.

Would I acutally ban someone for disagreeing with me though, no I wouldnt. I disagreed with it when videoman did it and I wouldnt do it myself because its a fascist action." let me see if I follow this: you tell VM privately that you would do the same thing in his shoes, which is ban baby, to "make him feel better" and to convince him to stick around. When he actually DOES follow your advice, you then turn on him publicly and expose him as some kind of fascist? Is that right????

I wouldn't want you in the trenches with me fighting a battle, I'll tell you that much. I'd have to watch my back AND the enemy.


Well-Known Member
now youre gonna leave?! this is rediculous, I didnt realize that the selling had stopped, I didnt know that rollitup asked you to stop, therefore, I was wrong for talking about it, my bad..

I still want to know if you had said that though, about you banning babygro if you were a mod..... but I think you are beating around the bush, and avoiding the question...... but thats cool, Ive asked you about other things and you avoided the other questions as well..... Im used to it now.
read post number 8 of this very thread


Well-Known Member
Im not gonna talk about video anymore, noone ever said he was GOD, He H-E-L-P-E-D people with his "copying and pasting" so what if it was copied, he was helping..... anyways, thats overwith.

I just want to know if nongreenthumbs statement was true,

about banning babygro if it were him, thats all

nevermind, Ill check post #8 and come back


Well-Known Member
ok, so you lied, thats cool.... I got my answer...

man, I love this place... so what Im gonna do is, put everything aside and start fresh w/ everyone....

ABudSmoker, Ive been a dick to you and I apologize and would also like to become friends through this....

NonGreenThumb, I also do respect you in ways, and would like for this to9 blow over w/o any grudges, can the both of you accept this or what??

I wanna have a good time and Im sure that u both do as well so lets drop the bullshit and get along... truce?


Well-Known Member
ok, so you lied, thats cool.... I got my answer...

man, I love this place... so what Im gonna do is, put everything aside and start fresh w/ everyone....

ABudSmoker, Ive been a dick to you and I apologize and would also like to become friends through this....

NonGreenThumb, I also do respect you in ways, and would like for this to9 blow over w/o any grudges, can the both of you accept this or what??

I wanna have a good time and Im sure that u both do as well so lets drop the bullshit and get along... truce?
Yes I lied when i said that to videoman, in the same way that you would lie to someone when they are upset and you tell them what they want to hear so you can cheer them up.

Straight after babygro getting his account back, i was messaging vman to try and sort things out and get back to being friends how we were before the whole incident occured.

I asked him to stay and to try and sit out what had happened and that all his adoring fans still loved him, i told him that AFTER the whole incident had finished in my eyes so that he would stay and everything would get back to normal.

Any of you vman lovers out there can pick whatever you want out of that and turn it against me, i couldnt care less I have thick skin.

Graf, I have never had a problem with you and we have spoken to each other lots and in pms and everything has always been cool.
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