vicodin seed with weedseed grows/


New Member
friend told me to grow weed with vicodn pill and get vicodin high wih weed and vicodin pills inside weed nugs..,,, is thre s strain that best 4 vicodin nuggets? witch will get the bset high/

dank smoker420

Well-Known Member
hahaha wtf vicodin is made by pharmasists is a lab you need to mix chemicals and shit to make it you cant grow vicoden that would be like growing oxycodon or any other perscription pill


New Member
yaeh but when i grow nugs with vicodin pills inside cant i crush n mix the pills with gasoline and limes and dry to amke it smokeable pills/

and then use weeds to smoke too/


Well-Known Member
hahaha wtf vicodin is made by pharmasists is a lab you need to mix chemicals and shit to make it you cant grow vicoden that would be like growing oxycodon or any other perscription pill
Lol percriptions not quite made by pharmacists..


Active Member
Are you for fucking real !

you want to grow vicodin pills in your nugs, just take them and smoke the butang, or get a grip.
i want to grow weed with valium, temazepan, subutex and mst.s in it but there isnt a reputable pharmacist that is willing to fund my experiment with tablets. there is a site called grasscity go there.

if you explain better then people may understand.

The perfect strain would be on the bog, but be careful u may grow a beard if u strain to hard.


Active Member
Are you for fucking real !

you want to grow vicodin pills in your nugs, just take them and smoke the butang, or get a grip.
i want to grow weed with valium, temazepan, subutex and mst.s in it but there isnt a reputable pharmacist that is willing to fund my experiment with tablets. there is a site called grasscity go there.

if you explain better then people may understand.

The perfect strain would be on the bog, but be careful u may grow a beard if u strain to hard.


New Member
my english not very good and hard 4 me to figure out how to make sence of what i try to said. i have bad pain and need weed seeds to grow that will have me high and ease pain like vicodin that i got from doctor, somthing strong so i no longer have to take pillz. 4-5 daily too much

and i mean make pills i have able to smoke or somthing diferent to work better 4 pain now


Active Member
Medical grade mj, big bang has high med properties, there is a few others too just google, medical grades of marijuana you will find a lot of great mj strains for pain, good luck m8.


Active Member
You will find that medical marijuana is healthier and better than taking pills, i came off temgesics by vapourizing big bang worked a treat, i now cope better than i was on buprenorphine although i miss the gouches lol.
sorry if i offended u with what i posted, peace and respect.


Active Member
You will find that medical marijuana is healthier and better than taking pills, i came off temgesics by vapourizing big bang worked a treat, i now cope better than i was on buprenorphine although i miss the gouches lol.
sorry if i offended u with what i posted, peace and respect.