Well-Known Member
So about a year ago i had a Transcendental experience or life change experince ..Any ways i had eaten some lsd and I started to notice somthing i had never felt befor....Or had always felt but never noticed ....any way i was tripping with my 2 freinds who are twins ...and the talk with out words but with vibes like a energy that moves through your body and can be sent or collected as you see fit ...Have you ever walked into a room and felt sombody was angry or when two people that love each other have there backs turned to each other is one example thats often brought up when people talk about this kind of stuff ...I feel as though im to a point i can feel everthing around me i know what kind of mood people are in befor i see them ...And with that energy i was talking about i can change moods and emoitions of others at will ..i feel as though i could put out a vibe that could make people go to war for what ever cause i gave them i feel as though the people that havent relized this truth are Sheep and can be controlled by people who understand do i wake more people up