Vet says my cat has cancer....

I have been throught this many times with cats and dogs. It hurts like hell, but in time things get better. I do not take my animals to the vet to be put down though. I take care of that myself. Sorry but to me drugs are not the answer to put down. I belive it is better to use a bullet correctly placed behind the head. That way everything goes away with no suffering for them. No strange place. No sting of the needle or the weird feeling from the drugs. Here and then gone. Then i wrap them in a sheet and place in the ground. Now before all that they get spoiled to no end, from their food to a cozy warm bed(most times that is my bed). I have been told that the way I do it is cruel. To me it is a lot harder on me than them. Then again it should be harder on the owner than the pet.
I'm so sorry April, my step mother's cat passed away when he was 13 from stomach cancer. She had to put him down because he could no longer eat or drink and was wasting away. We could all tell it was time for him and I'm sure you'll know as well. Good luck with everything and celebrate his life!
My sympathies... it does suck horribly. I can relate due to recently losing a dog to cancer. He was a Labrador Retriever that was with me for 16 years. Emotionally, it was no different than losing any close member of my family! But I also had a really hard time trying to know if/how much he was suffering towards the end... animals can be amazingly stoic about things that would leave the average person bedridden and non-functional...

But you can get a good idea about the possible magnitude of suffering by the quality of life they maintain. If your cat is playing and eating and drinking - that's a sure sign that any pain/discomfort they feel is manageable to their unique personality. It's when they can't/won't do the most basic of things to have any quality of life due to pain that you might want to really consider making a decision about doing something...

sorry to hear about your dog, ya my cat is family!!
Ya i'm going day by day, depends on him, i want him to pass naturaly at home but if he's gets bad i will put him down
My wife and i wish you and your kitty the best. our cats and dogs are our kids, until my power swimmers are given a green light.

its kinda odd, but see if you can get a sense from your cat. does he/she seem ready? Whats your gut feeling?
i have done this before, my mothers cat was too heavy to clean herself, and regardless of diet she got bigger.(she had mated and the embryos died. she was toxic and we had to let her go. but, even a bit before that she seemed ready to go.

Now my wife's dog of 11 yrs has now developed large cyst like lumps. and he cries if he walks too much. more then anything, i think it's denial with her at the moment. i hope i'm wrong. i really do.

best wishes,
kether n~

Love Is The Law

lmfao oh man hope your swimmers get the green flag soon hahaha , thanks i needed a laugh
wow poor kitty, i've never heard of that happening before.
Ya denial was me before the cat saw the vet, i figured i was thinking worse case scenario, but my gut was right. Its more of him always having a snotty nose because the tumor and yukky eyes, and he kinda smells. poor dude, i want him to pass at home, the sooner the better for his sake.
Ya if your wifes dog is in pain try to convince her its better for the dog and her, i don't want my cat to suffer as much as i don't wanna see it
Thanks man your very nice!
I had the same thing happen too my cat jynx, i know exactly what you're goin thru. I waited until i could see that he was not happy and starting to be in pain before we had him put down. Honestly the hardest thing ive ever had to do. He was my first and only pet and he pretty much grew up with me through all the really rough parts of my life, as cheesy as it sounds, he was one of the few things that kept me sane. I fuckin loved that kitty =[

Ya every word you say is me and my kitty, i've been randomly crying throughout the day but hey atleast it wont be a sudden bad painfull death, this way i can say goodbye and not freak out.

I am so sorry for what you are going thru - I know the love some of us feel for our creatures.
Please remember that although you love them, it is not fair to allow them to suffer when that time comes.

You are the one your creature loves, and depends on - make the right decission for your pet when the time comes.

Thanks and very well said, i know i wont hesitate to do whats best for him
If he's not in pain and is still active I personally wouldn't put him down. I had to put my 19 year old cat down last winter after his cancer took a turn for the worse. Just give him some bongs hits to keep him at ease until it's time.

lmfao i'll smoke the bongs, kitty never likes the smoke near him, i always have to blow away lol
I am dealing with a similar situation. Last month I had to put down one of my 13 year old labs, and I think within a few days I might have to call the vet for his brother :(

One of the hardest things a dog owner has to do is hold their dog while they get euthanized. :(

wow dude that sucks more then my situation, but it's pretty common for people and animals to pass very shortly after someone they truly loved, wow i feel so bad fo you. i hope he gets better is he sick? ya i'm kinda scared to be there if they have to put him down, not something i wanna see
I have been throught this many times with cats and dogs. It hurts like hell, but in time things get better. I do not take my animals to the vet to be put down though. I take care of that myself. Sorry but to me drugs are not the answer to put down. I belive it is better to use a bullet correctly placed behind the head. That way everything goes away with no suffering for them. No strange place. No sting of the needle or the weird feeling from the drugs. Here and then gone. Then i wrap them in a sheet and place in the ground. Now before all that they get spoiled to no end, from their food to a cozy warm bed(most times that is my bed). I have been told that the way I do it is cruel. To me it is a lot harder on me than them. Then again it should be harder on the owner than the pet.

Hey being a country girl i have no issues with they way you put your animals down, i've seen it done to horses and cows but to do it to my kitty, actualy pull the trigger, sorry i don't think i could unless he was howling in agony and it was my only option. But i respect what your saying and thank you for taking the time to share