very strange seed experiment(long-ish)


Well-Known Member
well last saturday morning i planted a seed just in a cup of wet dirt. no pre-soaking or anything, just put it in the moist soil.. 2 days later on monday it was poking the surface me being the smartie newb first time grower i am i decided to touch it(noticing the hairs all over, thinking nothing) and the dirt around to see what was goin on.. after that it grew about 1/2 more inch then the tip started to get brown n start receeding back under and shriveling up...

today 5-6 days later i decided to cut off the brown part and a bit beneath it and see what would happen i expecct it to die, then buried it, since its doomed anyway why not...

12 hour later looked and its poked surface 1/8thh inch... this could be working? or most likly not :o lol

but would be kinda strange if it were to suddenly decide to live and grow...


Well-Known Member
why waist time on that seed anymore? obviously you ain't too far in the process....just get another seed...start over......and what do you mean "noticeing the hair's all over"?


Well-Known Member
lol i have bout 15 seeds, and they are germinating atm..... i was just wondering what would happen to this seed that sprouted up in 2 days...

looked at it i saw a lot of little hairs on the sprout.... now after touching aint shit thats what i mean : |


Well-Known Member mean small/tiny leafs that are growing....i believe....i never heard of a 2 day seed growing hairs right away...if so...if 24 on is little hairs....wonder what 12 on would be....MONSTER HAIRS....magic seeds....ship that one on over to me.


Well-Known Member

go plant a seed wait for it to pop up and u will see little hairs on the sprout...

no trichromes here...... and no leaves........