very stealthy-if usable


Active Member
i have just planted one feminized white widow in a jiffy cup and was wonderin if you think the jiffy cup would fit in a pringles tube then i cud put the bulb throught the top and paint inside the tube white.

do you think this would be usable till the plant is a bit bigger at least.


here is the tube i had the idea about.



Active Member
yeah but ive spoke to people they say cardboard is okay to use just not as good..

and im only wantin it so i can keep lights on all day and night just til it gets bigger.

help appreciated.

stink hole

Active Member
dude great dont even have to paint it..its silver inside...just wipe it down good with wet paper towel.....i think it might stretch alittle a first cuz the light would be far away....put something to fill the tube half way then put the pellet in...take some pics i wanna see it work.....


Active Member
i will be posting pics up of my plant throught out various growing stages, will make sure to post pic of the pringle tube after i have made it usable.


anymore help appreciated.


Well-Known Member

the tube idea is sound, that's what i've been growing in for the last 2 months
i did a full size tube, 38 x 15 inches, and it's giving very good results
cardboard would work, but i'd be wary of a fire hazard, you could make a tube of your own from other materials
i used aluminum flashing, pre-painted white on one side, got it at home depot
here's a link to my grow log if interested


Well-Known Member
yea man, thats an awsome idea, i'm going to have to steal it for my clones :D

a 40W CFL at like 6400k would be PERFECT man, awsome. +rep :)


Well-Known Member
a few ideas for some small tubes that would be cheap
tennis ball can - about the same size as a pringles can - but made of metal
some empty vegetable cans or similar - cut out the bottoms and stack - join together with a bit of tape


Well-Known Member
sounds like a dumb idea to put the bulb in there. even though its a cfl, your plant will cook in there.


Well-Known Member
you do need vent - as long as you pull the air through fast enough, you'll be good
closed up tight it would cook - a larger chamber will do the same thing without venting


Active Member
thanks for the info i might just rig somethin up and give this a try what bulb shall i use and for how many hours during veg.

answers appreciated.


Active Member
im new to growin weed to ive just planted my seeds there and might use the pringles tube till they get to big.

anymore answers appreciated.