Very small space.. How can i acomidate?


New Member
Only space i have is a 2x2 closet. Its 9 1/2 high. So im good on height. So how can i make 3 plants fit and be happy in the snug setting?


Well-Known Member
I only got 2x4 and i jam like 18 plants in that bitch im thinking on trying less and bigger plants and c what works out better but everything is working good now im affraid to try something different, I get about 2 and a half pounds

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Put em in a pot, trim them appropriately, and flip them to 12/12 at the right time. You should have no issue fitting 3 plants in that space. I used to run a 600w hps in that footprint.


Well-Known Member
I have a 2x3 space and scrog 3 plants in 1 gallon hempy buckets under 250w hps. Avg yield is 2 oz per plant.


Well-Known Member
Why 3 plants in the space? You could do it but they will have to be small plants. If I had that shape of a space, I think I would build it out into two cabinets, one on top of the other. While more complex than one grow room, it will double your growing room.


Active Member
I only got 2x4 and i jam like 18 plants in that bitch im thinking on trying less and bigger plants and c what works out better but everything is working good now im affraid to try something different, I get about 2 and a half pounds
2' x 2' 2 and a half pounds?!? how long do you veg? Details man!!! That's incredible.


New Member
Scratch all that.. I just got home to my roommate packin up. Movin in with his gf. Virtually i have a whole room. But im only goin to use the closet its 6x2x9 so i feel like i have plenty of space now.

I still cant seem to find mylar blankets at walmart or film at home depot.. So atm im hopin my white walls will suffice 😁 unless somebody has a solution that doesnt involve internet purchase

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Scratch all that.. I just got home to my roommate packin up. Movin in with his gf. Virtually i have a whole room. But im only goin to use the closet its 6x2x9 so i feel like i have plenty of space now.

I still cant seem to find mylar blankets at walmart or film at home depot.. So atm im hopin my white walls will suffice  unless somebody has a solution that doesnt involve internet purchase
White walls will be absolutely fine. No need for mylar if you don't want to.
I only got 2x4 and i jam like 18 plants in that bitch im thinking on trying less and bigger plants and c what works out better but everything is working good now im affraid to try something different, I get about 2 and a half pounds
Dont change a thing 2 1/2 pounds is incredible in that space. What lighting do you have ?

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
I know i struggle to get that with a room and 2400w HPS just wanted to see what crap he was gonna spout next. Notice he hasn't replied lol
That works out at less than 0.5gpw, by all accounts an inefficient grow. A good grower would be able to get that weight with half that wattage.


Well-Known Member
I just call bullshit here....not saying I am good or bad here, but 2.5 lbs is a lot of volume....period. The light just simply does not provide enough juice. I would like a picture.