Very Small, Cheap, Easy, indoor Lowrider Grow. (Experimental)


Today i noticed some moisture on my lowrider leaves that were touching the side of the cabinet. I'm thinking this is got to do with no intake air.
So, I've hooked a nice little computer fan to my timer. Looks like it's working well. I prob should have started with in and out take anyway. They're timed to come on every 30 mins for 30 mins and then turn off at night with the lights to keep temps up. Cold where I live.
More soon.



That humidity reading looks really high, don't even know if i can trust that result. No real way of getting it down anyway.
I can see small buds forming on the lowriders and starting to smell stronger.

and i know, this grow box is too small and the lights are not powerful enough for these 3 plants, but i can't kill one, i havn't got the heart.

Lets just see what happens.

My next grow will prob hav to be small sea of green.



Active Member
Hello bro those plants are looking beautiful and I'd try LSTing the big one and I've been looking for a nice lowryder grow :) subbed



Nice little buds forming.
Got another 40 watts of 2700kelvin cfl.
Getting quite cold all day and night. so, might slow things down a little


Had to move the whole setup. Was getting way too cold in the loft, 13 celcius, even with lights on. Nice and warm now at about 25 celcius (75 F). Check out the pics, plants still lookin really nice, but i think they're goin to be another few weeks.

Damn, cant upload photos, will try again tomorrow.


looking good! im doing a similar grow in my closet. How often are you using fertilizer? When should i start fertilizing? im about 4 days into mine and the leaves have just popped out of the soil. I have some all purpose 20/20/20


Well, I'm new to this too but, the compost you're using probably has enough fertilizer in it for your plants at this stage. I'd wait at least 2 or 3 weeks. It didn't do my seedlings any good, so, don't try it. I fertilize about once a week (eg. water tuesday, fertilize on saturday) Lights and temperature much more important at your stage. Good luck.



My big plant was getting too big, so i chopped lots of it away. looks like i butchered it but, i think it will be better off as it will probably veg another 3 weeks.
Got some Biobizz nutrients off a friend so i started using those as well. Buds still fairly small but i think they'll come along.



Think my bag seed plant started pre-flowering. Think it might be female :)) (partly at least) What yous think of that microscope shot???
Lowrider2 plants still coming along nicely, hopefully the buds get a lot bigger.
Bag seed plant looks like its recovering nicely after I hacked the shit out of it. I'd love to start giving it 12/12 light but my LRs prob won't like that and i've no room elsewhere.

More soon. Subscribe!!!


how long into your veging process until you started to 12/12? Also, how often did you water during the early vegetation state (on starting of 2nd week now) and 2 large leaves have come out and 2 smaller leaves as well.


Hey Fast1, look up pre flowering, that's how to know to switch the lights. Sounds like you'll be waiting another 3-4 weeks though. Ask on a different thread for advice like this. :)



Major PH problems today, tested run off yesterday and all were way too acidic. Gonna flush them out in the shower today.
Plants still looking really nice though. Loads of bud sites and calyxes which form buds are popping up everywhere.
I'll get that PH sorted and feed them later.


Top buds lookin really nice now. Lower ones not quite as nice. So, I thought i'd take a chance and bend over the top bud. jus sqeezed it and bent it over. Think it went well. That means i can get the lights lower down and hopefully help out the rest of the plant. You can see the before and after down below.
I also have a bit of a fruit fly problem. They seem to be growing in my vegging plant. Trying all sorts and lots of squishing.
More soon, bye


Giving the flowering plants water only. Lower buds still not really that good. It may end up being a case of harvesting the top of the plant and then the lower at a later date, but i'll keep flushing them for another week anyway. Trichromes still 100% cloudy, but the pistols are now mostly reddish brown.
Still vegging that other plant due to lack of space. Pretty frustrating vegging it so long, so, i hope it pays off in the end. I've definitely decided i'll SCRog it when the LR#2s are done.

Pics not working again, will do it soon.



Harvested top buds. Got tired of waiting on them and I wanted to put the rest of the plant back on nutrients.
When I trimmed them they weighed about 19 grams each including stalks, I know this will reduce substantially as they dry but i'm pretty pleased.
They are drying at about 19 degrees celcius at about 45% humidity.
The two still flowering plants will hopefully come on now, I also lowered down the lights again. These plants are tiny now, only from 13 to 15 inches tall, but still have lots of bud growth :)