Very Small, Cheap, Easy, indoor Lowrider Grow. (Experimental)


Firstly let me say one thing, I don't want abuse for not having good equipment and especially the light. I've read that before. As I live with others, I don't have the opportunity to do what I really want to do. I've been told "jus keep it small and low voltage" so that's what I'm going to do.

Grow 2 lowrider #2, and an unknown seed from some desent weed.


2 20 watt CFL 1230 lumens each (may add 1 or 2 more)
Approx 2ft x 2ft x 4ft cardboard box in cabinet
Foil lined walls
Small USB fan
Homemade light reflector
Miracle grow for vegetables
Tomato fertilizer
5 litre pots
Multi-purpose compost

So, I started about 2 weeks ago, a seedling grew in a pot on my window sill, So, I thought i'd try it
I'll be posting more tomorrow with pics and more info. Stay tuned



So, i just upgraded the lights, now i have, in ascending order, 1 11w cfl 2700K, 2 20w cfl 2700K and now 1 35w cfl 6400K. Any suggestions, I will not be buying much, but maybe 1 more large bulb of the same kind to replace the 11w. Fan and ph tester didn't arrive, so, that will probably be Monday. Stay tuned.


Active Member
if your able to find the 42w blubs. they put out about 3000 lumens each 2-3 of theses is enough to grow 1-2 decent plants ( 5000 lumens min per plant to get any yeild really! ) so 3 plants, your looking for 15,000 lumens min! or x5 42w blubs! . also they run just as cool or cooler I find! Since heatsink built in. should be able to find at any hardware store for about 20$ each. swap out the 11w or both 20w's.. Makes sure you got some airflow in the box, so get 2 good Pc fans for intake and exhaust ( Syth ultra kraze are 10$ and 150cfm)


Thanks for the tips Mario, but I think I'll just get 1 more 35w 6400K bulb to replace the smallest 1 and I'll be setting up a fan early next week. The box is open on top, so shouldn't be too bad in there.
In the meantime, My first Lowrider poked slightly out of the soil, so i put it under the light. The lowriders are what i want to focus on, so they'll be getting the best positions. My other lowrider seed is between two paper towels in a dark place. Just starting to open.
The bag seed plant is coming along ok. The leaves were showing signs of fert problems, so i tried to flush it out a bit. Since then i read not to fert for the first month, so i'll prob wait a few weeks. Jus use water for now. Back soon. Here's more pics.P1070024.jpgP1070025.jpgP1070026.jpgthe pots are much closer to the light now btw


Current Setup:
2 Daylight 6400Kelvin 35w CFLs
2 2700Kelvin 20w CFLs
A 4 inch USB fan
Got the PH tester

I'm wondering if the colour of the water will effect the PH result?? Gotta research that.
My bag seed seems to be doin really well, and i think i will be able to sex it in the next few days?P1070037.jpgP1070047.jpgP1070051.jpgP1070052.jpgP1070053.jpgP1070054.jpg
My first Lowrider#2; i stupidly manually removed the seed pod quite early on, think this may stunt growth a bit, but it has 2 proper leaves now, they're tiny. the stalk is really short.
Second Lowrider#2; Stalk is coming out of the soil in an upside down U shape and it seems to be longer than the other LR already. Hope i didn't get my seeds mixed up!


More adjustments to the lights today. Jus to get them a bit closer. Gave bag plant a good watering and fertilizing.
Also, got a thermometer / hygrometer, its runnin at 78 degrees f and about 39% humidity. Might add dish of water to boost that slightly.



BIG change today! Moving setup to loft, Might be able to sneak more lights in too. I'll post pictures later, gotta get to work.


Up in loft now, pretty much same setup, got 1 more 35 watt daylight bulb. so, 1 over each plant with a 20 watt in middle.
Lowrider seedlings are still tiny, can't see much change. hopefully they'll get goin soon.
Can't wait to see if my bag plant is a girl. Fingers crossed.



21.5 celcius (70f) seems a bit low since i moved the setup. I'll try fix that tomorrow. The humidity looks good though. Bag plant nice and bushy, lowriders are coming along too. :)


Active Member
careful with foliar feeding, that second pics looks like the leaves are still wet. The water drops create "hotspots" and burn little dots/holes in your plant. Other than that good start man!


really hope these lowriders start to take off soon. Still tiny. Branches on bag seed growin nicely. Pics 2moro.



Got another 35w cfl, but this ones 2700Kelvin. I jus have it kinda sittin in the middle. 4 lights total.
Transferred everything into a new wooden cabinet, trying to keep plants warm at night. I know it gets cold up there.
Havn't watered in a few days, so will today.
The usb fan is blowing quite cold air on the plants so, i might change that a bit. maybe i'll use it as an exhaust at the top instead.



That close up shot of the main stem worries me. i really hope thats not the first signs of a male.
So, plants are much bigger now than my last photos. Big plant got a few cfl burns, it's hard to keep up with.
The 2 lowriders are starting to grow much faster also, bout time!
I've also got shots of my fan, my hygrometer / thermometer ( in CELCIUS btw) and i have a bit of a cover on the fan to stop it being too harsh on the small plants. its blowing in fairly cold air and it gets cold up there at night.
Also pictured is my new electric setup for lights, its much easier to adjust now. just a few hooks and duct tape

MORE SOON so subscribe and like :)



Man, this plant is gettin big, any advice on keeping it small? This cabinet is not big enough, but i can't change it
More cfl burns too.
Lowriders still coming along nicely tho.
Oh, and I FIMed the big plant. This is myfirst time, so i'm trying to do what i thinks best in this small area
So, this big plant prob isn't an auto, so, looks like i'm going to have to wait until the LRs are done before i can flower it. Damn.



My biggest plant just keeps getting cfl burn. I've lost quite a few leaves and just pinched off the bad ones.
Think I might SCRog it some how. Not too familiar with that but needs must.
I did plan on focusing on the Lowriders so I don't mind experimenting a bit on the bag plant. 50/50 it's male anyway, my LRs are feminized
Other than that, i gave everything another good watering / feltilize.
Temps and airflow still OK. BACK SOON.



So, i've confirmed that the 2 lowriders are female and are starting to flower, still pretty small but whatever happens happens.
I've put a screen of sorts to hold back the big plant. its secondary and i have a feeling they are male glands in pic 7 there????
Other than that all good
I just hope these lowriders start to get fat now :-P



Just a quick update and some pics of the plants today.

Bag plant still veggin away
Lowriders gettin a bit taller but no REAL sign of flower or strong odour
Changed the fan to exhaust at top and left gap at the bottom to draw air, duct tape the hell out of all the cracks.
Humidity quite high at about 65% average temp is 25 degrees celcius.
