Very Sick Plant with white stuff all over it, Help!


Well-Known Member
An even canopy helps for best yields so your light hits all plants evenly and not burning coals growing into light while other lower coals receive less light because lower further from light.


Well-Known Member
Well there’s your help on how to fix issue for next run, if you don’t have a thermometer and hydrometer your missing the basic tools for indoor growing.
ok so ive pulled off most of the leaves to stop the bug spreading and have a fan on them, will that be enough, so i give the plant more fertilizer/
i have some urea fertilizer to make it grow.


Well-Known Member
I like your idea to get rid of the powder mildew bugs. Next time I have an issue I will definitely be going this route....So lete get this correct step 1 defoliate step 2 cut off all my tops so my canopy is even then step 3 spray my plants with bleach. Why did I even buy this sulfer burner... Wish I had known about this little trick sooner....
I like your idea to get rid of the powder mildew bugs. Next time I have an issue I will definitely be going this route....So lete get this correct step 1 defoliate step 2 cut off all my tops so my canopy is even then step 3 spray my plants with bleach. Why did I even buy this sulfer burner... Wish I had known about this little trick sooner....
That is The Kind of Advice Newbys get for perfectly PERFECT PLANTS

WEll Done Rollit up champs.



Well-Known Member
I like your idea to get rid of the powder mildew bugs. Next time I have an issue I will definitely be going this route....So lete get this correct step 1 defoliate step 2 cut off all my tops so my canopy is even then step 3 spray my plants with bleach. Why did I even buy this sulfer burner... Wish I had known about this little trick sooner....

You Sulfer Burn in Flower, well known member hah