Very odd looking buds... or lack of?


Active Member
WHy do these look like this...? most of my clones have this spidery web looking (i dunno how to describe it) look... did i do something wrong? they are pretty crystally but odd.
check it out

the last picture is the only one that came out different... thes other 20 look like the first set of pics



Active Member
How much light are you using? How many total plants are there? Do you have fresh air entering the room, or are you supplementing with any CO2?


Active Member
1000 watts 22 plants/ no co2 only in Veg... one came out ok... these r clones i put a fan at door during light hours blowing cooler air... its abt 80 in there


Active Member
I've only seen really fluffy budding like this from a few different things. The first is lack of light, the second is lack of fresh air or CO2, the third is heat stress, and the fourth is a severe lack of nutrients. When I first started growing, I think I made each one of these mistakes and it resulted in lots of fluffy buds. Do the plants have plenty of fresh air? If they're in a sealed room without proper ventilation, they could easily suffer from lack of lack of CO2 which basically brings photosynthesis to a halt. What's your nutrient level like, how often are you feeding, and what kind of nutes are you using? A severe lack of P-K can allow the plant to look normal and green, while not providing the plant with the proper nutrients to build thick and healthy buds. Also, how far into the 12/12 cycle are you?


Well-Known Member
what are these clones from...if it wasnt a clone i would say just a shitty strain...some random bag seeds can come from years of mexican guerilla grows.where its not about quality its about yield.sometimes you can get some pretty shitty plants from these seeds...i dont think its a light issue...they would not be that size if they wasnt getting enough light.i wouldnt say its lack of nutes either.ive seen weed growing nutes in the wild..and have huge buds on them.some soils even have slow release nutes..which suck in my opinion.but bud can grow just fine without all the high dollar nutes being pumped into them..wont be as big or as good...but gets you high just the be there seems to be a mutation in the its a defect from the strain...or just a random mutation.that would explain why some did this and some didnt