Very new need advice for indoor grow

I bought organic mg, bat guano, and bone meal. was going to mix and plant. Also was wondering if a 400 hps light was to much to start them with. Thanks.


I agree with growin4myhead. Steer clear of MG soil as the nutrients in the soil are not ideal for any stage of marijuana growing. As to your question, that light will grow your plants just fine, but you might have a hard time seeding them. Hit your local hydro store and pick up a couple of 2' long T5 CFL tubes (which run for about $25 each). Use only these until your plants are well rooted. Then its time to introduce the HPS. If you keep the CFLs going as well, you will have more of a full spectrum of light which will cause vigorous growth during the vegging stage.
Important note; those CFLs run really cool, so you can get them up to a few inches from healthy rooted plants, while that 400 watter will need 6"-12" distance.
What is the final size pot you will transplant into? I was probably going to start in a plastic cup and move to half gallon when rooted and then.....? 3-4 gallon?
Ya, I just went out today and bought Fox Farm, to many bad things said about mg. Don't want to take the risk since seeds aren't cheap. What about the size of the bucket for the final pot transplant?Don't know if you can go to big or to small. Sorry if it's a dumb question, just learning.


I just posted this on someones thread a couple days ago;
Here is a great table I found for Minimum Container size:
Plant Age-------------------- Container Size
1-3 weeks-------------------- Root Cube
2-6 weeks-------------------- 4-Inch Pot
6-8 weeks-------------------- 2-Gallon Pot
2-3 Months------------------- 3-Gallon Pot
3-8 Months------------------- 5-gallon pot
6-18 Months----------------- 10-gallon pot

Try to know the strain your growing. Add the average flowering time of your strain to the amount of time you want to veg and there's your plant age. Try to transfer into the final pot before flowering.