Very new grower, really need some help.


Active Member
I know you guys get questions like this all the time, I feel bad for posting it honestly. I am 1 month into research. Just went to my local store picked up my lights, carbon filter, Mylar, etc. I am growing in soil under 2 4ft 8 lamp bad boys.

Anyway I am planting this weekend so I went into the local store to get some nutes and the guy pointed out like literally 12 bottles that cost like $30 each, he recommended AN, which I am reading is a decent brand but I know the dude just wants to make some cash and I do not want to be taken advantage of.

I need some recommendations on the nutes I will be using in veg and bloom and how often I am supposed to use them. I know you guys answer this question or easy questions like this all day from noobs but any help is greatly appreciated.

Also I got fox farm soil ocean blend so I was told that, that alone will be ok for about 2 weeks before I need to feed.

Even some links on basic info on when you feed would be appreciated.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
No real reason to go further than a Part A and Part B nute setup for a first grow. First time around i used Biobizz grow and bloom and it all worked just perfectly. AN certainly works but it's rather like an Apple product, similar or better can be had much cheaper.

You will notice that nearly all nutrient companies will have a feeding schedule on their website and theere will be a plethora of products they tell you to use, there really isn't a need. To this day i still don't bother with more canna A and B with the occasional flowering booster.


Well-Known Member
Nothing wrong with what ttt said. After a rough start myself about 18 months ago with *ahem* MG, I have been using FF products for over a year now. Their feeding schedule calls for six products, which for the smallest amount available would probably cost you about about $150. You could just start with the liquids though and add the 3 soluables later, that would save almost $100. You are already using great soil.


Active Member
That's great info thank you. I had a feeling I did not need to spend that much on nutes. So the sensi part a and b use a veg and b flower. Maybe throw in some additional nutes for buds once I start to flower. Typically how often are we supposed to feed? Once a week or so?

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Feeding depends on the plant and also the setup. With soil, people often say that giving it plain water once every few weeks is advisable, but heck, first grow i fed every feeding and there were no bad effects, and on the other end of the scale, i've had a girl going since the middle of may, went into flowering about 2 weeks ago, hasn't had anything but ph'ed water from the get go and still nothing but perfectly healthy :)


Well-Known Member
The FF schedule calls for every other watering. I would guess other products have a similar schedule. If you are watering correctly and other environmental factors are close to right, it probably does work out to once/week or close to that. Things like humidity and temperature are going to factor into how often you need to water though. You have to adjust the nute schedule accordingly.

Another mistake I think I have made in the past is when I do feed every other watering, giving as much nute water as I would a regular watering. For me and my situation anyway, that seems to be too much. I go every other watering, but the feed water is probably 60-70% of a regular watering, volume-wise. More seems to start burning 'em.

Good luck.
How often you need to feed the plants is relative to container size, room temperature, is there any wind blowing on the leaves? plant size, amoungst others.....

You need to lift containers when you've just fed them, and remember how heavy they are. As they dry out, they lose their weight. When a container is totally dry it will have VERY LITTLE weight to it....

Eventually, you will know how thirsty they are by how heavy they are.


Well-Known Member
You must have really good soil, ttt :) My plants are quick to yellow if I don't feed 'em, and I use a mix of FF (either Happy Frog or OF) with Pro-Mix.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Cost me like £5 for 50L or soemthing, as cheap as it comes. I frequently read about people feeding from a really early stage, even in hydro i often let them go weeks without a drop of nutes. That girl was cloned on the 25th May, just water still.



Active Member
Thanks for all the tips. You have no idea how badly I want to do this right as my first time and this information is greatly appreciated. Basically out of all of this there is just a ton of trial and error. Basically when the soil is dry, water and that schedule works with the feeding schedule which makes sense on how everything relies on environmental factors. Again thanks and hopefully soon I will be able to help the community by answering questions!!!


Well-Known Member
My leaves tell me before the soil does, really. When they're not thirsty, they're really perky and the top cola fan leaves are really just reaching up as much as they can. That is less pronounced when they start getting thirsty, and that is followed by a definite droop fairly quickly if I don't pay attention. This is a consequence of using fairly small containers - 3 gal. They dry out quick and it doesn't take a lot to water them, 1/2 gal at the most.