very late sativa Harvest mexican weed pics!


Well-Known Member
Went in the ground april 2010 and chopped at febuary 10 2011

i dont have a scale but what you guys think i will yield? Its almost dried and ready for cure.

here is a pick of what i chop a week before harvest it is 3 days into curing

this weed does horrible with a fast dry under cfl, so i dont know what flavor to really exspect it has a club soda taste and real up high


Well-Known Member
Dried and now curing, total weight with 6 day dry is 5 oz :) dont know why its so fucking leafy i gave it a super trim job i hope the cure will further curl it in a good looking bud.


Well-Known Member
doesnt look like you trimmed at all, but then again it looks like if you did trim there would be nothing there.