very important ventilation question


so today while i was away at work, my wife at home the cable guy came over. I tasked her to keep the grow supplies (nothing illegal) nutes, rockwool, timers etc. in the room, put away. He ends up walking in THAT room and sees it. He started talking to her about hydroponics and pot and what not which leads me to believe he's pot friendly. He told my wife to tell me to be careful cause he's seen cop dogs in this apartment complex and told her to make sure i get a VERY good ventilation system. I really only plan on harvesting two or three plants at a time with about 4 vegging. I'm already freaking out enough with the cable guy seeing my stuff but it led me to think... can a good ventilation system eliminate the scent out of the air so even a drug sniffing dog cant find it?


I'm not sure about the dogs but I would be more worried about the cable guy knowing about my grow. I wouldn't have even told my wife if I didn't have too and I'm a legal card holder.


I'm not sure about the dogs but I would be more worried about the cable guy knowing about my grow. I wouldn't have even told my wife if I didn't have too and I'm a legal card holder.

well i don't have anything illegal. and i am worried about him... so her letting him go in the spare room with all my shit after i asked her not kinda postpones my plans for a great long while.:cuss: