very important light question i cant find the answer to online someone help


just wondering, is it hazordous to cut the power cord from an old computer and hook it directly up to, a ceiling lamp with three light sockets on it? i have no switch, i just plug it in now and it turns on, i used eltrical tape to seal the spliced wires up, i plan to put 3 cfls if someone can tell me that its safe or not

i have not actualy left it on for long, because i dont know if it could be some kind of fire hazord?


Well-Known Member
It Is safe but, I always use heavy duty cords for light fixtures.

And I also you wire connectors wrapped with gorilla tape on connections


well, it is a heavy duty cord, and i even hooked up the ground wire, it just looks so ghetto i had to come on here and get some opinions from people, i mean shit it dosnt even have a switch lol