Very high humidity and bud rot outdoor

I recently moved to a different state more south from where I used to be in northern Cali and it is very humid here usually around 90 percent humidity and it rains a ton. I unfortunately don’t have the option to grow my plants indoor and I’ll have to guerilla grow outdoor. I only have the option of growing indica plants from seed as well and their in the seedling stage right now but when they reach flowering in a couple months outdoor with all the humidity and rain I don’t see how they won’t get but rot and mildew. Would spraying alkaline water on the buds after every rain or every day while it’s raining be affective enough to prevent most bud rot or is there another more affective way? They will be in a spot where wind won’t get to them very much either.
Same problem here-lost 3 lbs to that shit
I was told by a grower in Cali GOOD LUCK growin that shit in the south, so I went inside and it works great
Well, if you know what you could be facing, why grow certain varieties that you know will have troubles with constant high humidity and extended rain during their flowering periods! Yeah, that doesn't make much sense to me!
Get to know some of the locals and find out what they are growing. I bet there are some local strains that will do better.

Another thing that awaits you is the shorter light hours in the south. If your strains came from outdoor crops used to long light hours further north, they are going to flower sooner than you think. And it may just line up perfectly with your rainy season, like lots of my strains do. I'm far enough south I do a small spring crop (growing through the winter) every year to make up for my fall losses.
Get to know some of the locals and find out what they are growing. I bet there are some local strains that will do better.

Another thing that awaits you is the shorter light hours in the south. If your strains came from outdoor crops used to long light hours further north, they are going to flower sooner than you think. And it may just line up perfectly with your rainy season, like lots of my strains do. I'm far enough south I do a small spring crop (growing through the winter) every year to make up for my fall losses.
In the south does it stay warm enough to be able to grow them outdoor in the winter? If so I’ll grow all year long. Also I was just thinking I could set up garden wire plant cages all around my plants and put a tall stick in the middle with my plants inside so the rain wouldn’t get on them during flowering but humidity will affect them I should be able to make it work with a lot of care to them every day to make sure they don’t get bud rot.
In the south does it stay warm enough to be able to grow them outdoor in the winter? If so I’ll grow all year long. Also I was just thinking I could set up garden wire plant cages all around my plants and put a tall stick in the middle with my plants inside so the rain wouldn’t get on them during flowering but humidity will affect them I should be able to make it work with a lot of care to them every day to make sure they don’t get bud rot.
With a tarp over the plant cages
You need mold resistant strains. But in all honesty a gorilla grow will always have some kind of fucked up shit going on with it.
I should be able to put plant cages and a tarp and something to lift the tarp in the middle for rain to run off and stay off my buds in flowering but I don’t know what I’ll do about the high humidity other than constantly lightly spraying the buds with alkaline water using baking soda or something or maby the humidity won’t affect the buds but when their flowering I’ll be watching them all the time to make sure their ok.
I should be able to put plant cages and a tarp and something to lift the tarp in the middle for rain to run off and stay off my buds in flowering but I don’t know what I’ll do about the high humidity other than constantly lightly spraying the buds with alkaline water using baking soda or something or maby the humidity won’t affect the buds but when their flowering I’ll be watching them all the time to make sure their ok.
Good luck friend. Il be rooting for you.
I would do a landrace sativa, they are built for sub tropical/tropical weather.
The only slightly sativa plant I’ll be growing is my last green crack seed left if it sprouts but what I need to know is what is the best way to keep mold off of my buds in very high humidity, the only thing I can think of is to soak the buds in alkaline water all the time while it’s growing is there anything else you could think of more affective?
The only slightly sativa plant I’ll be growing is my last green crack seed left if it sprouts but what I need to know is what is the best way to keep mold off of my buds in very high humidity, the only thing I can think of is to soak the buds in alkaline water all the time while it’s growing is there anything else you could think of more affective?
Scrog it and keep the buds medium sized. At least you wont be growing massive buds which are more prone to Bud rot.
Scrog it and keep the buds medium sized. At least you wont be growing massive buds which are more prone to Bud rot.
The buds will probably be airy and medium sized anyway since the guerilla grow spot only get about 4 hours direct sun I’ll scrog probably more than half of the plants but I though bud rot got on them whether they are dense or not thanks for the information.
The buds will probably be airy and medium sized anyway since the guerilla grow spot only get about 4 hours direct sun I’ll scrog probably more than half of the plants but I though bud rot got on them whether they are dense or not thanks for the information.
It can get on them either way. However a smaller bud will have less layers to lock in moisture. Its helpful but will not get rid of the chance to get rot.
In the south does it stay warm enough to be able to grow them outdoor in the winter? If so I’ll grow all year long. Also I was just thinking I could set up garden wire plant cages all around my plants and put a tall stick in the middle with my plants inside so the rain wouldn’t get on them during flowering but humidity will affect them I should be able to make it work with a lot of care to them every day to make sure they don’t get bud rot.
I'm in NW Florida and have plants killed by the cold every winter. But I do no covering. If you could make a cover that didn't stand out you could do better. Or if you do have inside vegging options, you can get some vegged up about waist high and toss them out late winter/early spring and still get a crop before the nights gets too long for flower. (I've still got some really late spring crop plants flowering that have not revegged yet. But then I'm at 14 hours 4 minutes of daylight)

A tarp can actually trap moisture under it and make rot worse. There is no easy answer. I always start with 2-3 times the plants I think I will need to get through the year. And hope for the sun to shine during flowering.
I'm in NW Florida and have plants killed by the cold every winter. But I do no covering. If you could make a cover that didn't stand out you could do better. Or if you do have inside vegging options, you can get some vegged up about waist high and toss them out late winter/early spring and still get a crop before the nights gets too long for flower. (I've still got some really late spring crop plants flowering that have not revegged yet. But then I'm at 14 hours 4 minutes of daylight)

A tarp can actually trap moisture under it and make rot worse. There is no easy answer. I always start with 2-3 times the plants I think I will need to get through the year. And hope for the sun to shine during flowering.
I only have the option to veg my plants until about the second set of leaves then they have to get hardened off and outside where they will be under a lot of rain and they’ll get support but are you saying that they might not have enough time to flower? The days start getting shorter where I am in about 2 months so they’ll have a little time to veg.
I only have the option to veg my plants until about the second set of leaves then they have to get hardened off and outside where they will be under a lot of rain and they’ll get support but are you saying that they might not have enough time to flower? The days start getting shorter where I am in about 2 months so they’ll have a little time to veg.
I was talking about a spring crop. You will be fine with regard to flowering time with your full seasons.