Very first grow cfl Jordan of the Islands-Dutch Treat


So i have decided to start my first grow after touring this , and many other helpful sites . The seeds I have choose to use are Dutch Treat . They are from a breeder called Jordan of the Island . I beleive they are a Canadian breeder . I germinated 5 seeds in paper towel , and all five popped . Trying to find a method that will best suit me I have been trying various things . I put four of the seeds in Jiffy pots , and one of them in plantable pot made of fibers (coconut ) I am assuming , all of wich was purchesed at Canadian Tire . My searches for soil where a little lacking due to my location . Fall time , and all the stores that sell potable soil have been stocking their seasonal shelves with halloween items so all i had for options where miracle grow . I know people say not to use this brand , but its what I had for options , and like this is more of an informational grow trying to use the information I have picked up . After getting home i instantly went online , an ordered some foxfarms ocean forest soil . The price was a WoW factor as it costed over a hundred bucks for 2 bags . When the soil came in a planted one germed seed in that ( the plantable pot) . The soil seems to be drying up within a 24 hr period for both soils . Three seedlings have started to raise from the surface of the Miracle Grow Soil , but its only been about 4 days . IMG_0135.jpgIMG_0134.jpg

The closet is going to be a work in progress . There is no door on it , but it is a spare bedroom so there is no one going in there . I have a curtain covering the window the room blocking out as much of the light as possible . There is still some light leak , but i am thinking that this early in it shouldnt matter too much . First I wanna build a hardwood platform for the plants to sit on in the closet so they are not on the carpet . I rent the place so I dont really wanna tear out the carpet . Then I intened on taking mylar or something and covering the window in the room so i dont have to close the closet off . Will put this over the curtain sealing it with duct tape or something so that from the outside it will look like a closed curtain , but no light leak .

For my supplys I am using humboldt nutes , miracle grow starter nutes , and luke warm water pre poiled in an electric kettle .


Seven days in , and all the seeds have sprouted . All the leaves seem to be curling towards the soil . Looking up the Dutch Treat strain I have seen a few comments on these plants having curly leaves , but I am wondering if this is something on my part I am doing . So far I have to water the plants once a day due to the soil drying up . Soil looks very dry , and the pot is very light (its a light pot to start with :P ) I tried some miracle grow plant starter on the longest one , and also had to top up the soil on a few of them .

This Picture Was Taken Yesterday
All plants sproted.jpg
I was warned about being a first time grower , and constinly watching the plant grow , but its amazing how fast this all happens . I had to modify the lights I was using , because before the lights where pointing directly down on the plant , and all the light comes from the side , so I re set them , and hope this will be more then enough for the time being .
Light Fixture , and distance.jpg
I plan to build a PVC light that I have seen on the site consisting of 8 cfls

Here are some pictures of the leaf Bend if any one could possiblly tell me what would cause this or if its natural I would greatly appreciate it
Leaves curling down.jpgLeaves curling down 2.jpgThe Line up.jpg


I have started to water the plants once every second day , but the pots are seeming to be insanely dry when i do this . I also made a mistake that I am now seeing nute burn for . I bought a nute that was supposed to help with rooting , and i failed to read the instructions on it right , and instead of watering with it once a week i have used it in to consecutive waterings . They are all still growing tho so i am seeing this as a plus . Gave them all a little extra water to try and help wash out some of the nutrient .IMG_0147.jpgIMG_0148.jpgIMG_0149.jpg


How far are you keeping those lights from the plants? Looks kinda high up. I dont know much about CFLS but I know they are less strong than HPS, and my HPS 600 watt with no cool tube is just over 1 foot from my plants and they love it. Maybe also consider some shades to utilize more of those bulbs lumens.
also they dont need very much nutes or water for that matter, the earth has what they need, they are very small.
but keep up the love


Yea I was just getting carried away the nute said to use it as soon as the plants hit the soil pretty much. Not making that mistake again as I am now seeing burn . The lights are an inch or so above the plants , but for picture purposes I have to lift them up so the light dont mess up the picture .Also I picked myself up a soil moisture meter . Figure it will help me decide most efficient time for watering , and also a one time PH testing kit . Also will let me know NPK in the soil , and yes they are very small but they grow so much day by day . Flowering i assume is gonna be mind bogeling


Was going to take some more pics today , but forgot about the lights getting set back . Used to having another 2 hours to go in there at this time . The nute burn , and leaf bend was nothing to worry about as it seems the plants are doing just fine . Wishing I had some bigger pots to put these plants in , but must work with what i got . The wife put her foot down , and said no more investing money in the project for a little bit . Kinda got overwhelmed , and ordered what I thought was going to be a hydro bucket , but it wasn't . My fault i didn't read enough . Then I went on , and ordered a 6 site DWC from stealthhydro . Still waiting for that figure I will use it to try my hands at some clones in the future . Enough Jibber Jabber tho .

This was taken yesterday

I rebuilt the light fixture some time last week . Wanted to do so more , but like I said put on limitations .
Had to make the decision tho of putting them to Flower . Want to keep them semi small at harvest , and like I said these pots have to do . Hoping after this project I will be able to go buy a 600 watt dimmable ballast , and some air pots . Tomorrow I'll post up some single shots of all the plants .


Went and checked on the plants today after work . Work 12 hour rotating shifts , and this set the lights where off on the way to work , and one of them was touching the light . Hope it doesn't stress the plant too much . Other then that not much else has changed .

Plant 1

Plant 2
Plant 3
Plant 4
Plant 5

I welcome any and all Insight any one is willing to give . Tips , comments . Just remember I am on an incredibly low budget for this right now , and any spending has to get past threw mama .


Well-Known Member
Looks good. I just harvested some dutch treat, they're hanging in the closet as we speak. I'm scribed. Wouldn't mind seeing how yours turn out


DWC kit came in , took just a little over a month to get here . Haven't set it up just yet , but will some time in the near future just to make sure the pumps , and everything are all in working order . Also got a complete nute kit from them containing their nute powdered nutrient selection with ph down , and up , as well as ph strips . Was gonna flower in all of this ,but can only have one grow show go on so will have to wait as i said . The sex is all still unknown , and really can not wait to find out what they are .

As for pictures here they are .

IMG_0167.jpgIMG_0168.jpg IMG_0169.jpgIMG_0170.jpg
IMG_0171.jpgIMG_0172.jpg IMG_0173.jpgIMG_0174.jpg



I officially took my first swing at trimming today . Not thinking I did so well , tried to get as close to the stem as possible , but the scissors I have kinda gaped it . Hoping next swing goes a little better . Just wondering if most people trim right there on the floor or do they move them higher up . I'll post up pics tomorrow of it


Finally numbered them today so I could keep better track of them .

Plant 1-IMG_0177.jpgIMG_0178.jpg
Plant 2 - IMG_0184.jpgIMG_0185.jpg
Plant 3 - IMG_0186.jpgIMG_0187.jpg
Plant 4 - IMG_0182.jpgIMG_0183.jpg
Plant 5 - IMG_0179.jpgIMG_0181.jpg


Another picture day . I went out , and bought some nutrients for flowering plants today hoping that this will work better then what I had , still using the Snow nute tho . Also I have been noticing a tiny leaf build up on some of the plants . I am assuming that it is from light not being able to pierce threw the canopy of the leaves , but I am not sure on this just yet .

Plant 1 - Dt1 Side Nov 11.jpg Dt1 Top Nov 11.jpg
Plant 2- Dt2 Side Nov 11.jpgDt2 Top Nov 11.jpg
Plant 3 - Dt3 Side Nov 11.jpgDt3 Top Nov 11.jpg
Plant 4 - Dt4 Side Nov 9.jpgDt4 Top Nov 9.jpg
Plant 5 - Dt5 Side Nov 9.jpgDt5 Nov 9.jpg


Three of the plants have shown themselves as males and are getting the boot out of the room and I have a few more seeds Germinating still Dutch treat . One female and one yet to be determined .. Not happy with the outcome so far :( but I suppose it happens .. Tent and 600 watt hid will be in some time this week got it off of amazon so I am hoping for the best from it . Hope to upgrade them both in the future as I hope to have 3 individual tents . One propagation , vegging , and flowering . Also been looking at advanced nutrients badass lineup of products seem to be decent . I'll post some pictures up tomorrow .


It has been awhile since the last update but here she goes . Down to one plant , the one I was unsure of turned out to be female . I also had my new 4x4x7 tent come in , and 600 watt digital ballast .

since putting the single plant in this new tent I have been dealing with a new problem . The tent is supposed to be off gas free , so I'm not thinking that is it , but the plant seems to be developing yellowing leaves at the bottom of the plant .


Rain Dancer

If the leaves started yellowing near the bottom them it could be a nitrogen issue? No experience with the issue myself just yet but a friend of mine told me about his plants turning yellow from the lower leaves and it was a nitrogen defficiancy(sp?) in the soil that caused the problem.

Also, thanks for posting on my journal :) wanted to return the favor


Yea I had boiled it down to heat stress . Didn't have an extraction fan in the tent , and once I did that it stopped almost immediately . Thanks for the input (y)


That grow has finished and been smoked . I didn't have any pictures of it as I didn't have the time and it didn't seem like there was very much interest in the thread . I have another 4 going and might document them in this journal