very first grow and setup


Active Member
Ok so I started this grow when I acquired a tent (4.5' 4.5' 6'), lights (400w and a 600w), pots, whole nutrient line (general organics) and a 2 week old purple haze plant at my house due to my freind not being able to keep it at his so I figured i might as well try it so I set it all up and just put the plant under the light and kept watering it as needed then I began to read a lot about growing and got pretty obsessed....I ordered a 4" fan with the carbon filter, 20 lb co2 tank and regulator, autopilot green house master controller, humidifier, air purifier, and a 7000btu portable air conditioner. I still have the first plant vegging on 18/6 light and it's probably about 6 weeks old now but I wanted to get clones from it only reason. I now have 1 clone that rooted 2 days ago and 3 more that I just cut today and put directly into soil (vigoro organic), and I planted some bag seeds (6) that are about two weeks old now. Yesterday I was messing around with slightly bending the main stem to try and lay it over a bit to bush up the bottom of the plant and ended up snapping the main stem it was only hanging by a thread so I put tape around it and then put a splint in there and taped it up hopefully she recovers. Using my master controller i have the temp set at 80 degrees f, humidity at 50rh, co2 at 1500ppm. Just wanted to share with some experienced growers and see what you all thought!



That bigger one looks rough is that the one with the snapped stem? If so it might not recover. I'd also try to up my feedings they look a little yellow. But pretty sweet set up for a first time grow. Congrats on them making the move I love a few plants in a move once.


Well-Known Member
I'm looking at the third picture at the plant in the middle, if the soil has shrunk then you are should increase their watering.
Great setup for a first grow. Goodluck


Active Member
:cry:Yes the bigger one is the one with the snapped stem I really hope she recovers and I will increase watering should I use the nutrients every time if it's very often or every other maybe? And any ideas why some leaves are turning yellow and getting crispy? And thanks I figured if I'm gona do it I might as well try and do it right


Active Member
And if the big one doesn't make it that would kind of just be like topping the plant right? Should I seperate it and treat the top half as a clone before it's too late?


Well-Known Member
lemme strat by sayin that you have a very nice setup maybe even a bit of overkill at this stage of growth (wait till you see the energy bill)
next the big one will be okay just let her recover, if she cant make it in a few days and is only worsening then yes lop off the top and itll be just as if it wede topped/fimmed.
the yellowing and crunchy leaves is, i beleive related to the soil because one of those lil seedlings is in a pot that appears to have perlite in the mix and looks fine while the others in that straight bark looking stuff seem to be suddering a bit.
what kind of soil is that?


Well-Known Member
:cry:Yes the bigger one is the one with the snapped stem I really hope she recovers and I will increase watering should I use the nutrients every time if it's very often or every other maybe? And any ideas why some leaves are turning yellow and getting crispy? And thanks I figured if I'm gona do it I might as well try and do it right
no dont feed every watering, seedlings and clones at that stage dont even need nutes yet honestly


Active Member
Ok thanks thats probaly it It's vigoro organic but I have a local shop that I'm going to stop by and pick up some soil from there I just grabbed this at home Depot cuz I needed somthing asap. I ended up just chopping the top off because I got scared and figured if I waited to long I would have zero chance of saving the top to be a clone and save the I did that and I have some clonex that I did it with hopefully she grows roots we shall see...



Well-Known Member
good shit brotha she looks 100% betterand hopefully youll have 2 plants in a couple of weeks right? only thing ill say id cloning apical stems is damn near impossible in my experience and im not tooting my own horn but ive literally made thousands of clones, it seems to me they lack the hormones necessary to begin rooting. but ive vot my fingers crossed for you :)