very 1st time


So I have always been curios if I could grow my self. And have tried b4 with failure <this was with out any resarch.> so then I started looking into information on it and now have 8 plants of my own growing. very proud of my self and realized. Putting them outside is much easier. Now I have another worry on my mind. The seeds I had were just from a stah of mine so I am waiting to identfy the sex of the plans whhich I can't find yet. But what I am really wondering is are my plants going to produce a decent crop or harvest worth while of my time being I don't know anything really of their origin or prperties. Plese let me know what u think


Active Member
You could be lucky and get a good bag seed :D
Cant say it's never happened.
As for lighting, the sun is the best you can get.
You won't be able to tell the sex till a month or so into veg OR a few weeks into flower.
Depends on strain.
There are also other variables to consider with your success.
What kind of medium are you using?
Ph'd water?


the key is genetics. and i have got lucky from some random seeds. i always pop seeds just to see. you never know. for bag seeds amd stuff what i do is use a well amended soil that will feed for awhile and put it outside and let them rip.

as Puckuck stated there are plenty of thing besides genetics that can affect the yield.


I'm hoping so. And ast for nutrients. I was using a tad of miracle grow. And another onew that I put on topsoil. Whit. Nitogen and stuff in that I found on a differnt site to use. One thing I've notice to my plants. Are the leaves are much wider and blades are bigger then any of the ditch weed around these parts. But the junk is buddin and stuff already and mine has nothing


Active Member
don't worry about the other stuff, when your stuff is ready it will bud. By not knowing what it is, you don't know if u have a late bloomer or not. One thing all this has taught me over the years is patients. As for your yield you can only controll the things that you can controll. What I mean is genetics are hugh but, there nothing you can do about them at this point. The other things like nutes, maintaince, PH, and over all care are the things u can controll. So just make sure all those things are as good as can be. That gives you your best chance at a good yield. Good Luck and burn one ( or two, or three.....) for us.

PS you can take a clone from one of the plants and put it directly into an early flower (12/12) to tell the sex. That way if u do have a male u can get rid of it or use it for what ever u want. But at least u will know early.


So here is another question for u. I've been looking at ordering sum seeds to try out and start again. But I'm learning they can be very pricey. Do almost all the seeds germinate when u start them I usually use a green house set up with peat pellets to get them started. Or is their a better way that I haven't tried. Don't wanna kill seeds. After spending that kind of money


Well-Known Member
I reccon its like 90% germinateing rate .. and they are wort it .. good genetic is the key ..

and look around many seed companys give free seeds away if you buy .. and often have nice offers/sales aswell ..

40$ I just payd for 5 femi LSD seeds .. and the 2 I put in the cups with soil and waterd with temperd rain water germinatet 48 hrs after .. and look sweet ;)


So I had to abandon my garden when I was forced to. Move. Don't know if I can sneak back in the woods to c. It or not. But I bought a new aerogarden to try out in my bad. Can any1 give me any pointers. On the best way to use this. Or advice