Vertigo Auto Fems 180w Advanced LED


Well-Known Member
This is my first Auto and LED grow. Im using a single 180w Extreme Flower, 3x3 tent, 6-3 gal geopots and 4-2 gal dirtbags. Peat moss-perlite mix with Advanced Nutes. Its not 100% LED, the first week before I got the light, I vegged under a Tek-Two T5HO. 6 of them look very good with 4 runts in the group. The pic is 25 days from seed. My Coolpix is unable to take pics with the LED on, toatally distorts the pic! This is from my phone, much clearer but not great. All plants are showing pistils, should start budding soon. Paradise Seeds says around 60 days, so we will see:lol:



Well-Known Member
Looking good there! I have the same light, and absolutely love it! Great choice, I'm sure you'll be happy with it. I'll be watching your grow for sure. Good luck!


Well-Known Member
Heres the girls at 32 days from seed. 3 are starting to bud ahead of the rest but they all have gotten pretty big. The tallest in the back right corner is 16" and the other 5 big ones are just an inch or two shorter. Very close in phenos, even the runts, with one being bushier than the rest. Very even branching around the room w/o rotating much. Just started feeding full strength nutes switching to Dyna-Grow Bloom for this one. After some comparisons, other than high THC levels, Im kinda disappointed in Advanced Nutrients. My WW has done really good, but I also have some Herijuana in flower and they are showing mag deficiency and very leafy. Difficult strain for me. Not really filling out very much either. But anyways, heres the Vertigo girls:-P



Well-Known Member
Theyre getting big:lol: All are budding now. The one furthest along are about 10 days or so into flowering. Ive moved them around a little. The one in the middle right was directly under the light week before last and appears the light burnt it, Even being 18 inches above it. If its not light burn, I dont know what caused it on just one plant. I put the smallest runt in the middle yesterday, the light seems almost too intense directly below the unit, they get bigger after I move them to the side. The ones just outside the center look the best. And again, sorry for the shitty pics. My good camera cant come close to taking a clear pic under this light.



Well-Known Member
Looking great bro! I can't wait to see how that many plants buds under the 180w...most I've had the space to do was 3. I have the same camera issues with taking good pics under the led...flash helps some, but it's like I need a giant flashlight too.


Active Member
looking nice! Im growin one of those atm alongside three other autos as well but yours look a shit load healthier! Nice light Im intrigued with these LED's as well for my next grow. mines about 55 days old but im using a low cfl so I can't comment on 60 day mark,mine wont be lol


Well-Known Member
Well, the one that started first was 20 days old when it showed its first pistils, so 26 days since then. The rest started withen the following week.


Well-Known Member
It appears that a couple may actually be ready at day 60. Its not going to be as big of a harvest as I was hoping b/c of the strain. From many of the pics of autos Ive found recently, I look to be right up on growth and bud size. So Im not gonna blame the LED for the size of the buds, which are rather decent sized anyway. Ill be growing a Big Bud or two under it after the clones take off and the room is empty to see what it really does. But these little girls are pretty frosty and stinky:hump:

Heres a few of the biggest one out from under the LED.



Well-Known Member
Looks bomb, but not quite ready if it was up to me, and sort of small even for an auto. what size pots did you use and did u run the light on 24/0 or 20/4 or 18/6? What kind of yield are you expecting off that one in the pics and from all of them together?


Active Member
It appears that a couple may actually be ready at day 60. Its not going to be as big of a harvest as I was hoping b/c of the strain. From many of the pics of autos Ive found recently, I look to be right up on growth and bud size. So Im not gonna blame the LED for the size of the buds, which are rather decent sized anyway. Ill be growing a Big Bud or two under it after the clones take off and the room is empty to see what it really does. But these little girls are pretty frosty and stinky:hump:

Heres a few of the biggest one out from under the LED.
Hey man gonna jump in here and say give her longer (unless youve reached your trichs then ignore me) I had my plant looking like yours and she is erm I think about 75 this Fri ish and she is showed some incredible growth in a crazy 5 day stint- Ive got same pot size as you, 60 days is under prime conditions and mine are so far from that is fucking laughable lol Its ofcourse upto you my friend but as for hieght and growth pattern- almost identical! Keep it up dude!


Well-Known Member
No, theyre not ready. Most are in 3 gal Geopots with about 2 gal of soil running 18/6. They still have at least week left for a couple and probably two weeks or so for the rest. Im hoping for about a half oz per plant. They are all, except for the smallest runt, around 18-20 inches tall. That bud is about 2" in diameter and dense a hell and the plant has always been in the corner of the tent. Im still not gonna blame the light. For only 180w, Im impressed. I would need to see other Vertigos for a good comparison. I couldve done better with some things Ive recently learned on here. Different nute schedule among some other stuff. I kinda burnt them a few weeks ago. Ill scrog a Big Bud for the real test. Its no hid, but for the power consumption, Im happy. If I can get a half oz per, that will be 5 ozs from 180 watts. Thats 140 grams, the actual draw of the light is around 160 watts, so it will be just under 1g per watt. But still a few weeks til we will know. Im optimistic and hope for more, but expect less.


Well-Known Member
Hey man gonna jump in here and say give her longer (unless youve reached your trichs then ignore me) I had my plant looking like yours and she is erm I think about 75 this Fri ish and she is showed some incredible growth in a crazy 5 day stint- Ive got same pot size as you, 60 days is under prime conditions and mine are so far from that is fucking laughable lol Its ofcourse upto you my friend but as for hieght and growth pattern- almost identical! Keep it up dude!
Thanks for the response SG. Yea, Im gonna wait til the pistils receed. I want the higher cannabaniod percent over thc anyway. Explosive growth at 70 days, huh? Cool. Im not in a rush.Thanks again StonedGuru.


Well-Known Member
So how did the buds turn out? How much did you yield?
I just cut down 3 this morning. They are as big as most other buds Ive grown under hps:) Heres the top cluster from one next to a WW grown under 600w hps that I took down a couple days ago. It has shrunk a little, but both bods were very similar in size, but I think the Vertigo is heavier and denser and the trich production is on a level Ive never seen before. The coverage area may be smaller, but you get much more quality in that area. Ill have a total yeild in a couple weeks or so.

