Vertical Scrog LED Closet Grow || Flooded Tube/ NFT || 450w - Headband - 2’ x 3’

Are these LEDs going to produce fat, sticky buds?

  • The buds are going to be amazing and you'll wonder why anyone uses HIDs.

    Votes: 18 19.1%
  • The buds will be good, and the yield will be good compared to the power used.

    Votes: 33 35.1%
  • The buds are going to be fluffy and weak and you'll wonder why anyone flowers with LEDs.

    Votes: 10 10.6%
  • Why not just wait and see?

    Votes: 33 35.1%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
@doc.I'm trying to keep it together brother.NEVER thought cancer would hit this close to soon as I get back to my side of town I'm jumping on it asap.I remember you telling me about 190proof liquor but I'm not sure.if u can hit me up.p.s. how's the wife and kids! :-)
Great news about the good lady in your life. Best thing that even happened to me was finding mine. People talk about the day their child was born beign the best day of their life. Don't know what the fuck that's about. Lol.... mine was definitely the day I married my wife, followed closely by the day we met. The day my child was born fucking sucked, haha. I mean, I got a kid out of it, but was by far not a day I'd ever like to go through again. Would rather go through my night in jail to be honest.

Not quite fluent. The main problem is where I life. In the south people have a wild accent, and they speak fast as fuck. People from other parts of the country can't even understand them. Hopefully by the time I leave I'll understand what people are saying. I am getting better though. Phone calls are the hardest and these days they are somewhat successful. The first few weeks, I'd just write down words I picked out of the call and try to figure out what it was all about once we hung up. It's pretty cool starting to think in another language. What makes it harder is communicating so much in english, like online or talking with my parents on the phone.

I do miss the gals, but being alone is pretty nice. I'm ready for it to be over, but did enjoy it while it lasted. Not many people get the opportunity, so I soaked it up bigtime. Just did my thing all day everday for almost 12 weeks now. Little miss is a fucking charm. She's just barely starting to talk, says "Yes" and "Bye". Not sure if she's figured anything else out yet. Oh, she also does sign language, it's super cute. Can say like 15 words in sign. She's climbing on everything like a monkey, and just getting cuter and cuter by the day. I'm really ready to get back with her. She gets a lot from my energy that she doesn't get from mom or any of the other relatives. I give her space to relax. With the rest of the fam it's just kinda stress and go go go all the time. We chill, me and her. :)

And yes, she's getting big, and she is damn near 2 years old. Less than 2 months. Good memory bro.

Thanks so much for dropping in and saying hello. I've missed you.

Interesting pick of days jug but honestly I think it makes complete sense. Then again I've done neither. I mean other than meet my woman.

It's always the south of countries that are harder to understand. Why is that? lol. Southern twang came to mind. Taking language on head on is impressive though bud.

Don't give me too much credit. I just now remembered "little miss's" name. lol. H as I believed you referred to her. 2 is an interesting age for kids. My woman actually has three. It's always interesting when I see them.
Missed you and the guys too. Still ain't heard from whodat though. Hope everyone is well. Been meaning to get back to following you guy but you know it's hard for me when I'm not to growing. Im gonna try to make a concerted effort to get on a couple days a week. Even if just to read.
I am working all the time Jojo and so missed your sad post.

SG and the others are the smartest edible-wise.

....but I am a Mycologist and must refer you to potent mushroom
extracts that can help in these situations.

I am not a doctor and cannot even suggest the best species, but
do not leave them off your list.

Watch will love it:

I have been toying with the idea of making and selling Trametes Versicolor
capsules. I even have the caps, bottles, and dessicant. :0)

I wish you all the best.

I guess you could try it bass. Personally I would hold on and save up some cash. GreenGenes is about to come out with a manufactured cob light. Id be waiting for his If I wasnt building my own. Thats my 2cents.
I guess you could try it bass. Personally I would hold on and save up some cash. GreenGenes is about to come out with a manufactured cob light. Id be waiting for his If I wasnt building my own. Thats my 2cents.
I would build my own as well if I much about them.
Maybe I can copy yours lol...
I researched LED lights from China, but dont really know who has the real deal.
Cree or Vero Cobs. Meanwell drivers. all brand name USA stuff if you are building your own. GreenGenes is using good parts too. Lights will be more than 100$ though. If your on a budget the LEC 315 is a good light. (still 500$) I may even get one to run eventually. Really for the start up price hid is a good deal. why buy led unless it will perform better? dont buy chinese garbage IMO you will regret it. wait and get something good. :-)
Hey SG, have you seen the illumitex neosol DS??

Just wondering your thoughts on em if you have. The price tag is steep but they seem to be on point.
Hey family what's going on? Well I'm planning on stretching the table to 12feet by 4feet with 3 k Wats.yes I plan on having fun but the work will be interesting .
That's right. Lol
How cool to be able to raise your kid over seas for awhile.
his daughter is a big cuttie. Kids are usually scared of me,
she grabbed me by the finger and gave me her personal tour, too cute.

Still want an update
Yeah man... no more fun. Kinda sucks. Trade offs I guess. I get my food delivered to me every meal now. But damned if I don't have to get up with a little baby in the morning. I liked sleeping in till 1 or 2 or 4 pm. :)

My wife is headed back to the states for 3 weeks though... however... baby will be here with me... so basically the opposite of Rodriguez. Maybe not though... chicks dig a dude with a cute kid huh?

I did manage to piss a girl off while I was alone though. Not sure how or why, but someone who was overly friendly to me before wife got here, now will not say hello to me. Oops. #RodriguezFail

Plants are pretty shitty tbh. The cheap tent we got has finally collapsed yesterday burning a few tops on the light. Luckily no fire while I was out in town though when it happened. The girls have mites too. I've killed all but about 5 of the 55 clones I took. #cloneFail I've really kinda fucked things up here. :( And also I think 3 plants are re-vegging. Not sure how that happened as everything's together. Really odd. Different strains too. Just odd.

A lady dropped a kitty in our yard the other night. It was not fun as the cat was too young to be separated from it's mother and cried like CRAZY all day and night. It ran away though, so no more kitty... for now. While it was here Hannah threw the thing in the pool. Poor kitty. I wonder why it ran away, lol.

Not sure what else... I'm tan as a mofo. My spanish is pretty fucking good these days. And the karaoke next door doesn't seem to ever end. :) One of these days I'm going to get us invited to one of their parties.

Love you guys. Hope all is well back in the states. How about that Donald Trump guy? He sure is something.