@ Med, whats inside that bucket?
I see a soil-less mix it seems, then into the bucket??
I am lost, but sounds very intriguing!!That one has Coco/Perlite, but I Usually run with straight Turface. I use Microfiber Wicks in all my containers to drain the PWT (Perched Water Table) OUT of the bucket so I can feed them Frequently without restricting the O2. That plant was not Top Fed, so it Pulled the Nutes up TO the Roots from the Bucket below via MicroFiber Cloth. It is a Super Simple way to grow. Early Veg requires almost NO Attention as the Res created like the pic below is almost like growing in a Hempy Bucket (using Turface instead of Perlite)! WooHoo!
That one has Coco/Perlite, but I Usually run with straight Turface. I use Microfiber Wicks in all my containers to drain the PWT (Perched Water Table) OUT of the bucket so I can feed them Frequently without restricting the O2. That plant was not Top Fed, so it Pulled the Nutes up TO the Roots from the Bucket below via MicroFiber Cloth. It is a Super Simple way to grow. Early Veg requires almost NO Attention as the Res created like the pic below is almost like growing in a Hempy Bucket (using Turface instead of Perlite)! WooHoo!
I love simple. It seems complicated sometimes in the explaining, but that's why i love my setup. It's so easy.
Hehehe, I didnt say it was a Simple System to Create, just a Simple System to USE! The Science in Building might be considered Complicated, but only in relation to the putting the different principles in ONE Whole System. My only job is Maintaining the Res, minus Res Changes! WooHoo! I LOVE that part! Add Only with NO Res Changes!
Tried a compost pile this time to see what would happen:
Thanks! That Sativa just keeps going as long as the weather allows. Since the rain has been sparse this fall I can let her keep going. It was sunny, clear, and 67 here today. It was 61 when I took the pic. It will dip down to the 40's tonight.
The FHA finances farm or rural tracts with 95% financing.good deal i have figured i am going to be good here. now i just need land, and we are working on it now. we found 13 acres we like and we are trying to work some thing out. the average bank will not lend on anything over 5 some now we have to do some looking![]()