Vertical Scrog LED Closet Grow || Flooded Tube/ NFT || 450w - Headband - 2’ x 3’

Are these LEDs going to produce fat, sticky buds?

  • The buds are going to be amazing and you'll wonder why anyone uses HIDs.

    Votes: 18 19.1%
  • The buds will be good, and the yield will be good compared to the power used.

    Votes: 33 35.1%
  • The buds are going to be fluffy and weak and you'll wonder why anyone flowers with LEDs.

    Votes: 10 10.6%
  • Why not just wait and see?

    Votes: 33 35.1%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
You can borrow mine, she needs an attitude adjustment.



She needs somethin' Dank, but I'm not thinking attitude adjustment :fire:
CalMag also has iron and zinc, I think. Hey, I'm a rapper!

The leaves just look a little pale in the pictures. Every time I see that in my cab I hit them with some CalMag and they darken right up. Many of the LED growers have said they needed to increase CalMag usage.

Alone? Is there snow? I can be there in an hour :)

Puff puff pass


My LED (veg only) turned all plants under it into major league magnesium whores. Overall can't say I was that happy with the performance of that LED relative HO T5's, especially considering the cost. I guess it would probably do better flowering comparatively as it does penetrate the canopy better, but none of the plants under it seemed as happy as they were under my T5's.

Pretty curious to see how this works out in a vertical setup.
Its all or nothing in there. Things are fine, no bleaching until they cross the threshold of doom and they burn to an absolute crisp. Its where the glass/ plastic was. Once anything enters the dome of the reflector its toast.

glad to see you guys over here. Its about to all happen. Got about a week before harvest.
Nice Jig. Exited to hear what it all turns out too.. Im babysitting atm. Funny kid.. Whats this? Whats that? Uncle uncle uncle! Go away doggie! :P
My idea of attitude adjustment gives a whole new meaning to A.A. Meetings!

Kirk to Starfleet, I'm in a meeting at the moment!


when I saw ur name I was like "not another one of 'em swag fellas" then you post sorry my friend lol a++
Nice Jig. Exited to hear what it all turns out too.. Im babysitting atm. Funny kid.. Whats this? Whats that? Uncle uncle uncle! Go away doggie! :P

Dude, seriously, fuck the teletubbies. I hate that shit. Had to listen to them ALLLL day at this stupid job I worked once. Was a holiday thing at the mall and I sold BS stuff at the Discovery Channel Store, so all day I got to listen to either Teletubbies or Andrea Bocelli.

That baby in the sun is the devil! lol
Haha devil baby! Sounds like a awfull job man id go crazy :) Bocelli aight tho :P Actually they kinda creep me out. If one was to surprise me in a teletubbi suit i would probably panic and beat the shit out of them.
Ive tried Land before time and the new turbo seems kinda fun :) But he just wont concentrate on anything than those lame tubbies :/ Now he is hiding cause i wanna wipe his nose. Even tho he is sick he is all over the place.
Good times. Glad you get some time with the little one. They are a lot of fun especially when you can give them back to mom and dad.
The "Baby Einstein" Educational Videos worked GREAT for entertaining the little ones, usually in their swing or that Bouncy thing! Kids are 10 and 13 now, and they have always been ahead of the curve in school, which I DO partially credit to the KNOWLEDGE they learned WHILE watching! Music, Colors, Shapes, Art.... lots of AWESOME Vids! You should def Googley It!

Might want to move them away from the plants. How are your temps. With LEDs I have a cold cabinet.

If you're referencing me, they weren't that close. Temps are ok, I have HPS running heating my house too ;)

I think they just didn't like the mix they were in which was light on magnesium. But I mean they became major league Mg Whores. It was kind of ridiculous. I'd heard of it but didn't quite expect to see it as much.
The "Baby Einstein" Educational Videos worked GREAT for entertaining the little ones, usually in their swing or that Bouncy thing! Kids are 10 and 13 now, and they have always been ahead of the curve in school, which I DO partially credit to the KNOWLEDGE they learned WHILE watching! Music, Colors, Shapes, Art.... lots of AWESOME Vids! You should def Googley It!


I'll check it out. So far we read to the little one each night. When I say 'we' I mean my wife does. One of her books is called Introductory Calculus for Infants.

Wife takes her on weekly cultural outings... museums mostly. The science museum is her favorite so far. And we are teaching her sign language along with speaking 3 languages to her regularly.

I don't actually think she is going to be in school. We are most likely going to home school her for about a dozen reasons... none of which are religious. :) And very little having to do with 'exposing' her. I feel like when I knew kids who were home schooled it's either because their parents were borderline fanatic Christians, or they thought public school were dangerous. Well public schools are dangerous, but so is the world. :) That's one of the reasons I would like baby to go to school... to get a little tough. haha... but we'll see.

The biggest thing is that public schools want the student to 'be there' a certain percentage of the time. Well we have bigger plans than to stay in one place for years and years. We plan to be very mobile and flexible. So baby will be too. :)

It helps me and my wife have just about every subject covered between us.
I think if you want to home school you definitely need to find some clubs or groups or something to bring her to on a regular basis to learn social skills. I have 2 family members that homeschooled their kids and they didn't/aren't turning out as hoped for. They had zero social interaction and now have general anxiety disorders when around people! Gotta be careful going down that road to make sure baby doesn't turn into a hermit!
Never that. Thanks for the warning, but I'm very much into social interaction for kids. We're thinking of having her part time in an alternative type school that will let her away. Montessori or whatever, I don't know that much about it... I was a public school kid. But I guess there are different types of learning facilities out there and the alternatives aren't as rigid as public school.

You really think I'd let me kid be a weirdo??? I think that's a trick question.

But the real question. WHY did they home school their kids?
Rereading my post I was a little overbearing. So where I say "you need" replace it with "I'd recommend" cuz I hate when fuckers tell me what to do :)
Maybe because modern crap like Common Core amount to Gleischaltung?

I am just saying.

We require their "daycare services", as we both work (or are supposed to),
but I pay attention to the crap that they are being exposed to...

We are behind on the planning, as my daughter is 4 now...I can't believe that btw....but we want to home school her. The biggest reason being that the public schools here suck, and we can't begin to afford private or specialty. I went to public schools, and sure there are negatives to it, but I'm not nearly as concerned about the environment as I think my wife is. She had some crazy stuff happen in her school though so I suppose it impacted her differently. I knew some of those very unadjusted home schooled kids, and it always makes me think twice, but they had very unadjusted/ unstable parents so I really think it was a trickle down effect. The kids can't learn how to act in public if their parents don't know how to in this case. Anyway, we are working on finding some other kids for her to interact with, she had a blast at the library last week they have a big learning/play area and she got to play with a few kids for a bit. Its tough, we are trying to meet some others in the new area we live in, but meeting new people is hard....meeting new cool people is even harder. I'm hoping she will play nice with the daughter of the glass blower I'm learning from. She is a few years older but Chloe tends to do better with kids a little older. Guess we'll see.

Hope you guys are having a great day BTW, its snowing here again, think we're just staying in. I need to figure out this whole going to AZ thing. We want to go, and we don't........its kinda one of those things. I'm mostly concerned with spending a week away from my garden, I know I can set things up to be ok, I'm just anxious about it. I also don't know how I feel about spending a week stuck with my parents, with no bud, and no vehicle of my own. My wife is also mildly afraid to fly :).

Edit: I totally hear that JD, if my wife and I were both to try to work, the daycare alone would take a HUGE amount of the extra income she brought in.
PBS for TV. Our kids never watched regular TV except Disney channel (back before it had commercials). We read every day to both of our girls. They had Duplo and Lego blocks, boy toys and girl toys. Played outside in the dirt. Apparently ants are spicy and rolly polly bugs are yummy :P Their most favorite thing was the trampoline. They would jump on it for 4 hours a day without us forcing it on them. Just like you said Jig - it is dangerous, but the world is dangerous.

We put them in a Montessori school that my wife found. The woman who ran it was trained at the Maria Montessori school by Maria's son. It was amazing to see how my daughters differed in their application of the program. One daughter went through every learning task that the school had while the other one found a favorite task and did it over and over.

Also expose them to as many different fruits and vegetables as you can. At this young age you can form brain pathways that will last a lifetime based on smells, taste and touch. Slice up an orange and tell her it is an orange (in all 4 languages) and let her smell it. Now do this with everything good and bad.

I will warn you now - the hardest thing in the world is raising smart children! I don't mean that it is hard to make them smart, I mean that smart children are like MJ - you need to watch them all of the time!

Mine are young adults now and I am still teaching and learning :)
