Vertical ScrOG 400W GH Flora Series 4 Strains DWC :)


Well-Known Member
So I forgot to share this pic. I love it. This is Lambs Breath at 31 days 12/12IMGP2463.jpg I'll take some more shots in a bit when the lights come on and after I go tutor my friend's son... yay. Oh... I got my next round of clones coming. I rigged up a fog/dwc setup, finally. I'm thinking it will be most effective for increasing rootmass during veg and speeding up veg. I doubt I'll try it in flower... but maybe I will?


Well-Known Member
That looks good.How many tops are their?
Lol, a lot. All the foremost tops that you see are fairly similar in size, just the top row is standing more upright bc they're above the screen. I tried to count all the budsites last night on all 4 plants, but got stoned and lost count. I'm gettin anxious, the top 44 should be ready in about 2- 2 1/2 weeks. They may actually come down in 44 days but I think I'll have to go a few days more, maybe 50. This plant I think should be done in around 9 weeks so it'll have an extra 2 weeks (4 weeks from the photo) to fatten up! ;-) Can't wait! I'm broke and out of smoke.


Active Member
dude. looks killer! it seems your using every lumen that 400 has to offer. cant wait to see how it finishes up and yield. and i cant wait for shred season


New Member
thats sick, i though all the plants were weaved ito the mesh but how did you get them out ??

awesome !!! rep


Well-Known Member
wow I'm very impressed, as a suggestion it would be smart to get a hood shining on the tops so you have both the middle and top of your plants receiving optimum light. I would imagine a great increase in yield


Well-Known Member
thats sick, i though all the plants were weaved ito the mesh but how did you get them out ??

awesome !!! rep
I let them go for a bit then i put a small screen on. Because I haven't built a good support structure, i had to start with a small screen. Then as they got bigger, twice I cut the screen off and put them on a new one and sorta wove them in where i could. I also use these rubber coated wire plant twist ties to hold them to the screen. Then in flower I just kept pulling all the budsites I could find toward the light until about 3 weeks in and now I'm just letting them go.

wow I'm very impressed, as a suggestion it would be smart to get a hood shining on the tops so you have both the middle and top of your plants receiving optimum light. I would imagine a great increase in yield
Yeah, I thought about getting a parabolic reflector hood but I didn't have the money at the time. For the next time I flower, I want to build a small support structure for each bucket. I haven't decided exactly how I'm gonna do it, but I plan on building 8 small frames that each make 1/8th of a spherish frame. I wanna stack 3 lights, with HPS on the outside and MH in the middle (they make double cooltubes) That way I can use the whole space the same distance in any direction from the light. So directly above the top of the top bulb the frame would hang over at an angle and the buds would hang down toward the light. Humidty might be an issue, but I will just add like 3 fans blowing directly up into the cage thing from ground level. I'm doodling at the moment, watching snowboard videos and smokin a blunt. I love the mountains.


Well-Known Member
Harvested the Top 44 yesterday and the purple kush today. May have been a tad bit early on the purps, but the trichs were about half creamy, half clear. Pics in a bit.


Well-Known Member
Great grow snowgrow. This has convinced me to go vertical scrog when I eventually have the money/space. Excited to see these pictures. +Rep

days to daze

Active Member
hey i hope your still checking back on this..
I love your grow its exactly what im planning (im waiting on clone which i took 10 weeks into flowering, its going to be another month or so before i can get clones from her. shes a badass plant though so worth the wait)

moving on..
so can i just ask how long you vegged for again. from cuttting the clone.. was it like 2 weeks cloner and 4 weeks veg?

any tips for this sort of grow? how often do you change the water and how.. i always imagen it being really annoying to do.. i would love any feedback on it thanks :)


Well-Known Member
So a little bummer, I accidentally deleted the pics of my harvest :-( ...and it's all gone :-). Didn't get as much off them as I wanted. Haven't cut down the lamb's breath yet, but the Top 44, Purple Kush, and the White all added up to 4 oz which is a lot less than I wanted. Pretty sure I know the problem, though. The average distance from the bulb was about 14 inches with a 400w. I let them get too wide, so I couldn't get them closer without blocking each other out so they didn't get the light intensity they needed. For my next grow I'm buying 2 more 400s and stacking them, hps/mh/hps, and trying to keep the girls closer to the glass, so I'll have 3 levels of 3 slightly smaller plants. I'm gonna buy a cheap light intesity meter and create a screen that will keep the canopy all at an even level of light intensity. Hopefully that, coupled with a co2 controller, will throw off some much denser nugs. Still, I'm pretty stoked bc even though it came out a little fluffy, it's dank as hell, and I'll have more *improved* bud in 7 weeks :)
hey i hope your still checking back on this..
I love your grow its exactly what im planning (im waiting on clone which i took 10 weeks into flowering, its going to be another month or so before i can get clones from her. shes a badass plant though so worth the wait)

moving on..
so can i just ask how long you vegged for again. from cuttting the clone.. was it like 2 weeks cloner and 4 weeks veg?

any tips for this sort of grow? how often do you change the water and how.. i always imagen it being really annoying to do.. i would love any feedback on it thanks :)[/QUOTE

hey daze, i had em in the cloner for about 2 weeks and about 5 week veg. Try and plan it out so your plants will be able to stay close to the light in the right temp ranges, thats where i screwed up. For instance, using my 400w hps again, i would have 3 instead of 4 plants and probably only vegged them for 3-4 weeks so i can keep them close to the light. Basically they can all but touch the glass with the fan hooked up the way it is and you can't over light them so it comes down to finding that happy medium of canopy size vs light intensity. Get a 600 if you can, these are apparently the most efficient. Also, stacking lights (what i plan on doing next) seems to be the best as you can lots more lumens/square inch and still keep the temps down with enough airflow through the tubes to keep the plants almost as close as you want. Another tip, when the plant gets into full flower, humidity rises so plan out how you're gonna set up a fan or 2.
I have my buckets hooked up to a controller bucket with a float valve. This bucket keeps the nute levels even in the buckets holding plants. A nute reservoir is hooked to the controller bucket. When the plants drink, nutes go down, float valve opens and fills back up from the res. With the right size reservoir, i like 1 5gal res/per 4 5gal plant buckets and 1 5gal controller bucket. This way you can slightly increase ppm without ever having to fully change out your nutes. As you top off the res with new ppm nutes, this mixes in with previous ppm (i.e. add 900ppm to 800ppm) and levels out slightly higher than before without a drastic change (less stress). However, always check the pH and ppm of your plant buckets. If any of them get out of whack, then you should completely change with fresh nutes, as they are either feeding more than drinking, or drinking more than feeding, which causes pH, EC and ppm shifts. I start around 250, work up to 13-1500 and back down to 100 over the whole life cycle. Hope this helps, i gotta roll.


Well-Known Member
Hey guys, sorry about the delay. My computer took a shit, took it to best buy and paid $200 for them to diagnose and repair, then still doesn't work. Anywho, I'll get my pics on soon hopefully when my computer is fixed cuz they are all on the hard drive :( but the total weight was 8oz dry, not the gram/watt I wanted but not terrible. The kicker, however, was that I got about 1.3 oz per the first 3 plants (top, purple kush, and the white) but the lamb's breath wasn't ready to harvest until 64 days so I was able to move it in much closer to the light without overcrowding. Long story short, I got 4 oz and 7 grams off of it so here is my synopsis. My actual weight turned out to be about .56 g/watt but my theoretical yield was 1.19g/watt considering only the lamb's breath. I'm stoked, gives me a challenge for next grow.... and this next one is gonna be nuts >:) As a teaser, 30 plants under 3200 of 2 vertical light stacks with 3 lights each (600hps/400mh/600hps), injected co2, dwc. The room is almost done, just trying to figure out a good way to build the plant support system on a lazy susan for easy access....


Active Member
So a little bummer, I accidentally deleted the pics of my harvest :-( ...and it's all gone :-). Didn't get as much off them as I wanted. Haven't cut down the lamb's breath yet, but the Top 44, Purple Kush, and the White all added up to 4 oz which is a lot less than I wanted. Pretty sure I know the problem, though. The average distance from the bulb was about 14 inches with a 400w. I let them get too wide, so I couldn't get them closer without blocking each other out so they didn't get the light intensity they needed. For my next grow I'm buying 2 more 400s and stacking them, hps/mh/hps, and trying to keep the girls closer to the glass, so I'll have 3 levels of 3 slightly smaller plants. I'm gonna buy a cheap light intesity meter and create a screen that will keep the canopy all at an even level of light intensity. Hopefully that, coupled with a co2 controller, will throw off some much denser nugs. Still, I'm pretty stoked bc even though it came out a little fluffy, it's dank as hell, and I'll have more *improved* bud in 7 weeks :)
hey i hope your still checking back on this..
I love your grow its exactly what im planning (im waiting on clone which i took 10 weeks into flowering, its going to be another month or so before i can get clones from her. shes a badass plant though so worth the wait)

moving on..
so can i just ask how long you vegged for again. from cuttting the clone.. was it like 2 weeks cloner and 4 weeks veg?

any tips for this sort of grow? how often do you change the water and how.. i always imagen it being really annoying to do.. i would love any feedback on it thanks :)[/QUOTE

hey daze, i had em in the cloner for about 2 weeks and about 5 week veg. Try and plan it out so your plants will be able to stay close to the light in the right temp ranges, thats where i screwed up. For instance, using my 400w hps again, i would have 3 instead of 4 plants and probably only vegged them for 3-4 weeks so i can keep them close to the light. Basically they can all but touch the glass with the fan hooked up the way it is and you can't over light them so it comes down to finding that happy medium of canopy size vs light intensity. Get a 600 if you can, these are apparently the most efficient. Also, stacking lights (what i plan on doing next) seems to be the best as you can lots more lumens/square inch and still keep the temps down with enough airflow through the tubes to keep the plants almost as close as you want. Another tip, when the plant gets into full flower, humidity rises so plan out how you're gonna set up a fan or 2.
I have my buckets hooked up to a controller bucket with a float valve. This bucket keeps the nute levels even in the buckets holding plants. A nute reservoir is hooked to the controller bucket. When the plants drink, nutes go down, float valve opens and fills back up from the res. With the right size reservoir, i like 1 5gal res/per 4 5gal plant buckets and 1 5gal controller bucket. This way you can slightly increase ppm without ever having to fully change out your nutes. As you top off the res with new ppm nutes, this mixes in with previous ppm (i.e. add 900ppm to 800ppm) and levels out slightly higher than before without a drastic change (less stress). However, always check the pH and ppm of your plant buckets. If any of them get out of whack, then you should completely change with fresh nutes, as they are either feeding more than drinking, or drinking more than feeding, which causes pH, EC and ppm shifts. I start around 250, work up to 13-1500 and back down to 100 over the whole life cycle. Hope this helps, i gotta roll.

Yo Snow lookin awesome...was considering vertical for my 1st indoor grow but didn't take on the challenge! + rep...If you are looking for help in vertical growing check out jigfresh! GL with the next round definately looking forward to it...I still have 6 more weeks of flowering before I can take on the challenge of going vertical!


Well-Known Member
Hey sorry this is so late, but it has been shitting snow since october and I've been preoccupied with that. Finally got my computer fixed and found some of my harvest pics IMGP2549.jpgIMGP2473.jpgIMGP2508.jpgIMGP2486.jpgIMGP2485.jpgIMGP2487.jpg and a teaser of a regular horizontal scrog I've got going right nowIMGP2610.jpgIMGP2607.jpgView attachment 1337415 and my fog cloner box IMGP2596.jpgIMGP2599.jpgIMGP2601.jpgIMGP2600.jpgIMGP2598.jpg