Vertical LED panels - flooded tubes - 2' x 3' closet - give me your opinion

Here's the closet as of right now, unless something has happened in the past 2 minutes I'm not aware of. The ceiling/ bathroom fan cost $13 at home depot. It's rated for 50 cfm. It's quiet as anything, can barely hear it with the door closed.

And a shot of the Honey Bee in it's jar.

I'm working on sourcing clones at the moment. That and time are what's keeping this show off the road, I guess that's not a saying. It is now. :)

The Honey Bee is fucking lovely. Wish I could share the smell and high.
If only my closet was bigger.
23" wide, and 24" deep.
I figure it would over-heat and not be worth the parts to build it...
Mine is 27" from the back wall to the door. 34" from side to side. It would probably overheat though. It's super cool up here in the mountains. An unfair advantage I have over most Southern California growers.
So what are you total # of LED's? Heat might be a issues but can be fixed easy - Have you ever use CFL's 400 watt or 6OO watt? their heat is a small issue when using 7 of them, but is fixed easy with fans
Subd for this LED bit. Ledoit.

Stop rubbing in your temps…lol. Of course that tall ass closet helps keep temps down quite a bit I'd imagine. So what exactly are you gonna do with the third panel bud?
So what are you total # of LED's? Heat might be a issues but can be fixed easy - Have you ever use CFL's 400 watt or 6OO watt? their heat is a small issue when using 7 of them, but is fixed easy with fans

I've run 1000w HPS bare bulb in the closet and didn't have any issues. I'm thinking the temps will be really good actually. I'm 3 fixtures, each has 4 'light's each 'light' has 25 led's rated at 3w per. Not sure what that all means, but there you go. Welcome to the ride.

And smooth... I think the 3rd will be mounted perpendicular to the other two, so two vertical, one on it's side vertical above the other two... make sense?
Could do, but he doesn't answer me either. lol don't think he actually reads anything I send him.
Sounds good; Here's what I go by: More light = Bigger buds and you are doing it! Heat no so much of an issue, which is good and is "pro" for use of LED's and CFL's
To be honest, I think these lights might be too bright to use them all. Only one way to find out though. mwahahaha.

Your name reminds me of that movie hudson hawk. I liked that movies in it's ultimate weirdness. Fucking sandra bernhardt is one of those ladies i"ve always had a strange crush on.
Yea I think I follow. Altogether they form a T essentially. Too bright? Does that exist…jk. Should be interesting to see what they do. I wonder what the delta in temps will be in your closet with the three panels. If you get that figured out let me know. That could be enough to swing me into LED's provided they do the work on the plants.
Looks like around 67% bigger space than I have.
I could get away with a 400 or 600 prolly based on that info though, if I keep the house cool enough.
I don't know if your phone has become functional again or not so ill post them here. This is after I took my new cuts. I gots no room for everything so you'll be needing to pick them up ASAP as they'll be on the edge of the light now that I have new cuts in the dome! That should help motivate you to get the room together!

Whatcha got there chaka?

I recently sourced an heirloom og and "THE" green crack, I can't tell you how pleased I am. Now if I could get my hands on banana og, chem 91, and the santa cruz super silver haze cut I could die a happy man!

If those leds do well I might have to snag a couple, that is the right footprint for my needs. Not to mention the price per output are just right also. Thanks for posting the site link jig!
They're all Headband from a clone I got from Emily. I recloned them too soon and can't have them in the party cups for another 5 weeks! Solution: clone them again! I'm a selfish fucker and it's just a coincidence on the timing cuz I wouldn't normally help anyone if there wasn't something in it for me you know? We're actually about an hour and a half apart but the price is right!