Vertical grow room thoughts...


Hi guys,

I found this guy in 420magazine forum that built a beautiful vertical growroom, and ran it with 1 1000w hps light.
His dried yield was 1200 gram/42.2ounces. That 1.2 gram per wat.!!

Any way, he did great, but he ran deep water culture setup, and was complaining about to much problem with this that or the other..

I was thinking that a built like that, running as NFT system would be crazy good.
Maybe run some misters inside the pipes also (1 minute on 5 minutes off)..

What do you guys think ?

If i can get the details in place when cold season hits i am willing to built it, and try to run with the idea.. Could be a great idea.. Just looking to hear what you guys think..


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I think its a bad idea for a few reasons.

That looks like a copy of one of Heath Robinsons design, a phenomenal hydro grower.

Why grow 100 plants and yield the same that 3 can yield (with more wattage of course?)

There's so many legal ramifications, plus electricity is cheap.

I once was big on gpw, but now I look at the bigger picture and it matters very little.

- Jiji
Hi Jiji

Yes, i agree. Its a copy of Heaths design.
But the bonus in this design is that you use the entire lamp to grow more plants per wat.
Not sure why you dont think that matters, but would love an explanation..

Im thinking, i would like to grow 100 plants at once, but sadly that comes with a high electric bill. This could cut 25% or more of that bill, while still give me a lot of buds..

What would you suggest in regards of setup instead ?

This system wih NFT, and some good femi plants, all facing a 1000w HPS you could go a long way..

Legality is not a problem, as im thinking about doing this in a legal country.
I was only speaking of legality issues. If that's no concern than go for it.

I'd probably do something simpler though like flood tables, but then again I like to experiment.

It depends on where you take your perspective from. If your doing it for fun, and are challenging yourself to get every last gpw.

Or you see it as a business, or cost\benefit ratio and try to balance everything as a whole.

I think that if your growing a few pounds every two months, an extra couple hundred a month in electricity is minuscule.

- Jiji
Can you come with some recommendations in regards of other setups that would be better and /or give better yields?

I know it sound like a lot but I would really like to have a grow that give 2lbs+ per month.

In that light in thinking heaths vertical grow is a great idea only I think better to run it as nft system.
You could do it any way you want, if plant count doesn't matter, you have the room, and electric.

SOG seems the way to go if plant count doesn't matter.

That system is a nft setup, or at least Heaths was. If it works for you then great. I've never tried that style, just seems a little complicated.

If I were doing SOG I would do something like AL B Fuct. Size it to produce your needs. Not that I have any experience in that.

- Jiji
You know, jiji..
I think your making a very valid point..
Complicated.. Too many options for something to go wrong, and also im thinking it will be a nightmare when its owergrown, and you need to groom it, or fix something in the middle of the pvc system...

If you were to do something fairly big, (100 plants in flower per time+ cutting/clone box seperate so you could continue having 3-4 week harvests) you think SOG / NFT is the best, both in terms of keeping it relative simple + in terms of high yields ?

Since this is up your alley sought of speak, please explain your "masterplan "in details, if possible
You know, jiji..
I think your making a very valid point..
Complicated.. Too many options for something to go wrong, and also im thinking it will be a nightmare when its owergrown, and you need to groom it, or fix something in the middle of the pvc system...

If you were to do something fairly big, (100 plants in flower per time+ cutting/clone box seperate so you could continue having 3-4 week harvests) you think SOG / NFT is the best, both in terms of keeping it relative simple + in terms of high yields ?

Since this is up your alley sought of speak, please explain your "masterplan "in details, if possible

I kind of hinted at it but its really not my forte. I have never even went close to a 100 plant sog. Highly illegal for my location.

There's no secret. And if people claim to have a secret they're full of shit(my opinion on indoor growing.) I've seen many types of hydro do really well, and the same types do really poorly.

Just don't focus on gpw. Look at yield in a years perspective, not a harvest. If you have one flower room and your not getting 5 full harvests per year your doing something wrong. When its time to harvest, a plant should be in veg ready to go for every one in flower, for its replacement. You should be able to harvest all the plants and reload the flower room in 2 days.

If you lose a crop because of root rot or pump problem etc, well that’s a serious problem for the years output. That would far outweigh any minuscule gains from something else.

I don't have a master plan, but I would do SOG Ebb and flow tables, no topping, grow for only main cola. Figure out a timing method that works for you. If its 50 plants go into flower every 4 weeks, for an 8 week strain, that’s up to you. Figure out what gets you a quick turnover, and that you can handle by Yourself. That's what I'd try. I've never did it personally so take it for what its worth.

- Jiji
I agree with jiji about focusing more on harvests per year - quick turnaround for crops and consistency is more attainable with simpler set ups (also the legality aspect, why risk getting popped for what on paper would be a big grow when it's not) .

Another thing that isnt really added in or talked about much with these kind of set ups is the resources it takes to fill it up with that many clones. Purely from gpw of that one bulb yeah thats an excellent yield, but 100 rooted healthy uniform clones takes plenty of light and space to create (or money and a solid connection to obtain them) before you get to that starting point. If you factor that cost into the process plus the skill and maintenance required to pull it off then it becomes a little more apparent why everyone isnt growing this way.