Vertical Flooded Tube v 3.0


Well-Known Member
Hey guys, I'm back for another one. Still experimenting, trying to find the best way to optimize yield with minimal light/energy use, such as Heath Robinson has proven to us is possible. After my last grow, I've decided that there is a certain yield per square foot of canopy that has a limit, strain dependent of course, so I decided to take my previous flooded tube system and almost triple the size of it with the same 2 600w HPS bulbs still in use. Also, I have done away with the cool tube, as I feel it gets too dirty and is extremely hard to clean, which can diminish the light intensity quite a bit. I also added another level, so there are 4 now. Check the links in my signature to see the previous flooded tube system, and we'll see how this one compares. I'm one week into flower now. Here's my complete grow setup:
Clone: DIY EZ cloner under 46w T5
Veg: horizontal flooded tube under 2 92w T5s
Flower: 4 level vertical flooded tube system surrounding 2 vertically hung 600w HPS bulbs, CO2 sensor, thermostat to control venting through carbon filter

The girls are on their 7th day of 12/12. They suffered a little heat stress due to a thermostat failure 3 days ago, but they didn't get it too bad, just a tad bit of wilting.

Here's a video link.