Vertical/Circular Scrog in Cab. lots of input appretiated. lots of info


Well-Known Member
Hey guys.
So lets also say that a household unused refrigerator draws about 2.5kw an hour. That seems very unreasonable. Time to make some changes and invest...

complex drawing key:
-_-_- = ducting :
: = wall cabinets:
light1 =400w :
light2 =600w :
fan =465cfm. Fan is exiting thru "light proof" air vent in back : of cab :
intake:thru floor 6" hole chalked into place, thru my "circle: screen" around the light
INTAKE AND EXHAUST just for light heat :

this box is a rectangle... but it does not let me draw it.

: | |scrogscrogscrogscrogscrog :
: | | :
: | | w
: | | a
: | | l
: | | l

that does not exactly look proportional but the lights will be in the middle of the box inline with each other. this is going to be a sealed box with co2 reg and monitor/actuator.

SCREEN: i want to do a circle length wise around the lights. technically if i did not have any error in my screen I have about 72 sq ft. Considering the front and back walls are 4 ft by 6 ft.=24 sq ft. times both sides equals 48 sq. ft. and the floor and roof are 12sq ft a piece. giving me a grand total of 72 sq ft.

Now i read somewhere it was possibly to get 1-2 o's a sq. ft.

Ideas please?

everything has mylar on it. I have not bought the co2 tank yet.
I have 2 indoor harvest under my belt. Seeds I have: 2 fem. RP headband, 2 RP OG #18, 1 fem La woman, and one La blanca((kannabia(sp?) UFO)) also 1 power skunk by kannabia but i dont want a skunk. at least I dont think.

this box will use about 1250 watts only 12 hrs a day. compared to the refrigerator which is 2.5 kw/hr. 24/7 .

Therefore i would need 4 of these 1250 watt boxes running 12/12 to equal my refrigerator wattage. Need i say more?

Soo now, do I get co2 or build another box or 2?

will have pics eventually.