Vert Scrog Flooded Tube Banana OG, Dog Kush 1000w

Glad you guys are hitting the normalness man!! Getting stuff done always feels good, so I can understand as big as your room project has been how glad you gotta be getting it wrapped up.

Man I think you and I and cut from very similar clothes. I HATE tough screens, and have always literally asked for phones with buttons....and not fake blackberry buttons. I don't have much exerpiance with different smart phones because of this, but in the last year we ended up getting an Iphone because it was time for a new phone and it was only 5 bucks with the deal. Well my wife fell in love with it, and I gotta say I don't mind it. It has come in very handy having the GPS instantly available, not in the car or something. Its also been nice being able to look up resturants in our new city and stuff when we are trying to figure out where to go. I'm in no way trying to encourage getting an Iphone persay, just comparing how we feel about phones, and what I learned recently :).
Lol, also as a user of Windows Phone, i get to be excluded from all the GalaxyS4/Iphone squabbles. the HTCone is nice as well, but i do prefer W8 over android.
I was leaning towards the windows phone. I think you might have sold me. I like to be a little different too. That's why I don't wear nikes. :mrgreen:
I'm pretty sure everything you and I are wearing right now were made by kids no older than 12 getting paid a nickel a month. If it ain't made in the US then there are likely Zero regulations. I'm not saying I approve, but that's not my fight. I pay enough for organic food... I can' only imagine how much fair trade clothescost.

EDIT: LOl... wife read what you wrote and I asked her, "What's your opinion on that" she said "Everything's made by child slaves"

We are so the same me and my lady.

EDIT 2: Music!!!

I'm pretty sure everything you and I are wearing right now were made by kids no older than 12 getting paid a nickel a month. If it ain't made in the US then there are likely Zero regulations. I'm not saying I approve, but that's not my fight. I pay enough for organic food... I can' only imagine how much fair trade clothescost.

EDIT: LOl... wife read what you wrote and I asked her, "What's your opinion on that" she said "Everything's made by child slaves"

We are so the same me and my lady.

EDIT 2: Music!!!

I agree, most stuff if slave made if its not "Made in USA" so they say. BTW, i LOVE NIKE, but i don't agree with their business practices. Not many companies i do.
I got a samsung galaxy s3, there are some great kids apps, flash cards and games for kids lol. Hattie knows how to work my phone better than me lol.
Hard to believe it's been 15 years. You should have seen my ride in High school... was a 76 Chevy Malibu, 2 door, beige, 350 engine. I only had one sticker on her... said "Pimp" in the middle of the back window. I miss the pimp-mobile.

Hard to believe it's been 15 years. You should have seen my ride in High school... was a 76 Chevy Malibu, 2 door, beige, 350 engine. I only had one sticker on her... said "Pimp" in the middle of the back window. I miss the pimp-mobile.


Haha, the "Pimp Mobile" bring back memories of pimp my ride lol. My oldest but not 1st car was a 1986 honda accord 4door with the space lights. Its been 3 years and i miss it. i had a 05 malibu no too long ago before i got my last car which was a 03 neon. now i have a '11hyundai lol.
<<< This guy isn't wearing anything but fruit of the looms right now :), but I totally agree. I specifically don't like nike cus of their absurdly high prices, and the "fan boy" following around them. I had a boss at work that had well over 40 pairs of shoes, most of which were nike, and more specifically Jordans. I guess people can collect whatever they want it just always seemed silly to me.
Oh yeah. I want a new phone (verizon). I'm thinking a few different things. First off I've always liked having actual keys for the keypad, not the touch screen crap. So that has limited me to droids. I don't like the blackberry type deal. Next, I realize I limit myself severely by wanting an actual keypad, so letting that go I'm thinking about a couple options. The Samsung Galaxy S4 seems to be the hot shit right now and probably what I would get. However the Nokia Lumina 928 is a windows phone and supposedly runs really really great. I hate how much my android phone crashes. I'm totally not ready for an iPhone... I can't do shit on a mac, it's like I'm retarded all of a sudden. Anyone have a windows phone they can talk on? I don't use apps so I don't care about them. Overall, I'm not sure I can do without a keypad... but it only leaves one phone as an option. sigh... what a twat I am lol... complaining about which new phone to get. There's starving children all round the world. :)
You dont use apps cuz you had a physical button android phone. Probably didnt have the power to run any decent apps to begin with. The android market is kinda weak, the windows even worse. Apple has a billion apps of which 99% of them are crap, but its the 1% we do use that blows the other guys away. Apps/games are just hands down way better than android/windows. I've used all the phones imaginable and have a pretty unbiased opinion of them all I think.

I'm currently an Apple fagboy, but I built PC's for 20 years and used Android for a few years and a couple windows phones even. Hell heres a pic from just yesterday, my daughters 2 year old color nook rooted and loaded with the latest version of Android on it. I havent rooted an android device in over a year and lets just say its not like riding a bike, especially with different hardware. I know... Im like a technology god!

So heres my unbiased guide to buying a phone. I have 4 items on my criteria of any phone I might purchase, in this order.

1. Stability - It absolutely cannot randomly lock up, reboot, shut off. Ever... I had a phone once lock up and after 3 hours without a text or call I was like hey no one likes me, oh wait no my phone is frozen.

2. Battery life - I want a phone that has the longest battery life of anyone out there.

3. Apps/games - I love my apps and games, and when you have a phone thats actually capable of running some cool shit, you will too.

4. Camera - I had to add this, as most pics I end up taking are with a cell phone so they gotta look nice for me. #1-3 are deal breakers for me, but not so much the camera. Most phones have a decent camera.

So I'm not naming any phones at all, but do some research on #1-3 and come up with your own conclusions as to what phone is the best for you :)
Uh oh... thems fightin words TC. ;)

They sure are!!!! Lol, im no fanboy but i'm over 40pairs deep. I'm not into the newer stuff, mostly retro or vintage. consider it an investment in my case. every week i watch a pair go on sale 150- 200USD sometimes more and then flipped for double that(darn re-sellers) but i hold on. And Chaka you have been apple brainwashed:)..But no my windows phone never freezes, good battery(i use gps + music everywhere) and a carl zeiss camera, the newer model nokia boast 41mp. as far as apps i dont use to many. it has its own gps(Nokia Drive/Maps)site finder (nokia scout) . Plus the apps+ games in WP8 are great if your into it, plus its xbox compatible. it can be remotely used in windows 8. the big plus with me is im very familiar with windows, microsoft OS products. I'm no techy but i really do like the phone. i had a Note2 prior to this. neer had an i phone but had an i pod3g lol. im not a fan of apple much. i dont pay for music an apps are a dime a dozen to me.
Very nice, Multiple tab browsing, i can close an app and it opens during the same part i closed(even calculators), i can pull up history of whats apps ive used incase i need to see something i closed before. also has a childrens mode which can be accesed very easy. i can do anything while talking such as pics,email.i-net, text n such. file transfer especially if you have another WP8 or Windows 7 or 8 is uber easy. like i said, i'm no gamer or techy though. tbh i bought it because of the cam quality lol.
Funny jimmer. I just saw you post in whodats thread and thought to myself, now why doesn't he ever stop by my thread... and here you are. :)

Hope u are having a good morning.
Thanks for the post chaka. I really don't do apps. I just don't like looking at my phone that much. Literally the only things I use the phone for (aside from the actual phone aspect), is rollitup, google, youtube, facebook (I don't use their app cuz I hate it, just use the mobile website), maps, pandora. And also camera and video camera. I think I'll try the windows phone just to give one a shot. Never even seen one to tell the truth. Not sure Mac will ever be my thing. I seriously just don't understand the concept of how things work. I have a degree in computers and can't save a file on a mac.

I really like what you say about locking up. I hate that. One of the main reasons I'm going with the windows phone is the OS. From every review I read they all say it runs super fast and never locks up/ shuts down. Except for one guy who got a faulty phone. And camera would go a lot higher on the list for me (a lot being an exaggeration as there aren't many steps to climb in a 4 step list). What I really want is to get the new Lumina 1020, but it's an ATnT exclusive. Verizon will get one in 6 months, but I don't want to wait. 41 mp would be great though. A big reason for not waiting as well... the 928 is free w/ contract, the 1020 would be at least $200.

Yesterday gave me enough time to work on my building more. Put up some more drywall and decided to put in the wiring for the porch light. I'll be replacing the single switch box for a double and putting the porch light right above it for ease. I'm going to hire a roofer to do that bit. They should be able to do it in one day I imagine. A shame, but worth the time savings right now.

I got some cool gifts for Hannah the other day. Went to rent a breast pump for the wife and next door to the baby store was a comic store. I figured it would be cool to get the little one some comics from the week from her birth, or around there. Not really sure how comics work these days. And that may sound like a joke, but I'm serious. It's like a world of specialized knowledge that I'm not hip too. The guys in there were looking at me like they couldn't stand me being in there with my non comic reading self. I think it pissed them off that I picked up about 20 comic books. I was real careful though. Treating everything like it was a museum piece. Ended up buying 6 comics for something like $26. I got 3 of them girl themed, and 3 regulars. Now the girl themed ones are badass looking, not frilly and pink. Just a woman going around killing everyone, instead of a man. The normal ones I got were batman, xmen, and xfactor. FFS... there are like 6 x-men series, it's sooooooo confusing. Same with batman. There are 4 or 5 different batman series.

Side note... I just fixated my thoughts on the word from... what a weird word. I mean seriously, look at it. F R O M. odd isn't it.

So I've always had really good luck. And I don't just mean I'm fortunate in life, but more like when I go to a sports event, most likely I will like the outcome... things like that. The year me and my wife met, our favorite nascar driver won the championship... and nascar is a big part of what had us meet in the first place. So..... I though Hannah's birth might make stars align. My favorite teams are the LA Dodgers, Denver Broncos, and Tottenham Hotspur. I figured I'd lay down a few bets on them winning the championships in their respective sports. For all 3 to win the odds are around 1,600 to 1. Well fuck me, that's why you bet when you can... just checked and odds are down to 1,150 to 1. I just lost a lot of money (in the future). Anyways, I thought I'd win near 80,000, but it's down to near 60,000. grrrr

And finally our baby schedule. We have one down for the time being and I thought at least one person would be interested to see how things might be for them soon. I will start with my shift.

2am - 8am - Jig shift, some sleeping done by me, mostly housework and internet time
8am - 8:30 - Wife wakes up and pumps and gets out of bed to relieve me
8:30 - 9am - Wife takes over for 30 mins so I can do anything I've been dying to do all night
9am - 9:30 - Jig takes over for wife so she can do all her morning things, and get ready for her shift later
9:30 - 2pm - Shared duty, with wife taking most of the weight right now, while I finish the building and she's not working... this will be altered when she starts working again
2pm - 5pm - Wife's official shift, I sleep in the bed during this time. This is half of my 'night'.
5pm - 9pm - Family time where we might go into town, or just hang out in the living room. Shared baby duties, with me taking the lead.
9pm - 10pm - Wife gets an hour to take a bath and do whatever she wants with freedom
10pm - 11pm - We spend a little more time together, the 3 of us.
11pm - 2am - Wife official shift part 2. I sleep in the bed again.

Do it all over again. :)

It's 6am now. Not sure what I'll do for my next 2 hours, but I'll figure something out. Little hannah is sleeping real good.

God the sky is amazing right now. A picture would not do it justice.

Well sir good morning, and I hope your enjoying that sunrise. Sounds like a perfect time for a bowl and a coffee to me.......Actually thats what I might go do, make some coffee, and sit out back and smoke a bowl. Its like 10 here though so no sunrise going on :(.

Its great you guys have such a defined schedule. We are kinda bad about that always have been. It will totally help different things.