Vert Scrog Flooded Tube Banana OG, Dog Kush 1000w


Well-Known Member
I saw my baby move today. That was a first. Kinda freaky, it's officially 'alien' time. Somethings just bound to poke its head out my wife stomach, open its mouth and have another little creature inside.

We took 'Maternaty pictures' today. I felt a bit like a tool, but I guess it was OK. I got really high tonight and am still there. Good times. going to catch up on a lot of stuff tomorrow, I'm pretty excited.

I've been thinking about your discovery all day D. I'm so thrilled for you. Just over the moon. Your own little vert. :)


Well-Known Member
Sorta like that. There were just some poses that were quite un-natural feeling. My mom will love the pics, and so will my wife. I suppose I will like them, but I'm more for real life kinda pics. Some were artistic looking, or should be, we didn't see anything right there.


Well-Known Member
Maternity pics are where it's at, how else do you show people you're badass enough to grope your half-naked significant other in front of strangers with black and white photography? Sorry I feel like runon sentences, been reading a lot of Kerouac.....


Well-Known Member
You totally missed it whodat. Naked dudes MAKE babies, hahaha.

And yeah T, you got me 100% pinned. I don't turn down many opportunities. If someone's down to offer something, I'm down to try.


Well-Known Member
Oh damn. Hahah. I'm sure the pics will come out well mane. I always thought posed photography was awkward to begin with. There was nothing nature about it. Hold this position or that one. I'm more for the natural pics as well. Either way they'll be good though dude.


Well-Known Member
You totally missed it whodat. Naked dudes MAKE babies, hahaha.

And yeah T, you got me 100% pinned. I don't turn down many opportunities. If someone's down to offer something, I'm down to try.
after i heard you were a Germaphobe doing a mud run i knew. the right person could probably convince you to wrestle alligators.


Well-Known Member
missed the target on the germaphobe. Not really phobic of much. I eat stuff off the ground and don't wash my hands all the time. Keeps me healthy. I'm one of those types. Too much actibacteria makes the bacteria thrive.

I'd wrestle a gator. As long as I thought the gator was having a good time. I use to watch that show Wild Boyz and wish I could try all that stuff. Haha.

I cleaned my bubbler last night and Oh WOW I got high from the last bowl last night and the first this morning. WOOT.

30 WEEKS TODAY!!!!!! Thanks so much everyone for helping me/ us get through this pregnancy. Means a lot.

Haha... wife just read from her version of the 600... the august mothers board... one lady just posted she ate 18 cupcakes for breakfast. Lol... she said "i figured if you licked off the icing first it was like a muffin... and 18 muffins aren't bad". never mind you licked off the icing... and it's not a muffin. Crazy prenant ladies. It's a kick hearing all the stories.

One tip to anyone that will have a prenant wife in the future... don't tell her she's chubby. Not my mistake, I wouldn't make that one... but some dude did. Not the best.


Well-Known Member
Lol, D had me under the impression there would be no dirt under those nails lol, guess i was wrong. 6 more weeks to go, eh? im super stoked for you to get to have this experience. im all excited and shit, lol. but really i am excited for you.


Well-Known Member
Oh yeah....and never ask a woman if she is expecting, unless you
see a baby half way out of her.

She might have already delivered.

This is not a good place to be.




Well-Known Member
Ah shoot Jig, you and Chaka have some sad looking seedlings. It's okay, it the summer of bad seedlings apparently, mine are all healthy, but by far more stretched out than some of the worst cases I've seen on here on RIU. On another note, all my other plants all had great starts and I have a super bitching sweet clone farm going on. Let me know if you ever want a few cuts, they are healthy and well rooted, I can get them to you in any medium because I root them in neoprene collars, you could plug them straight into your DWC system. We've both seen the cuts available on the mountain, and all mine look a billion times better than the dispensary clones up in Big Bear.

Dammit Jig, just smoke my weed already!! Hahahaha