• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

Vert Scrog Flooded Tube Banana OG, Dog Kush 1000w


Well-Known Member
Here you go. Surprisingly it didn't smell too bad in that spot. Must be drafty... it was fucking freezing.

I'm actually quite sad as tomorrow I do my final inspection. I didn't exactly love doing it, but it's usually a little sad to close the chapter on something.



Well-Known Member
Bobo, I wanted to post this video in your thread but wasn't sure how off track you wanted things to be... so here it is here. Not sure if you've ever seen it, but if you watch you'll see why your post about eating yourself made me think about it.


EDIT: Made the appt for our second stage of genetic screening for 18 weeks. Which means we should know the sex on March 25 (or around there, I forget the date). Exciting times.


Well-Known Member
That is awesome, dude! One month and we will know... psyched. How's your lady doing? Any morning sickness still?

You can always post whatever you want in my thread. pr0n, links, whatever. That vid is hilarious, btw. Definitely a favorite SNL skit of mine!


Well-Known Member
Random life update. Because of BC I'm learning how to crochet. It's kinda fun, but you have to really pay attention to where you are... I'm not sure I like having to pay attention. I'm also still working on wifes valentines day skirt. I'm finally learning how to correctly use both my sewing machine and my fancy new (to me) camera. Both have so many features I had no idea about. Most of them quite useful. It's almost like someone had used each before and thought of handy improvements to add to make things easier.

The other day I wrote to a friend I hadn't talked to in years. Not sure if she'll ever right back but it's really nice to get off my chest. I know I'm good on my side. I do feel bad about the whole thing though... I was a royal asshole, haha... imagine that! I guess you guys don't actually see that side of me much. I really am a prick most of the time. I'm all happy on the phone and on the internet, but in person I can be pissy.

The trees I've been cutting down have really made an impact on the ammount of light our house gets. It's great to remember there is a sun. Also helps the angle is changing. I can't tell you how much I didn't think about the little amount of sun a north facing hill gets. Especially with the trees. It is lovely though, don't get me wrong.

Wife went to accupuncture today. I'll be going on Monday. SHe goes for the baby and her knee. I'm going because insurance covers it and I've always wanted to try. I'm going to need to come up with something bothering me to treat. Maybe just stress... cuz we all know how stressed I am. :eyesmoke:

My neighbor came home to brave the snow. I'm proud of her, even though I don't like her. lol it must suck to be trapped away from your own house when the weather decides to act up.

My dad finished his radiation on Friday and got a hormone shot that lasts 3 months. I guess that wiped him out more than the raidation ever did. He should be good to go. Now he just needs to worry about high blood pressure, diabetes, and losing weight. I swear it's worth eating healthy now to not have to worry about all that shit when I'm 68. I'm sure I'll have enough health stuff going on.

Hey... how about the 101 year old that's going to run his final marathon. Ran his first at 89. Cool shit. And he's a Sikh. I like those folks.

I think that's enough rambling from me. I'm working on a website and needed a break from being productive. :) Thanks for being there to waste time with guys.

I would give my old lady a string tied in a loop and tell her its a skirt.
Maybe thats why I dont have an old lady lol

Dud Iv seen you post some subtle yet deep jabs lol Im thinking of one in particular right now... Others not so subtle haha those are good too.

Trees, I have a few pict to share tomorrow.

Awesome bro :-) Iv never done acupuncture either. Have fun and lets us know what the hoopla is all about.

4x4 I fixed my truck today! FUCK YEAH! I got stuck in some deep mud on purpose,,, just so I could use the 4x4 lol
Rotor cap and an ignition module did the trick :hump: replacing the fuel pump and filter ended up being things that REALLY needed to be done anyway :-) Just need to change the oil and this thing will go anywhere.
I heart my truck.

Really sorry to hear that Jig :-(
Good thing is, it sounds like ALL of his symptoms can be treated with cannabis. Does he partake? If not, help him realize how beneficial this could be for him.
Best of luck, apparently I got plenty to spare ATM as you know.
Iv been eating very well since moving out to the farm, only sickness Iv felt in over a year was do to hangover. I feel really good though I cant gain weight to save my life. Im plenty active.

Dude that is insane! More power to that mofo!

Im a.... fuck it.


See what I did there.


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
I started with Acupuncture last year for my back and knees. I thought it was great, made me nod off to sleep most of the time. Then the women suggested Biopuncture, which is what I have done every month now. It's similar to acupuncture in that it uses the same points of entry for the needles, but she uses a hypodermic needle that is as thin as an acupunture needle. They then inject you with homeopathic medicine at those points. Not sure if it's a placebo thing, but it enable me to continue with my training regime.

EDIT: The woman who does mine is from Russia, she has amazingly been doing this for nearly 20 years. Yet no scientific trial have been done to prove it right so it's not recognised by bmedicine field as being 100% legit, although many doctors in the US are now using it and seeing great results.


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
I started with Acupuncture last year for my back and knees. I thought it was great, made me nod off to sleep most of the time. Then the women suggested Biopuncture, which is what I have done every month now. It's similar to acupuncture in that it uses the same points of entry for the needles, but she uses a hypodermic needle that is as thin as an acupunture needle. They then inject you with homeopathic medicine at those points. Not sure if it's a placebo thing, but it enable me to continue with my training regime.

EDIT: The woman who does mine is from Russia, she has amazingly been doing this for nearly 20 years. Yet no scientific trial have been done to prove it right so it's not recognised by bmedicine field as being 100% legit, although many doctors in the US are now using it and seeing great results.
I love how healthy medicine and the most effective ones are never tested or the results are revoked in the prove to be positive.


Well-Known Member
EPIC post whodat. I like it.

The biopuncture scares me a tiny big, but I'm sure it's good stuff. Needles don't freak me out. Needles shooting stuff into me, not my favorite thing. See dentist story. :)

Haha worm. I've known quite a few people who's apartments looked like this. And like you said, with more beer cans and skateboards. There was usually a surfboard tossed in the corner as well. This place is just one of the houses I inspect for a 'job' I'm doing. I inspected forclosures for a year or so, haven't done it in a while, but helping out a friend who just had a kid. Get to drive all over my mountain, taking pics of peoples houses as the look out the window wondering who the fuck I am. Sometimes they come out to yell at me. And sometimes when the houses are vacant I get to go inside.... like this house in question.

I'm inspecting the final property today and quite busted up about it.

I took some pics this morning of my plants:

SD #1
02-23 (9).jpg02-23 (6).jpg

SD #2
02-23 (10).jpg02-23 (8).jpg

Chernobyl #1, 2, 3
02-23 (5).jpg02-23 (3).jpg02-23 (4).jpg


Well-Known Member
Plants are looking much bushier man they seem to be really settled in now and taking off.

Ah inspecting foreclosures it all makes sense now. A friend of mine cleans out bank owned properties and does maintenance on them. Some times he finds some cool shit, found a couple shotguns in a safe one time, a lawnmower, some grow gear, all kinds of stuff.


Well-Known Member
I bet there have been some interesting encounters with the neighbors of these properties you photograph. hah

The plants are looking like they have taken root quite well mi amigo.


Well-Known Member
My favorite is the guy who comes out the house in his pj's at noon yellng at me... "Hey Who the fuck are you? What the fuck you taking pictures for?"

"I'm taking pictures for the bank"

"Oh... well, you'll get your fucking money you blood suckers."

"I don't actually work for a bank bud. I just take pictures."

"Oh, well tell them they'll get their fucking money those blood suckers."


Drive off. Sometimes I'd say something funny... but most of the time that was more trouble than it was worth. Mostly if there are neighbors of a vacant house they just get really excited when they think someone is looking at it to buy it. They come out "Hey, you like the house." "sorry just taking pics for the bank" ahhhhhhh the disappointment.

Some fucking lush houses out there vacant. And I got the key MUahahahaha. If I was shady I'd be living in one of them. Shit some of them have been vacant for over 3 years. Big nice houses with lake views too. Not sure what real estate people are doing keeping them all vacant. Such a mess.

curious old fart

Well-Known Member
Some fucking lush houses out there vacant. And I got the key MUahahahaha. If I was shady I'd be living in one of them. Shit some of them have been vacant for over 3 years. Big nice houses with lake views too. Not sure what real estate people are doing keeping them all vacant. Such a mess.
Couple of different reasons. If they dropped them on the market at one time the market would tank even worse. The bank didn't want to write off the loss and title problems.



Well-Known Member
I have a friend who does the final posting before the sheriff shows up. He always has some crazy stories. When I was looking at property there was a guy holding some house hostage waiting for the bank to pay him to move. He thought I was a cop or something. lol. He was threatening to take all the wiring and solar unless he got $$$ Really nice property with 2 houses but this guy was Not going to go away peacefully.


Well-Known Member
That reminds me of the place I went that was gutted with all the wires taken. They took everything that wasn't drywall. Was a nice property (if you like the middle of nowhere desert), huge house. Gated property long driveway. I'm pulling up thinking someone had been there since my last visit. Tripped me out.

I can't imagine how irate that guy would have been thinking you were there to take his home. Peeps get mad enough at me just driving by snapping a pic.

I sure do want to get another property in this market.


Well-Known Member
looks like your getting well adjusted to the sit back toke n watch style of soil growing ;) haha they look great Jig.

Im kind of looking for a cheap foreclosed home right now.... kind of. has to be the right one for the right deal ;)