Well-Known Member
thx for the pics jig, im green with envy over here.
Bassman likes this!When i was a kid, my best friend and his mom took me on a road trip to Yosemite, we were supposed to stay for 2 or 3 days, and then come back home.
We made it up there, but there was an issue with the cabin we were supposed to stay in, so we left about 30 minutes later. My memories of that place are very brief, but they made a huge impact on me. I have pictures very similar to the ones you took, that I took almost 20 years ago, and it looks almost exactly as I remember.
Thank you for reminding me that there are still places in this world that have yet to be destroyed by out humanity, or lack thereof.
I noticed I get that way sometimes now.BC... are you sad to be moving away from the border? I talk about moving to Pennsylvania and stuff... but when I actually think hard about what it would be like to live somewhere else it scares me and makes me sad. I love So Cal with all my heart. I know we don't see each other much, but it's not going to be the same without you in the same part of the country. I hope it works out for you up there. As much as I love so cal, I love my family more and would do anything to make things the best for them.
Today makes 14 weeks for the baby. We should know the sex around 6 weeks from now. I don't know how I'll handle that. Can't imagine being able to imagine my little one. I'm seriously a wreck these days. Not in a bad way, but in an emotionally soft kinda way. Almost anything that has any kind of feeling to it makes me cry. Anything. I lost it watching an SNL skit... and not because it was funny, but because I was thinking about how amazing the life of one of the characters was. Shit, reading RIU gets me sometimes.
Anyhow... happy Tuesday. Has only snowed a couple inches so far.![]()
I thought I was going through male menopause or something like my Testosterone was low or something.I turned into a big blubbering pussy after my mom died. Ill tear up on movies and shit now. Its quite awesome. My kids like to tease me![]()
You need to get a fan controller... Im looking at one. The titan uhh mercury 3 and 4 I think they are called. They have day and night modes, so your fan can kick down to a low speed at lights out. You can set it to 80 degrees or whatever and it will run the fan speed to try and maintain that temp. I really want one! Ive decided Im getting the AC unit first though.Too funny. So glad I'm not alone.
We're up to about 4" of snow. They have scaled back estimates. I'm more than a bit disappointed.
I think one of the issues I've been having with the plants is fresh air. I wanted there to be more humidity than normal when the plants were still little things, so I had the fan off when the lights were off. Didn't think of it till tonight when I opened the door and the air seemed stale. So back to 24/7 in line fan. See how the girls like the cooler nights and more co2.
And TC, it scares me thinking about your accident. Like you, I'm so glad you are alright. It's frightening to think how quickly it can all end. Amazing really how all of us are still around. I can't imagine how many times the folks who read this have 'almost' been killed. Makes you wonder if it's luck, or angels, or what. Ah well... it's getting late for me. Time for the last bowl of the night, some video games, and bed. Possibly missing a step in there.![]()
Lol I can still google it.,2933,311922,00.html
this is in my will,for real....put my ash in the pot with some soil,grow some dank,and let the fam smoke it..OMG thats awesome!
At least they hinted that they are kinda OK with itvery cool.
Officials say the ashes pose no health threat.
"I can tell you that we do get people from time to time asking for permission to sprinkle ashes. Our policy is when we are asked for permission, we deny the request," Doughty said. "Beyond that, we don't know."
I want to be turned into supersoil to grow dank in. Screw it, dry my blood, grind my bones, and compost the rest, I want to be eaten by dank plants![]()
you come to my town... take pics of me even... and dont even say hi?PICS!!!!
Day 1
Kramer Junction, Astro Burger, an abandoned motel, fun clouds, a mine, an oil derrick, and the sun (in case you guys weren't sure). I absolutely love driving by the SS Minnow every time I do. It's seriously in the middle of fucking nothing.
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Day 2
This is Yosemite valley looking east. El Capitan on the left, half dome in the middle and Bridal Veil falls on the right.
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Half Dome
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El Cap
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Bridal Veil Falls
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Valley Floor
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El Cap
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Cathedral Rock - looking up from where we spread our little one's ashes.
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Where we spread a bit of our baby, looking around you can see Yosemite Falls, and El Cap
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Leaving we saw this guy and his two friends. Made me real happy.
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And quickly back to reality. That bridge was built because the road that was in use previously washed away.
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Frost in the parking lot and more fun on the way home.
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Random shots.... We have some Native American named towns around. Tehachapi being one of them. And yes, that is a Train going through a Tunnel with a Truck in front, in Tehachapi
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Not sure why you need a 18' trailer for an exhaust pipe?
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That's lifetime gas mileage (who knew that's how you spelled mileage)
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Don't know what these are about. Two pipes running a couple miles with these horseshoes every hunderd yards or so
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California... the land of fruits and nuts. We have a lot of things to eat as well. (get it?)
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This was the bar next to our hotel. They had a big sign out front Bikers Welcome.
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Attempt at a pic of a tunnel. Turned out wild
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Well do you?
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That's the end.
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