Yeah, I took a break from shooters because it was wearing on my nerves... been playing slower paced games these days like assissins creed and PC games that don't even require a joystic, just a couple buttons on the keyboard.
Kinda messed up today and left the lids off jars while I took a nap. They were just supposed to be off for a minute or two. Everything seems to be mighty crispy. Hope it wets back up with the jar closed.
Closet is looking closer to how it's going to be. I think I'm going to do plants on the lower level so the soil ones will be near the same height. And I think I'll do a horizontal light with a big bowl/ stadium/ half circle type screen for the plants. It felt good giving everything a good cleaning.
The clones are looking good. Roots are growing a little bit. Slowly but surely for the first few days I suppose. Would love for them to start blowing up. And I need to sew my pots... will do that today, so I can get the soil in them... and get the plants in the soil. Man how exciting.
Makes me laugh that a bunch of people around are finally thinking of going from soil to hydro now that I go the other way. Not sure I'll ever give it up completely though because of the whole vacations thing. Still don't have anyone close and reliable to check on things when I'm gone, so soil will have to be used when I'm not planning any trips.
Happy Monday!!!