Vert Scrog Flooded Tube Banana OG, Dog Kush 1000w


Well-Known Member
Damn jig those plants are beat to hell... Haha just pokin. Loving the color in there.
Big things coming from a small package for sure! Things are looking pretty ripe!


Well-Known Member
I think the leaves are probably effected by the airflow as well. I have a similar set up to Jig and have two fans blowing air up the sides of the light tower. This has the effect of blowing the bigger outstretched fan leaves around, and then you get wind burn (perhaps it's more wind burn than light burn. Anyway, I am considering attaching those fans up on my roof and blowing air downwards over the plants and light tower. This I hope will not damage the leaves as much as an updraft.......m'm twee gulden.

Lil ganja princess

Well-Known Member
hey dude girls r looking sweet and purple. Love goes out to the fresh household. all this talk of babies if getting me all bloody, lol H is all independent now walking around climbing doing and getting (within limits) so well behaved. got to get wedding out the way 1st.


Well-Known Member

Thanks for popping by and saying hello.

And yes, wind burn, that's a reason my plants look so green, I mean sick. :( I think they are pretty lol.

Thanks again everyone for the kinds words about both my wife and my plants. :) I really love you guys.


Well-Known Member

Thanks for popping by and saying hello.

And yes, wind burn, that's a reason my plants look so green, I mean sick. :( I think they are pretty lol.

Thanks again everyone for the kinds words about both my wife and my plants. :) I really love you guys.

You know I was refering to that post in the 600 right? Like you said, the fact that the leaves 6 friggin inchees away from the bare 1k are still alive is a mericle... and I know about the wind burn. Your definetly doing something right!
Stay high my friend.


Well-Known Member
So what about my suggestion and reversing the fans to blow downward mate? I am thinking of doing it, just need to drill fuck off holes in the ceiling - solid concrete reinforced with metal rods! And it causes a right mess as you can imagine so I'd need to shift all my plants first...


Well-Known Member
I think it would be good for the plants' sake, but not sure it would help temps as it would be blowing the hot air down, instead of the cool air up. However, it may actually cool things off by blowing the hot air into filter to suck it out.

I'd say it definitely worth trying out. Could be a big hit. ?

And I knew what both you guys were talking about. It's all good. I still like every one here lol.


Well-Known Member
If fan mounting is any issue you could move your extraction up top to pull out hot air as the fan moves it up. Maybe with a peice of ducting.


Well-Known Member
continuation of my theory. Cold air is heavier than hot air. Draw cool air into the cab and have the inlet ventying into the top of the cab. This way the cool air would naturally fall down over the plants. With the fans mounted up top they are helping the cool air be blown down over the plants. Replicating natures way - kind of. Your suction is at the bottom so in turn this should also help draw everything down there.


Well-Known Member
Wait, are you thinking for my setup or yours? Or both? Or just in general? lol

I've gots to keep my inlet at the bottom as the cool air hitting the rez first keeps my water temps cool... but I love the idea in general and think it might work quite well.


Well-Known Member
I have been thinking of it for mine, but I am sure it could be applied to yours. I was actually thinking of splitting the inlet and having some out top, and some out bottom. More duct but it could also be done on yours I guess......(talking like I have actually seen yours in person and shook hands with it).


Well-Known Member
The sun is shining and I'm going on a date with my beautiful wife. Let's see if I can keep from fucking it up somehow lol.

Hope you guys are all having a wonderful day and weekend.

Life is good. :)

(especially in southern california) :fire:



Well-Known Member
That's funny! :) :) :)

Haven't messed things up yet! I'm doing well with being a good subject. It's the weekend, and apparently that means I have to do silly things. Off to make the wife happy lol.

Stay good guys.

mr west

Well-Known Member
got to the music this morning Sunday lol, hatty immediately grabbed her hello kitti trumpet when i hit play funny as fuck lol