Vert Scrog Flooded Tube Banana OG, Dog Kush 1000w


Well-Known Member
I got a heatgun from there, the ceramic outlet piece broke after a year or so. Other than that it has been solid, still works too. I used it for roasting coffee beans many times too! Are you sure you didn't just have some dust bunnies in there that caught on fire? Not to say their crap might not catch fire either lol
I got a cheap ass angle grinder there that has proven to be pretty descent too. I got a small pancake air compressor that was like 75 bucks and a total pile of crap. Their stuff is a crap shoot me thinks.


Well-Known Member
I got a heatgun from there, the ceramic outlet piece broke after a year or so. Other than that it has been solid, still works too. I used it for roasting coffee beans many times too! Are you sure you didn't just have some dust bunnies in there that caught on fire? Not to say their crap might not catch fire either lol
I got a cheap ass angle grinder there that has proven to be pretty descent too. I got a small pancake air compressor that was like 75 bucks and a total pile of crap. Their stuff is a crap shoot me thinks.
Mine was brand new right out the wrapper.
I got a bad one, and didnt even take it back, just decided never to buy electric tools from them again.
They have lots of stuff I still ties...tarps..nail guns and other compressed air tools etc.

I agree about it being a crapshoot lol.

I bought 2 DMMs and both didnt work too I forgot. They gave me my money back so no biggie


Well-Known Member
So a heat gun shot flames out of it... what's the problem? Were they not hot enough? Just kidding. That's wild bassman. I will carefully chose what I get from there from now on. Usually it's stuff like $8 shovels or gloves, flashlights.

I'm about to put the final piece of siding on the building and it's kinda sad. My big project has come to an end (well there will always be more to do on it, but it's weather proof now). I will be glad when it's completely finished, but I now have a glimpse of the hole it will leave.

ALso, I have to laugh at myself. During the final bit of pregnancy and during birth and the tine that followed, both me and my wife agreed we couldn't understand how anyone had more than one child on purpose. Why would they subject themselves to all that more than one time. It's only been 10 weeks with little girl here and I already understand. I don't want another one yet, but in about 3 -5 years we are both going to wish we had another little baby to raise. She's so cute and I love her so much. It's cool.


Well-Known Member
I raised 2 sons by my self, it was hard and I had moments where I wondered if I was doing anything right (even recently) but it has been the most rewarding thing I have ever done! Just remember the wife will be fertile, like supremely fertile for quite a while after birth, and nothing wrong with stacking them up ;)

Oh yea, pinche Dodgers! lol


Well-Known Member
Bassman long time boss how u been? Hope everything is cool on your end.I got a shit load of xtream bloom line and ran it in hydro damn near lost the crop...wiser now goin to put the moms in coco core perlite mix on the damn table then drip feed I'll post a pic everyday I see something new that makes me say humm xtream not that bad lol it was free.IMG_20131014_190645.jpg


Well-Known Member
Hey Jojo all is good on my end except for some moldy budz!!

I agree that it might be a trap, girls are like that...unless u have a girl that is down with 3-ways??


Well-Known Member
Yeah I think its a trap to guys but damn that butt looks tight lol anyway back to the grow room I go! Thinking about making room for this rambo kush just to see what it can do


Well-Known Member
OMG! Jig, you and chaka had me in tears a couple pages back....straight comedians! Sup, everybody! ATB!


Well-Known Member
We try to keep it light around here.,,welcome welcome.

jojo... That would definitely make me say hmmmmm. I should stop there.

mr west

Well-Known Member
What about my front?? lol Nothings quiet roundhere, sept when she is sleeping and or at nursery. Fantastic news someguy>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>:joint:


Well-Known Member
Jiggles niiiiice D. Keeping it light? Was it dark? That was terrible sorry. I'm in need of a joint. This Friday workday is for the birds. Good to hear all you child rearing cats are doin well. Well minus the not sleeping bit. That's the part if struggle with if I were y'all. Jojo that's damn sure a trap. Cray ass women. Tell your chic maybe you'll get brownie points and get to have that booty too. :P

be easy fellas


Well-Known Member
Lol jig one mind say go for it the other mind say run! But damn I know its tight. Anyway I had this idea of a mini ebb& flow system that can fit in a fishtank.I looked all over and couldn't find one so I built one.