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Mornin guys. Funny convo I started. Woke up this morning like it was time to wake up... only it was 3:30 am. Had a nice bath and got some things done. Went back to bed around 6:30 for a snooze. I hope things happen soon... I'm becoming quite antsy.
Bath. We only had a shower here when we moved in, but wife is addicted to baths, so first thing I did around here was learn how to do plumbing and got to tearing up the bathroom. Put in a nice big bath tub. I have always like showers myself, until spending so much time last year in the UK. Not sure what it was about being over there, but I have come to love baths too. Funny thing happened 2 nights ago in the bath. I get all set up with my computer, and my sudoku book, and of course my grinder, bubbler, and lighter. I was getting my grinder open to load the bowl and it slipped. Dropped the full grinder in the bath... made it to the bottom before I pulled it out. Was thinking 2g's or so wasted, but damned if it didn't keep every bit of water out the chamber. Not sure how long it would have held out underwater, but it held out long enough.

I woke up again around 9:00am and was considering having another bath lol.
Sounds appealing to me. :) It's a shame wife is grossed out by her milk... I find it fascinating and want to play with her ginormous milk bags... but she says I'm a pervert and it's beyond gross. It's Life woman!!!

Oh... I found a new hobby... yahoo answers. lol. I'm answering all the stupid weed and drug questions. Someone wondered if you could get high from smelling pot brownies. :)
bunch of pervs^^^haha.have you seen them kids that stay on the nip,at the age of 4-6?now that's something.
Wow... that's something. Don't know about that. Guess you can save some money on food? My wife was over 2 when she quit, or rather her mom quit.
I feel ya,my lil boy was like a lil man at 4,so it would be no way in hell he be sippin the nip,on my gal...hell naww...but it is the best for the baby.
I remember my poor cat after having her kittens. Once we took them away from her after 4 weeks or whatever it is, she was full up. Felt like 6 little rocks under her skin. Watching all this pregnancy and child birth stuff... I am so glad I'm a guy. :)
I'm with you Jig I enjoyed the milky pregnancy boobs! My wife was ok with them :).

I too prefer a nice bath I can relax and let my worries "wash away". I'll take a shower if I am in a hurry or something, but otherwise you'll find me in the bath...prolly for an hour :). I get set up when i go in to. Bowl, drink, and usually the computer or atleast some music to chill to.
all this talk of kids not wanting to get off breast milk i couldn't resist


baths ftw! some say they are less hygenic than showers, but they help the skin pores all over your body open up and are relaxing as hell, i mean who has a smoke then gets in the shower for an hour?
Another early morning bath today. One great thing about my schedule is that I'm getting to watch a lot of the Ashes. They start 2am my time each day, finish up around 9am.
you're mad, i bet you are in the 0.02% club of americans who watch cricket.

this made me lol hard when i watched the film

what americans make of british sports:[video=youtube;JhAj5Q-b_JI][/video]
LMAO he rolls that ring and they all chase it! hahaha,,,,,,,,,, So what sport is that?


Im a shower person,,, I aint got time for a bath. Never had pregnant sex, though it was offered to me by this chick like 7-8 months in <<< not mine!,,,,, I said no thanks dropped her off then went and took care of my other non preggo lady passenger.
Big fat milk bags sounds fantastic though! I wonder what it tastes like?

oh Iv seen this breast feeding thing at like 12 fukin years old!!! WTF! Ok found a vid,,, I also saw another that said "breastfeeding teens" no thanks on that one lol
It's kind of sweet, not as "thick" as cows or goats milk. Some guys really like it lol :lol:
It's not gross though, tell Mrs. Jigfresh that I thought that a little at first but when you think about all the truly weird things we put in our mouth.... well let's just say it makes me giggle to think it's gross anymore.
It's kind of sweet, not as "thick" as cows or goats milk. Some guys really like it lol :lol:
It's not gross though, tell Mrs. Jigfresh that I thought that a little at first but when you think about all the truly weird things we put in our mouth.... well let's just say it makes me giggle to think it's gross anymore.

With organic milk at like 7$ a gallon and the job market the way it is and our current state of food security, or lack there of,,,, its a great option.

"hey hun can you top off my coffee for me, thanks.." lil pat on the boob "keep it up"

you mean you never played hoop spin?, well basically........ it's all in the wrist!

I should be world champion then ;-)