Vert Scrog Flooded Tube Banana OG, Dog Kush 1000w


Well-Known Member
Lmao that would be great! I could totally picture you sneaking around the construction site back there poking the ground with a stick just to mess with Jig :lol:.


Well-Known Member
Got my first worker today. Was kinda funny situation. Called a guy who sounded like one of us. He showed up with a friend... said he had to work somewhere else and left me with the friend. Friend was probably 55 years old and damn I hope I'm in that good a shape then. No he-man or anything... just getting on much better than my dad when he was 55. Anyhow, we mixed up 32 bags of concrete and finished the final footing. Just some bricks, then some concrete in the middle of the bricks... then onto wood!!! Can't wait.

I'm gonna harvest my final chernobyl. Did I mention I'm gonna get about 3 oz for the grow. :( The seedlings are coming along. Some of them are looking a tiny bit pale... wouldn't call it yellow, but yeah... should I do something? I was thinking of kinda top dressing with some roots brands soil. (confusing name I swear) Maybe I should make them some tea? I'll actually take your advice on this, promise.

Baby appointment this morning. All's well. Doc figures we'll go the whole term, but I'm still planning on Aug 1... I'd rather have to wait, than be surprised. Got the car seat in the mail today. Stoked to have that... it's the only thing we need to take the baby home from the hospital. Woot! It's really getting real. I'm starting to freak out a bit at the prospect of not having alone time for the next like really really long time. Hahaha.

Also got a really cool skateboard in the mail today. mom ordered it for my Bday back in March. It's decorated with some artwork for my favorite band lagwagon. I'm pretty stoked to have a cool artistic skateboard like that.

Hope all is well with you guys. :) :)


Well-Known Member
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The lone survivor
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More worm madness (or something)
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Every year these plants bloom and it's pretty.
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A friend I found in the grow room. Little dude is only 3 finger print lines big.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
buggin out over this string biz man lol. never had you pegged for a punk jiggy. no use for a name rock. i'm putting the office on blast today nofx back catalogue. have a great weekend.


Well-Known Member
It seems they are hungry, my humble suggestion is to top dress them like you said but use this gfftv18.jpg
It has all the poop, bones, mico, etc. and is ph adjusted already. At that size use about a half tsp per party cup. This "shit" is killer for veg and takes out a lot of the guess work. It's like the stuff for super soil but pre mixed.


Well-Known Member
buggin out over this string biz man lol. never had you pegged for a punk jiggy. no use for a name rock. i'm putting the office on blast today nofx back catalogue. have a great weekend.
You crack me up don. I swear I've posted about 100 punk rock videos between my threads and the 600. The music that most accurately portrays the feelings I feel inside is post pop punk rock. (real punk doesn't do it for me so much) I'm a bad religion, nofx type of dude. Ah man... just love the stuff. Here's cool video that covers a lot of great songs. Will be boring and lame if you don't know them though.


those little ones look locked out mate....what sort of soil you got them in?
I just have them in starter soil stuff. nk starting mix: sphagnum peat, horticultural vermiculite, perlite, wetting agent, lime for ph balance

they look kind of thirsty as well......

here's a suggestion lad = hydro:)
So quick to throw in the towel. Either that, or you are a smart man. :) It's like with my first long girlfriends, I thought love was supposed to be a challenge, like something you worked for. I thought one day we will have a good relationship, will just take some work (or ALOT of work hahah) Then I figured it shouldn't be work. It should be easy and make life more enjoyable. Sorta like what's going on with soil and hydro. I know hydro works for me and it just seems to come easy... but there is something that pulls me towards the 'work' of soil. Not sure how long I'll keep this game up. It really depends on this harvest. If it sucks I will cut my losses and go back where I belong.

It seems they are hungry, my humble suggestion is to top dress them like you said but use this View attachment 2680159
It has all the poop, bones, mico, etc. and is ph adjusted already. At that size use about a half tsp per party cup. This "shit" is killer for veg and takes out a lot of the guess work. It's like the stuff for super soil but pre mixed.
Awesome cowboy. They got it at my local ace. Cheap too. :)


Well-Known Member
They do look locked out. What is your water source? What are they in???
Water source is strait out of the tap. I bring them all over to the sink. I'm using cold water, figured it was better than hot. ;)

They are in NK starting mix: sphagnum peat, horticultural vermiculite, perlite, wetting agent, lime for ph balance


Well-Known Member
Wait, so NOFX isn't "real" punk? blasphemy!

Id say room temp water is best, your tap is probably good, whats the ppm? too much water? If you got some castings and or kelp laying around I would mix a quick batch, diluted, and topdress.