Shit was ridiculous when we did it. The person missed a couple times, then finally 'got it'. However, they didn't actually get it because it didn't do anything to numb pain. Just fucked her back up for a few weeks and cost us a couple hundred bucks. There's a possibility they paralyze you as well. Most annoying part of our delivery a couple years back, was the doctors repeatedly asking "Can you feel that?" To which wife responded "Yes" To which they responded "Huh, you shouldn't feel anything".man you couldn't pay me to stick one of those needles in the spinei'm not needle phobic but that shit looks terrifying
My wife got induced the night before but couldn't really feel the contractions till the next morning. They broke her water around 1030 am and by noon the contractions were so strong she was ready for an epidural. Our birth plan was that we were open to the epidural, but that SHE wanted to try it without one first. Like a said a few hours of hard contrations and she wanted it. The rest of the afternoon, she was thankfully able to rest a bit, since we didn't sleep well the night before. Total of about 8-10 hours of labor, and then a whopping 15 minutes of pushing and our little girl came right out! I will say my wife wouldn't look at the needle for the epidural, she just wanted it done, and didn't want to see it, but was sooo happy she got it afterwards.Were there epidurals involved in either?
Trust me... it was on our mind lol. Was probably the second most upsetting part of the whole experience... wife was quite messed up in the aftermath from it. It's crazy what they have to do with that needle. Get it between vertebrae, and they aren't aiming for the spinal cord, that would be relatively easy. They are aiming for the lining of the spinal cord. Freaks me the fuck out just thinking about it.guess asking for a refund cos they 'missed' isn't on your mind at the time but damn.
I worked my whole life since my paper route at 13.Until my accident I've worked my whole life. Started when I was 14 and there has only been about 5 months total over the years that I havn't had a job. With that said I've really been enjoying this time at home with my daughter, and wife. My daughter is at a point where she is learning so much and changing so much its awesome to be home getting to be part of it rather then working 45 hours a week.