Well-Known Member
Those actually look like good quality jeans, good material and stitching.
yes-it's quality jeans, like all those imported jeans, which were then sold in the USSR, both officially and on the black market. There were no Chinese, Turkish or Polish cheap coats at that time!
But I doubt it was an American brand. This brand "Montana". I think it's a German brand too ... although I can be wrongджинсы-мужские/
Even now, the price of jeans "Montana" in Ukraine is $ 100. I will say simpler: Turkish (the best quality of fakes) jeans "branded"))) cost us about $ 50, branded cost from $ 100.
Those actually look like good quality jeans, good material and stitching.
Those look like some knock off West German brand. But they are in the popular 32x36 size. You could easily make them shorter. Great seller in that size.
I had a German friend who made the Berlin run in his car every year. I provided the Wrangler jeans to him at cost and in bulk, just amazed at how many pairs he could fit in a VW bug and cross the border. His crossing guards had an affinity for Hennessy and Marlboro's, about 100 marks his cost from me. It was the music cassettes that they didn't like much, lol. Those they smashed, and laughed...."No Black Sabbath!"
I did not know that there is a difference between real American jeans and German ones-this is news to me.
Yes ... that's right, there were long jeans, I did not understand before ... I thought that it was not the manufacturer who deliberately did it, but simply could not find the right size because of a deficit))) .. But we did not cut them, we had the fashion to tuck them up.)))
Oh yes .. Wrangler.))) It's also a funny story.))) During the socialist revolution of 1917, and the civil war that followed, there was such a military commander of the tsarist army, General Wrangel.)))
1914 The First World War he is a military officer of the Russian army.

He was a very talented military commander, and brought a lot of troubles of the Red Army in the Crimea in 1920.
1920, the Crimea still controlled the troops of Baron Wrangel.
the Crimean government and the Commander-in-Chief Baron Wrangel

The Bolsheviks gave him the nickname "Black Baron", so they respected him and hated him at the same time. At that time, he and his army were the number one enemy for the Bolsheviks.
Of course))), when the jeans of Wrangler, appeared in the USSR, they immediately began to call ..... Wrangel of course)))) And now imagine how it irritated the Politburo of the CPSU Central Committee, and directly the KGB.))) How as if it had been deliberately done.))))
When I got a little older, I also smuggled. I was an athlete, in the late 80s we went to competitions in Poland and sometimes to Western Europe (Germany, France.) We went on a club bus. You did not believe it, it was loaded so that while we reached the destination, the drivers changed the springs several times.)))) Why was the bus loaded?))) No, not only by the athletes))) In all the holes, wherever possible , were raspihany .. vodka, caviar, power tools ... copper (this is a serious crime, metal smuggling). Most of all this was carried by our sports coach, hiding behind the children (the frontier guards were not searched for children until they understood the meaning of the scam). But our coach was not greedy, he gave us money to earn! So, by the will of fate, I grew up early, and at age 13 became a real smuggler. True, I did not bring copper))), it's very risky, I drove vodka, caviar, electrical appliances .. all that was sold in the West right away, because it was qualitative, but worth it in Europe ... like jeans in the USSR)) )) MARGIN IN 5 AND MORE TIMES !! I will give a good example from my life: imagine a child of 13 years old from the USSR who first saw ....... Paris))))))))))) I walked along the street with my mouth open, it was like in a dream!! I'm sure you've never experienced such happiness !! I'M SURE!)))
Now be surprised more))): I had 500 pieces of badges that cost 0.5 rubles a piece in the USSR, but I got them for free.

These were badges of children's and youth's communist organizations.
I had an idiot dream in 13 years)) - watch American films.)))) My dream drove me crazy and did not allow me to sleep at night .. I was ashamed, I was brought up in the spirit of morality and honor !. After all, in Russia, even in the 19th century traders were considered not noble people, small traders equated to the peasant even! The nobles were above the rank of merchant, even if he was poor and he had more rights. but still the devil persuaded me)))))
I spent all my free time running around Paris, pestering people)) saying type in French))))))): Misier, la Rus, souvenir, Lenin, di franc ...
To my HUGE surprise, my scheme worked))) People willingly bought icons for ten francs apiece ($ 2 at a time). Moreover, they knew who Lenin was ... I was shocked !! I did not even think that the Parisians know who Lenin is)))))
Listen)): in this place the poison of capitalism poisoned me))) Three day, I sold a third of my badges somewhere !!! And even more I got poisoned when I went to a regular store where there was neither the KGB nor the CIA)))) and without queue, on the proceeds from the sale of badges money, bought a Japanese video recorder. I experienced HAPPINESS for the second time in my life, which can not be expressed in words ...
now be surprised even more, this video tape recorder on the black market in the USSR cost about 5000 rubles, while my parents had a salary of 500 rubles a month. Want more?))) Please)) The car in the USSR was worth about 10,000 rubles, a one-room apartment in Kharkov 5000 rubles. Now, once again, remember that brainless 13-year-old child with his bad luck and where does he use this happiness ?!)))
Now I will dispel the illusions of Russian happiness a little: go abroad, even at that time (after perestroika) it was almost impossible! In my school, I'm the only one who fell this chance))). In order to go abroad then, it was necessary to be at least a top-level athlete, even at the age of 13!!
When I was 14, we in Europe met with our peers PSV Eindhoven. We played 1: 1 with them, but we were stronger, especially physically and sturdily on the head. We were frightened just this legendary club by their name and all))))
Here is a little story about how I entered the path of decaying capitalism! Believe me, Bro is reading the truth !! And this you do not exactly hear anywhere)))
I'll talk a lot more about Black Sabbath, audio cassettes, and ..... cocaine trading)))) Immediately I can not, my head is already boiling.)))
Special thanks to you, my friends, for supporting me with your participation here !! I am essentially alone, though around a thousand! Why alone? I'm sure that you have already understood this !!
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