Vert(600+400) 5 plant, from Ukraine with love

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Those actually look like good quality jeans, good material and stitching.

yes-it's quality jeans, like all those imported jeans, which were then sold in the USSR, both officially and on the black market. There were no Chinese, Turkish or Polish cheap coats at that time!

But I doubt it was an American brand. This brand "Montana". I think it's a German brand too ... although I can be wrongджинсы-мужские/

Even now, the price of jeans "Montana" in Ukraine is $ 100. I will say simpler: Turkish (the best quality of fakes) jeans "branded"))) cost us about $ 50, branded cost from $ 100.

Those actually look like good quality jeans, good material and stitching.
Those look like some knock off West German brand. But they are in the popular 32x36 size. You could easily make them shorter. Great seller in that size.
I had a German friend who made the Berlin run in his car every year. I provided the Wrangler jeans to him at cost and in bulk, just amazed at how many pairs he could fit in a VW bug and cross the border. His crossing guards had an affinity for Hennessy and Marlboro's, about 100 marks his cost from me. It was the music cassettes that they didn't like much, lol. Those they smashed, and laughed...."No Black Sabbath!"

I did not know that there is a difference between real American jeans and German ones-this is news to me.
Yes ... that's right, there were long jeans, I did not understand before ... I thought that it was not the manufacturer who deliberately did it, but simply could not find the right size because of a deficit))) .. But we did not cut them, we had the fashion to tuck them up.)))

Oh yes .. Wrangler.))) It's also a funny story.))) During the socialist revolution of 1917, and the civil war that followed, there was such a military commander of the tsarist army, General Wrangel.)))

1914 The First World War he is a military officer of the Russian army.


He was a very talented military commander, and brought a lot of troubles of the Red Army in the Crimea in 1920.

1920, the Crimea still controlled the troops of Baron Wrangel.

the Crimean government and the Commander-in-Chief Baron Wrangel


The Bolsheviks gave him the nickname "Black Baron", so they respected him and hated him at the same time. At that time, he and his army were the number one enemy for the Bolsheviks.

Of course))), when the jeans of Wrangler, appeared in the USSR, they immediately began to call ..... Wrangel of course)))) And now imagine how it irritated the Politburo of the CPSU Central Committee, and directly the KGB.))) How as if it had been deliberately done.))))

When I got a little older, I also smuggled. I was an athlete, in the late 80s we went to competitions in Poland and sometimes to Western Europe (Germany, France.) We went on a club bus. You did not believe it, it was loaded so that while we reached the destination, the drivers changed the springs several times.)))) Why was the bus loaded?))) No, not only by the athletes))) In all the holes, wherever possible , were raspihany .. vodka, caviar, power tools ... copper (this is a serious crime, metal smuggling). Most of all this was carried by our sports coach, hiding behind the children (the frontier guards were not searched for children until they understood the meaning of the scam). But our coach was not greedy, he gave us money to earn! So, by the will of fate, I grew up early, and at age 13 became a real smuggler. True, I did not bring copper))), it's very risky, I drove vodka, caviar, electrical appliances .. all that was sold in the West right away, because it was qualitative, but worth it in Europe ... like jeans in the USSR)) )) MARGIN IN 5 AND MORE TIMES !! I will give a good example from my life: imagine a child of 13 years old from the USSR who first saw ....... Paris))))))))))) I walked along the street with my mouth open, it was like in a dream!! I'm sure you've never experienced such happiness !! I'M SURE!)))

Now be surprised more))): I had 500 pieces of badges that cost 0.5 rubles a piece in the USSR, but I got them for free.


These were badges of children's and youth's communist organizations.

I had an idiot dream in 13 years)) - watch American films.)))) My dream drove me crazy and did not allow me to sleep at night .. I was ashamed, I was brought up in the spirit of morality and honor !. After all, in Russia, even in the 19th century traders were considered not noble people, small traders equated to the peasant even! The nobles were above the rank of merchant, even if he was poor and he had more rights. but still the devil persuaded me)))))

I spent all my free time running around Paris, pestering people)) saying type in French))))))): Misier, la Rus, souvenir, Lenin, di franc ...

To my HUGE surprise, my scheme worked))) People willingly bought icons for ten francs apiece ($ 2 at a time). Moreover, they knew who Lenin was ... I was shocked !! I did not even think that the Parisians know who Lenin is)))))

Listen)): in this place the poison of capitalism poisoned me))) Three day, I sold a third of my badges somewhere !!! And even more I got poisoned when I went to a regular store where there was neither the KGB nor the CIA)))) and without queue, on the proceeds from the sale of badges money, bought a Japanese video recorder. I experienced HAPPINESS for the second time in my life, which can not be expressed in words ...

now be surprised even more, this video tape recorder on the black market in the USSR cost about 5000 rubles, while my parents had a salary of 500 rubles a month. Want more?))) Please)) The car in the USSR was worth about 10,000 rubles, a one-room apartment in Kharkov 5000 rubles. Now, once again, remember that brainless 13-year-old child with his bad luck and where does he use this happiness ?!)))

Now I will dispel the illusions of Russian happiness a little: go abroad, even at that time (after perestroika) it was almost impossible! In my school, I'm the only one who fell this chance))). In order to go abroad then, it was necessary to be at least a top-level athlete, even at the age of 13!!

When I was 14, we in Europe met with our peers PSV Eindhoven. We played 1: 1 with them, but we were stronger, especially physically and sturdily on the head. We were frightened just this legendary club by their name and all))))

Here is a little story about how I entered the path of decaying capitalism! Believe me, Bro is reading the truth !! And this you do not exactly hear anywhere)))

I'll talk a lot more about Black Sabbath, audio cassettes, and ..... cocaine trading)))) Immediately I can not, my head is already boiling.)))
Special thanks to you, my friends, for supporting me with your participation here !! I am essentially alone, though around a thousand! Why alone? I'm sure that you have already understood this !!
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A sea of young people rippled by the super bass
I’m 300 years old and I’ve just crawled out from the darkness.
They’re dancing to rave and powdering their noses with something.
They’re not like us.
And I’m in no rush to invade someone else’s abbey
I’ve seen that plain life
You shouldn’t buckle under the changeable world
It’s better if it buckles under us.
One day it will buckle under us.

I had a friend, who was worth two, who used to waiting
Every day was the last of his days.
He tried the world’s toughness out every minute
But the world was tougher.
Oh well, sleep soundly, forgotten idol, you reached many heights
You shouldn’t buckle under the changeable world
It’s better if it buckles under us.
One day it will buckle under us.

A different one stayed in the stream, catching the flow
Far from the treacherous banks.
He was like everyone else, swam like everyone else and has arrived
No house, no friends and no enemies.
And his life is like a fruit yoghurt – it’s something I’ve seen many times
You shouldn’t buckle under the changeable world
It’s better if it buckles under us.
One day it will buckle under us.

Even though the jeans are worn through
And the knackered bass is growling
You shouldn’t buckle under the changeable world
It’s better if it buckles under us.
One day it will buckle under us.

I want to add to the above-described, this I showed you, where did that Rokotov and others, which very quickly enriched. It was not difficult at all for an intelligent and purposeful man, it was a small matter ... to sacrifice one's conscience, honor and ideals, vaccinated from childhood!

PS I had to walk proudly across Paris, knowing that once the Russian army saved France from the disgrace of the insatiable Napoleon in 1812, the other time when in 1914, the year the king of France came to Nicolas II, with a plea that the Germans the troops will now seize France. Nicholas sent an army to distract the Germans from the east. For the third time, the French government faltered, fled to England with the allied corps, Russia again took the brunt of it.

And I, instead of walking proudly in Paris, tell everyone that I'm Russian !! No, I played the role of a beggar))), but I realized my dream)))
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I want to add to the above-described, this I showed you, where did that Rokotov and others, which very quickly enriched. It was not difficult at all for an intelligent and purposeful man, it was a small matter ... to sacrifice one's conscience, honor and ideals, vaccinated from childhood!

PS I had to walk proudly across Paris, knowing that once the Russian army saved France from the disgrace of the insatiable Napoleon in 1812, the other time when in 1914, the year the king of France came to Nicolas II, with a plea that the Germans the troops will now seize France. Nicholas sent an army to distract the Germans from the east. For the third time, the French government faltered, fled to England with the allied corps, Russia again took the brunt of it.

And I, instead of walking proudly in Paris, tell everyone that I'm Russian !! No, I played the role of a beggar))), but I realized my dream)))
The French need another lesson today. It is apparent that their 'assistance' in Northern Africa is unhelpful and unwelcome to all but the petit dictators they prob up.
I did not know that there is a difference between real American jeans and German ones-this is news to me.
Yes ... that's right, there were long jeans, I did not understand before ... I thought that it was not the manufacturer who deliberately did it, but simply could not find the right size because of a deficit))) .. But we did not cut them, we had the fashion to tuck them up.)))
The "Rifle " jeans are actually Italian sold all over Europe, just cheap cotton weave and dye, poor stitching but available everywhere unlike Levis.
Not durable at all and industrial blue dye never fades. Definitely not Turkish cotton weave with Indigo blue dye.
I tried sending more sizes, everyone did. But the smugglers insisted on 36 longs for size, said you liked rolling them up. I did sneak some 32x32 in the load, and he said they sold first and for more.
That wasn't my main business, that was just a bonus to an associate to pay for his annual 2 week vacation to Berlin, he'd sell them to Soviet soldiers.-

The shift to Wranglers was because Levis went up in price at the time, but I love the story about Wrangel's name and KGB getting heat to stop the jeans! That happened a few times, I remember. my KGB drinking buddy(long story) was angry to get sent to Italy to find pants smugglers bringing in shiploads, doing common police work. " I had to corral some cowboy pants rustlers, I am not a cowboy, I am "International Sports Official!" hahahah".

To my HUGE surprise, my scheme worked))) People willingly bought icons for ten francs apiece ($ 2 at a time). Moreover, they knew who Lenin was ... I was shocked !! I did not even think that the Parisians know who Lenin is)))))

I saw the prices on those badges too. Great deals back then. They were everywhere here at the military surplus stores until the rare ones turned out to be valuable.
I got an East German vise, metal bending tools, saws,files and more for cheaper than China prices in the US after the wall went down. All excellent quality and durable and still in use.

! I will give a good example from my life: imagine a child of 13 years old from the USSR who first saw ....... Paris))))))))))) I walked along the street with my mouth open, it was like in a dream!! I'm sure you've never experienced such happiness !! I'M SURE!)))
I saw that look a few times, we'd take the new defectors from Soviet Union and Eastern Europe out for fun after getting cleared by the CIA, go drinking, get them high, and freak them out when we made rude gestures and sounds at the police.
That was actually terrifying to them to see, and baffling when the police just shook their heads at us and walked away.

The State Department was a bit miffed when we took a 2 meter tall Bulgarian guy out and had him convinced that we were gangsters from Chicago, and he better do what he was told or else the "Tommy Gun". He had only seen movies and heard stories of the Mob, and did was he was told for weeks before ratting on us.
We came to an agreement, we would't steal any more defectors, and would bring them home some time in the night.
They wanted sober and before midnight in the deal, I said no way.
In the Cold War on my side, Sedan, the US in Munich had Radio Liberty, Radio Free Europe staffed by defectors from the east(State Dept), US Army 66th Military Police Counter-Intelligence ,bunch of listening posts for you know who( we don't say their name in this country even now), recreation bases for troops all nearby. I had a 3 Year Status of Forces Visa for work for the US, which meant no taxes on alcohol, cigarettes,and other items too bulky (jeans) to deal with. We were under US Military jurisdiction and US law for the most part, not German law unless it was criminal

No travel to Eastern Block.That stamp made you ineligible to cross the Iron Curtain. You had to get a second passport at State Dept and have damn good reason, not vacationing with the proletariat.

So I had traitors, spies, drunken soldiers all going through my local bar. That was a diverse customer base and perfect lair for me. I just dealt hash, and had one customer who bought all the taxable goods which was considerable and he provided rent-a-thugs as needed.

KGB/ International Sports Official despised "Rocky and Bullwinkle " cartoons, he looked a bit like Boris the Spy.
Huckleberry Hound and Pink Panther were his code names for his 66th MI tails. We came up with Captain Crunch for his new tail after Huckleberry threatened me and was transferred to somewhere bad.
They were supposed to be invisible, someone else's job to do threats. That guy already spoke to me. I explained we drank across the bar for 6 months buying each other Whiskey and Vodka and not talking and trying to get the other blind drunk. We decided it was stupid, and both agreed don't talk shop. He said "Fine, don't bother my guys. They are supposed to be invisible." and laughed at their Soviet code names.

KGB watched the "traitors" and US Govt.
66th MI watched the traitors,KGB, the Stassi and US citizens
The FBI watched the traitors on State Dept property
Both Germanys watched everyone, it was like a soap opera

The traitors were awful paranoid, always thought they were being watched and followed. The honest defectors were usually Academics looking for social change, others were angry tools we stockpiled, fed and trotted out on the radio when needed.
But it kept them out of trouble and plotting. Not a gun hidden anywhere in 30 yrs of exile, we kept the Anti Bolsheviks on a short leash.

KGB thought it was hilarious, he was our best enemy and never any problems.. He even brought more "Sports Officials" by and bought everyone drinks all night a couple times

They were Khrushchev guys for the most part, not Brezhnev men chasing down blue jeans. Their boss was scary as f**k, Stalinist for sure. I was on his "Just torture a little list, maybe shoot later". I thought KGB was joking, but no. that was an improvement in my status. Soviets had lists for people in every city.
Just wanted to see us collapse into inevitable chaos and be welcomed into the proletariat cleansed of Monarchist, Capitalist, their Minions and "Rocky and Bullwinkle" cartoons, then we'd trade and farm in peace and have nuclear power everywhere from our leftover bombs.
That and inevitable global destruction was my Cold War. Just had a seat to see the players, roll some dice and not get put in Gulag by lots of countries.
I'm screwed with your knowledge and your experience !! Now I'll try to explain my memories, although it's not easy for me in English .. it's hard to translate and write for a long time))) But for now look at this rarity of the Cold War.))) This is a foreign passport of the USSR. I had two of them. One for the Socialist countries, another for the capitalist)))), the third is my Soviet passport)))

This passport for the capitalist countries! At that time, the children could not leave the country without a passport, and the passport was issued at the age of 16.)) Therefore, I already had a passport for going to capitalist countries, and there was no passport of a USSR citizen yet.))) Such intricacies.)))

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The French need another lesson today. It is apparent that their 'assistance' in Northern Africa is unhelpful and unwelcome to all but the petit dictators they prob up.
France is also an Empire))) .. they think probably: why they can, and we are not))) I read recently how France struck a missile strike in the Middle East, and how the public was indignant about this! It was an expensive and unnecessary action! Demonstration of power, which is not! The country is in crisis, and the government of the rocket is launching !!

Now a little history. It so happened that during the Russian Empire, after the war with Napoleon Bonaparte, France was a great friend for Russia. That's why Nicholas II responded to a request for assistance from France, and sent an army to distract. France was saved, but Samsonov's army fell into disorientation and was defeated !! Here are wild people))). The First World War began because Russia stood up for Serbia when Erkzergzog Ferdinand was killed in Sarajevo and Germany stood up for Austria! Now the most interesting))) Nicholas II was a direct relative of Kaiser Wilhelm))) they could then mix the royal blood)) Egaterina II, also called the Great, nee Sophie Auguste Friederike von Anhalt-Zerbst-Dornburg.

The shift to Wranglers was because Levis went up in price at the time,

Another news))) I would never have thought that Levi is the best jeans! We, among the elite are more popular Dolce Gabbana)))). I had Jeans Levi501 only Western European production. But still, when I was with money before the crisis, I preferred the brands "Boss", "Armani", "Versace" .. etc. But it's not so simple))). Even in branded boutiques 80% of China)))) We need to understand the clothes, so as not to buy a fake, because the prices they have for China and the real products are the same))))

That wasn't my main business, that was just a bonus to an associate to pay for his annual 2 week vacation to Berlin, he'd sell them to Soviet soldiers.-

I had a lot of friends at school, whose parents served in the GDR. My best friend then, was born in the GDR in the family of an officer of the Soviets Army. They were children from another planet))). They dressed differently, they had other toys, they were all jealous)))

I saw the prices on those badges too. Great deals back then. They were everywhere here at the military surplus stores until the rare ones turned out to be valuable.
I got an East German vise, metal bending tools, saws,files and more for cheaper than China prices in the US after the wall went down. All excellent quality and durable and still in use.

Yes, you are absolutely right-lumber, carpentry and other tools were of the highest quality and durable. My house still has Soviet screwdrivers and pliers-they are eternal, like AK))). It's easy to explain !! The USSR was in the first place in the world at that time for the production of steel.)))))

I saw that look a few times, we'd take the new defectors from Soviet Union and Eastern Europe out for fun after getting cleared by the CIA, go drinking, get them high, and freak them out when we made rude gestures and sounds at the police.
That was actually terrifying to them to see, and baffling when the police just shook their heads at us and walked away.

In the first paragraph, I again do not quite understand, please, more precisely! I did not fully understand who beat whom, and who drove whom!

Yes, at that time it was not rude to rude the police in the USSR, everyone still remembered the NKVD and Beria))). Although, as far as you know, patrol policemen at that time did not carry weapons, not even batons. They only had a whistle and a walkie-talkie.
When he whistled in the whistle, ordinary people around ran and helped detain the criminal, then they were rewarded for it. So it was accepted !
They certainly were dumbfounded by such disrespectful attitude towards the police, and that the police left in silence .. They were sure that this was a trick.)))

The State Department was a bit miffed when we took a 2 meter tall Bulgarian guy out and had him convinced that we were gangsters from Chicago, and he better do what he was told or else the "Tommy Gun". He had only seen movies and heard stories of the Mob, and did was he was told for weeks before ratting on us.
We came to an agreement, we would't steal any more defectors, and would bring them home some time in the night.

Yes, I know it by myself!)) When we came to the competitions for the first time in Western Europe and came to the stadium, where all the teams gathered and a crowd of people! It was terribly simple and humiliating !!! Everyone poked at us with their fingers, shouted something and laughed at us !!
We could not understand whether they were laughing at us or so welcome!))))) I was ready to fall through the ground, there were a lot of them around !! The only word that I understood from all that they shouted-Ivan Drago)))) I was a child and I was not ready for such a psychic attack !! I with the friend restrained, not to show the emotions !! I imagine how comical this looked from the outside.))

They wanted sober and before midnight in the deal, I said no way.
Komarad, I'm intrigued and embarrassed))), I still do not understand what organization you represented then? I'm afraid to ask))) did you work for intelligence or was engaged in the transportation of illegal immigrants?

In the Cold War on my side, Sedan, the US in Munich had Radio Liberty, Radio Free Europe staffed by defectors from the east(State Dept), US Army 66th Military Police Counter-Intelligence ,bunch of listening posts for you know who( we don't say their name in this country even now), recreation bases for troops all nearby. I had a 3 Year Status of Forces Visa for work for the US, which meant no taxes on alcohol, cigarettes,and other items too bulky (jeans) to deal with. We were under US Military jurisdiction and US law for the most part, not German law unless it was criminal
Yes, I already understood, my friend, that you became interested in this topic after I wrote a review about the series Babel-Berlin.)) .. and jeans of course))) .. I realized that this is close to you and causes excitement. It's your youth !! Your words are more than truthful!I know perfectly well that America, like Russia, considered itself the master of the FRG and the GDR, respectively! Although Russia has suffered a hundred times more damage from German aggression than the United States.
The USSR was hungry, but it still helped the GDR economically, as a result, the standard of living in the USSR was several times lower than in the GDR. Strangely, can not you see?))) .. I'm talking about the policy of the "master" of the GDR))))

Now I'm a little better at understanding who you are)))

ooooooo ... Radio Liberty)))) We listened to the London Radio Liberty.))) There was such a Jew -defector- Seva Novgorodtsev, he was the main one there .. CIA agent of course.))) All the "progressive" intellectuals of the USSR, including my father ,. at night they listened to Seva))) The KGB has placed everywhere special devices to jam the radio signal. In order to listen to Radio Liberty, it was necessary to have a very powerful signal receiver. At that time, Sevava Novgorodtsev was a hero))). After perestroika, he began to flicker often on television and in the media in the USSR. I'm sure that then the CIA awarded him and promoted him !! Because he turned the minds of the country against the USSR, and this is precisely the task that was set him by the leadership !!

So I had traitors, spies, drunken soldiers all going through my local bar. That was a diverse customer base and perfect lair for me. I just dealt hash, and had one customer who bought all the taxable goods which was considerable and he provided rent-a-thugs as needed.

There were famous defectors, not only drunken soldiers of the Red Army)))

KGB watched the "traitors" and US Govt.
66th MI watched the traitors,KGB, the Stassi and US citizens
The FBI watched the traitors on State Dept property
Both Germanys watched everyone, it was like a soap opera

))) Turned to the FRG circus was no worse than ours.))) Bro, I first hear it from you))))

KGB/ International Sports Official despised "Rocky and Bullwinkle " cartoons, he looked a bit like Boris the Spy.
Huckleberry Hound and Pink Panther were his code names for his 66th MI tails. We came up with Captain Crunch for his new tail after Huckleberry threatened me and was transferred to somewhere bad.
They were supposed to be invisible, someone else's job to do threats. That guy already spoke to me. I explained we drank across the bar for 6 months buying each other Whiskey and Vodka and not talking and trying to get the other blind drunk. We decided it was stupid, and both agreed don't talk shop. He said "Fine, don't bother my guys. They are supposed to be invisible." and laughed at their Soviet code names.

Bro, please try to duplicate it, I feel that it's very interesting, but at least beat me on the head with a stick))), I can not translate ...)))
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The traitors were awful paranoid, always thought they were being watched and followed. The honest defectors were usually Academics looking for social change, others were angry tools we stockpiled, fed and trotted out on the radio when needed.
But it kept them out of trouble and plotting. Not a gun hidden anywhere in 30 yrs of exile, we kept the Anti Bolsheviks on a short leash.

Yes, it's just people, such as Seva Novgorodtseva, who, besides, how to run, also owned some technological or scientific secrets and knowledge. They were afraid that they would not be eliminated before they shared their secrets !! And those who still worked for intelligence .. I'm sure they were guarded around the clock .. or rather, some guarded by others to kill)))

They were Khrushchev guys for the most part, not Brezhnev men chasing down blue jeans. Their boss was scary as f**k, Stalinist for sure. I was on his "Just torture a little list, maybe shoot later". I thought KGB was joking, but no. that was an improvement in my status. Soviets had lists for people in every city.
Just wanted to see us collapse into inevitable chaos and be welcomed into the proletariat cleansed of Monarchist, Capitalist, their Minions and "Rocky and Bullwinkle" cartoons, then we'd trade and farm in peace and have nuclear power everywhere from our leftover bombs.
That and inevitable global destruction was my Cold War. Just had a seat to see the players, roll some dice and not get put in Gulag by lots of countries.

I take your hat off before you, your knowledge is so deep that if you said that you were Russian and talked so that I understood everything, then I would believe it !!!)))

You are completely right, with the death of Stalin the death of the USSR began. If Khrushchev somehow tried to continue the growth of the country and strictly observed the communist ideals in Leninist traditions)))), then Brezhnev has already begun laundering money and transferring to foreign accounts, the money that was intended to help the Communist Parties of Africa, South America, Asia ... these were millions, billions of stolen money. Brezhnev had a daughter, Galina. She was engaged in diamonds. There was a whole diamond mafia in the USSR, she was one of the leaders of this mafia. Listen))) her husband was ..... Minister of Internal Affairs (militia) Churbanov !! When finally an old moron idiot Brezhnev died, came to power ......))) Minister of the KGB Andropov. You can not imagine what began .... I will be short-Churbanov arrested, the next day he shot himself! It was a criminal case for diamonds that destroyed all the mafia at once. Andropov was the last burst of communism, he tried to bring order to the country. He forbade during working hours and at night to sell vodka! Police outfits walked the streets, cinemas, cafes, restaurants during working hours, if you had no reason why you were not at work, then you were arrested and sent to forced labor for "parasitism", there was such an article in the code-if you do not want to work- go work in jail for free))))

But it was already late, the collapse of the USSR was inevitable !! Money to feed the country was not, began to invent different products, such as sausages from ground bones and meat waste with gelatin .. fu .. would not advise you to eat this sausage))) All the money went to the arms race and space program.

The United States has achieved its goal, the USSR has collapsed !! But what have ordinary people who suffered for 70 years to do with this, and then gave it away for free, and then they trampled on their feet !!!

Look at China, how it is developing and gaining power !! China is a pathetic shadow of the USSR !! Imagine that it was now with the USSR, if the United States were more far-sighted and would break up then China, and not the USSR?
I had a poster by Black Sabbat in my childhood room on the wall)) My friend gave me, a friend, this poster was given to him by his brother, he was 9 years older, he was engaged in "fartsovka" (like Rokotov, only on a smaller scale), together with it brother studied in a military school, was preparing to become an officer of the Soviet Army)))
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Another news))) I would never have thought that Levi is the best jeans! We, among the elite are more popular Dolce Gabbana)))). I had Jeans Levi501 only Western European production. But still, when I was with money before the crisis, I preferred the brands "Boss", "Armani", "Versace" .. etc. But it's not so simple))). Even in branded boutiques 80% of China)))) We need to understand the clothes, so as not to buy a fake, because the prices they have for China and the real products are the same))))
Those I couldn't get tax free, no special orders. US government had thousands and thousands of Americans working for them. Teachers, clerks, stores, groceries,warehouses, hotels ,golf courses and ski lifts in the Alps, secret listening posts, even a University branch there. I just was one of many, not a spy or agent. Some building were off limits to Germans, only Americans could enter.

To be stationed in East or West Germany was a big thing for US and Soviet officers and troops. Better housing, more pay, cheap alcohol and lots of vacations and culture. The officers had luxurious villas built by the Nazis and seized by the Allies on both sides.

When a new Defector came to work there, their whole family had been put there by CIA and worked for State Dept Radio Liberty.
Day One of freedom, the Anti Bolsheviks would take the new ones out to see their new home and show them who all the double agents were, Kreittmayrstrasse 7 and Stepan Bandera's grave, and "Don't eat condiments in public, all poisoned! , then meet their hoodlum American friends.

. W'ed go along and corrupt them, see their Red Star Passports and hear their story of escape and why they left.
One guy decided to see Amsterdam, so we got him drunk, gave him money and a train ticket. He's free now, sure he can go! Everyone thought he was kidnapped, we just went home to bed. So we had to bring them home to the doorstep and make sure the door opened after that. Not ring the doorbell and run away again, they thought that one was poisoned.

all I got time for Sedan, I'll explain Huckleberry Hound later.
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Finally .. the first defoliation)), finally in the affairs of the mortal there was a breach))) to do what he liked, and not sticking out his tongue, to rush about in search of a solution to life's problems ..
I wildly apologize that the cycle is not so correct, but still I ask you to take into account where and how I live))) In fact I am engaged in the resolution of what other people have decided and not tried, but on the other hand I am digging in the manure of my scanty life, teeth for a straw, so that my life does not go down the toilet!
Well, let's not talk about sad ...

The first defoliation:

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to be continued....
Finally .. the first defoliation)), finally in the affairs of the mortal there was a breach))) to do what he liked, and not sticking out his tongue, to rush about in search of a solution to life's problems ..
I wildly apologize that the cycle is not so correct, but still I ask you to take into account where and how I live))) In fact I am engaged in the resolution of what other people have decided and not tried, but on the other hand I am digging in the manure of my scanty life, teeth for a straw, so that my life does not go down the toilet!
Well, let's not talk about sad ...

The first defoliation:

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to be continued....
Are you going to use HPS all the way til the end, or you have any plans of testing the LED light fixture on this current grow?
Are you going to use HPS all the way til the end, or you have any plans of testing the LED light fixture on this current grow?

Hello, Amigo !! I understand, it's very long))), but the luminary will soon be ready, only the power unit has to be completed .. Unfortunately, everything does not depend on me, mostly the dead presidents are to blame.)))

good to know they are dead. (:
On the bill of one hundred Ukrainian hryvnia is depicted a great Ukrainian writer, poet and artist of the 19th century.


In his poetry, he sang the heavy share of a peasant serf. He himself was a serf and owner of the estate, but one rich man, seeing his talents, bought him out of slavery. He became rich with time, but until the end of the days, he did not forget what he had to endure as a child and wrote about the human grief, not about the "love" that the morons love to read! Read his poem, if the translation is correct enough, you will understand his feelings ...

Taras Shevchenko

Young masters, if you only knew

("Yakby vy znaly, panychi" -

"Якби ви знали, паничі")

Translated by John Weir



Young masters, if you only knew
How people weep there all life through,
You’d not compose your rhapsodies,
And God for nothing you’d not praise,
Nor mock our tears by twisting truth.
That tranquil cottage in the grove
You call a paradise - I know.
In such a cottage once I dwelt,
It was there my first hot tears were spilt,
My early tears! I know no vice,
No wrong or ill, however rare,
That’s not found in that cottage fair....
And yet they call it paradise!
I do not call that little house
In a small village, by a copse,
A very paradise on earth.

It was there my mother gave me birth
And, singing as her child she nursed,
She passed her pain to me.... It was there,
In that wee house, that Eden fair,
That I saw hell.... There people slave
Without a let-up night and day,
Not even having time to pray.
In that same village to her grave
My gentle mother, young in years,
Was laid by toil and want and cares.
There father weeping with his brood
(We were but tiny, tattered tots),
Could not withstand his bitter lot
And died at work in servitude!...

And we - we scattered where we could
Like little field mice. I to school -
To carry water for the class.
My brothers slaved on the estate
And then, conscripted, marched away!
And you. my sisters! Fortune has
Reserved for you the cruellest fate!
What is the purpose of your life?
Your youth in service slipped away,
Your locks in servitude turn grey,
In service, sisters, you will die!
My blood runs cold when I recall
That cottage in the village fair!
Such deeds, O God, do we do there
Where piety rules over all
And all in paradise should dwell!
Of heaven we have made a hell,
Yet for another heaven call.
We with our brothers live in peace,
We with our brothers plough the fields,
And water them with brother’s tears.
And also, maybe.... Nay, I fear,
But so it seems.... perhaps. O God
(Because without Thy will divine
we’d not in nakedness repine
In paradise), perhaps You mock
Us also, Father, from the sky
And with the masters You conspire
On how to rule us here below.
For look: there smiles a verdant grove,
And from behind the grove a pool
Peeps shyly out, behind it stands
A row of willows washing hands,
Their branches, in the waters cool....
Is this not truly paradise?
Look once again until your eyes
See what has made this heaven cruel!

Will you see gladness, hear but praise
Of God for all that He has done,
For all the marvels He has made?
No, not a bit! There’s praise for none!
Just blasphemy and blood and wails -
All things are curst, all is blasphemed!
There’s nothing sacred left on earth. ..
And even Thee, it seems to me,
The people have already cursed!


His drawing:


Monument to Taras Shevchenko in Kharkov


Only I do not understand one thing ... Presidents on banknotes- this is understandable, the very thing !! But this kind of person on the bill, I think it's blasphemy! What does Shevchenko have to do with money?))) No! Brad-full-overdo sages-lovers of Ukraine !! It too!! Right now I'll take and will be proud of this note))) Inflation has long been eaten .. Shevchenko is now $ 4, a couple of years will fall in price by another ten times !!)))
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