Vert(600+400) 5 plant, from Ukraine with love

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Another 24 hours passed.

View attachment 4129781
Now I remind you one important detail: very many believe that the two tails is a mutation. I can answer you with complete certainty-absolute nonsense !! These are not mutants, they are ordinary twins, as in humans. Usually one is dominant, and the second is weak. The roots are fused, the crowns are different. As a rule, in such cases, after the root develops, the weak process is removed.What will I do with this plant, time will tell. Of course, I will study, and maybe, something will extract useful from this experiment.

Very sexy pic!

Nice camera work my friend.

Very sexy pic!

Nice camera work my friend.

))) .. this is a miracle camera, Bro)). Hi tech.))) To the smartphone Nokia, tape, reel a twenty-fold jewelery magnifying glass. It's like Jacques Yves Cousteau, I really wanted to swim underwater and invented a scuba gear.
Vladimir Vysotsky

Do not write poetry to me and novels,
Do not read fiction in the corner -
I'm in the ward of addicts,
I feel I'll sit on the needle myself.
Someone treated wound wounds,
Someone so provided the rear ...
Oh, you, my boys are loving highs,
Quickly get off the needle!
In the soul of my doubts have sunk,
In the head of the questions I drill -
I'm in a room where I've been swallowed,
Sniffed, chop everything.
Someone so healed his soul,
Someone just stayed alone ...
Oh, you guys, drop morphine -
Go to apomorphine!
Near an unknown schizophrenic -
In it, secretly the nurse is in love -
He says: "When there is not enough money -
I'll go over the vodka.
Someone there pierced his conscience,
Someone in the heart ate anasha ...
Oh, you guys, you need a story about you,
Only - I do not write stories.
Urgent need of change!
Our most cheerful also wilted.
The fifth day someone is looking for a vein,
They will not find him - he has not used to them.
Someone even sniffed cocaine -
They say that it is an instant arrival;
Someone ate a kilogram of codeine -
And he let himself into the expense of the day.
I love the indigent, but not drunk,
I love desperate guys.
I'm in the room of addicts -
How much I heard here, in it!
Someone drives cubes in his hand,
Someone even eats strong tungsten ...
Voluntarily accepting anguish,
This song is written to you!

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gunna run someting the same in a 2x1-1x2 tent with 2 or maybe 1 600
Bro, you can more accurately formulate the question, please! I do not know the word "gunna"..


It took three days from the moment of soaking in cotton swabs.


Let me remind you that I did not help any plant to remove my helmet with my hands
That grain, which showed the maximum growth dynamics of all eight grains.

Obsession Fem

ствол обсешн.JPG

His partner with less pronounced dynamics.

Obsession Fem


Now the twins. The second process is very weak, so do not catch the figs, the root will develop, I delete it as unnecessary. He will only interfere.

Tashkenti Optima Fem

ташкенти.JPG ташкенти отр.JPG ташкенти весь.JPG

These plants have nothing to add

Bamdat Fem


Bamdat Fem


We still have three grains that have not yet appeared from the soil.

to be continued...

I realized that there was a "gonna"... when you explained to me.)) Most likely a typo .. I also have fingers sometimes do not obey ..)) Press the wrong buttons ..))

Yes, I saw the work of this guy .. He does well .. Only two to 600 a lot. Better one, so as not to have problems with the temperature .. IMHO
"Hey yo, like the world ocean my flow..

..the smoke was approaching,
I felt right away,
that I became closer to the art and to the goal,
when I found the same as me,
and who appreciates it!..

..if you want, call me crazy ..
in order to become a dragon,
for starters, you need to become a tiger .."

Don't Let Go


Above my precipice
By the propeller blade
Globes spin
Old tricks.
I broke down crying;
I'm not made of stone.
Mother America,
Of twenty-two shores.

Don't let me go,
Don't let go,
Don't let go -
What if someone notices?
Don't let me go,
Don't let go,
Don't let go -
What if someone sees it?

Eternally young.
Right behind the dunes
A sailboat that I
Dreamt up awaits.
Twenty two months,
Globes go insane,
People say goodbye,
But don't come back.

Don't let me go,
Don't let go,
Don't let go -
What if someone notices?
Don't let me go,
Don't let go,
Don't let go -
What if someone sees it?

Pigeons are hiding,
Don't feel like the sky.
Not on the list,
Not praying.
You accelerate
Above my precipice.
Regrets are for later;
Wings into blades.

Don't let me go,
Don't let go,
Don't let go -
What if someone notices?
Don't let me go,
Don't let go,
Don't let go -
What if someone sees it?

Sedan, brilliant work! what is the marijuana scene like in UKraine? i have family in Kiev and i know how fertile the soil is, i can only imagine what can be accomplished by good farmers growing ganja!
Sedan, brilliant work! what is the marijuana scene like in UKraine? i have family in Kiev and i know how fertile the soil is, i can only imagine what can be accomplished by good farmers growing ganja!

Hello, Bro! Kiev is a very cozy, calm European city (so he was before the Maidan,now there is chaos). Native Kyivans, for the most part, are cultured and good-natured people. This is even noticeable by the police. I once (before the Maidan) got lost at the road junctions in Kiev, and in order to go where I needed, I broke the rules. The police stop me. I told them jokingly that I came from the village and got lost. They laughed, showed me the right road, even wished a happy journey))). If it was in my native Kharkov, I would have to pay a bribe in any case.

As for the fertility of the Ukrainian soil, you are right! According to the fertility of one of the best in the world. I already wrote that when the Germans captured Ukraine in the 41st, they transported the soil to Germany in whole railway trains. It seems stupid, but it's true!

On this soil, most crops grow beautifully: cereals, vegetables, etc. But we have always grown hemp for industrial purposes: rope production. Our climate is not suitable for cannabis. Virtually all varieties do not ripen in our weather conditions. Naturally, it so happened that the composition of the soil is not very suitable for cannabis. Usually, if we have professionals in the outset, then they dig a hole, and they fill up the prepared substrate there. Also, there is a lot of ground where the nettle grows in large quantities.
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Hello, Bro! Kiev is a very cozy, calm European city (so he was before the Maidan,now there is chaos). Native Kyivans, for the most part, are cultured and good-natured people. This is even noticeable by the police. I once (before the Maidan) got lost at the road junctions in Kiev, and in order to go where I needed, I broke the rules. The police stop me. I told them jokingly that I came from the village and got lost. They laughed, showed me the right road, even wished a happy journey))). If it was in my native Kharkov, I would have to pay a bribe in any case.

As for the fertility of the Ukrainian soil, you are right! According to the fertility of one of the best in the world. I already wrote that when the Germans captured Ukraine in the 41st, they transported the soil to Germany in whole railway trains. It seems stupid, but it's true!

On this soil, most crops grow beautifully: cereals, vegetables, etc. But we have always grown hemp for industrial purposes: rope production. Our climate is not suitable for cannabis. Virtually all varieties do not ripen in our weather conditions. Naturally, it so happened that the composition of the soil is not very suitable for cannabis. Usually, if we have professionals in the outset, then they dig a hole, and they fill up the prepared substrate there. Also, there is a lot of ground where the nettle grows in large quantities.
Ukraine has 35% of the rarest "black soil" on earth, this is the most fertile stuff in the world, thanks to all those german dead bodies and napoleans army contributing ofcourse=) i think this is why aside from your natural gas The west wants Ukraine to come over to the EU.....HANDS OFF UKRAINE !!!!!!!!! if only some sort of legalization and an opening to western genetics could you imagine the quality can be had from Ukraine? the bread basket ofeurope
Ukraine has 35% of the rarest "black soil" on earth, this is the most fertile stuff in the world, thanks to all those german dead bodies and napoleans army contributing ofcourse=) i think this is why aside from your natural gas The west wants Ukraine to come over to the EU.....HANDS OFF UKRAINE !!!!!!!!! if only some sort of legalization and an opening to western genetics could you imagine the quality can be had from Ukraine? the bread basket ofeurope
This is why the US is working so hard to deny Russia access to Ukraine, whether the locals want it or not.
Today in the morning I read the news: Israel and Iran exchanged missile strikes ... Déjà vu ..
Guys, How do the Russians say "put your hand on your heart," and tell me please, where did it start?
And here I am also tormented: I understand the chain started from the murder of the Archduke Ferdinand, Gabriel Principle, and the ensuing World War I.

But what relation does Iran have with Israel to Ukraine, I still can not understand ... It means to show one's strength by provoking small states to wars among themselves .. further, by supplying them with weapons and means for inciting war, and then themselves they also introduce "peacekeepers", who mock the peaceful population .. This tricky trick is called "war by someone else's hands". Who invented this ?!))) This despicable kind of war ...
Now let's return to our youth.
As expected, not everything turned out to be smooth. But this is my fault! I hurriedly, and planted two plants with inexpensive tails, I wanted everything in the total mass to grow. As a consequence, Kush, who was withered with the shortest tail, because on the street was that Friday about 35 .. the ground in powder is drying up at this temperature. So it turned out, coming home in the evening, it turned out that the very sprout, with the most undeveloped tail withered .... And the second mistake, for the same reason .. The wife wanted that the whole rift in one pore, and she, having missed, climbed remove the helmet with your hands ... As a result, the stress .. the splashed plum .. the brake .. but this bush is still alive, I'm most likely going out, and it will be no less than the rest by the end ... ..


The overall picture.


Now the rest
photo is not today
8 days from sending to soaking in cotton pads


poured a little soil .....


To be continued...
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