Vert(600+400) 5 plant, from Ukraine with love

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I take like half a joint's worth of dried flower and boil it in some vanilla milk with half a spoon of margarine.
When done add some hot chocolate powder. It tastes a bit like chocolate ice cream. My wife was gone for 10 hours.

As a child, we brewed "Milk", mostly under very tense conditions))) It was not up to vanilla,chocolate powder or cooking))) The main thing is not to catch the parents or the police)))) It would be bad then)) In the milk, margarine, and that's it Fat, which does not need to be added to the condensed milk (topcoat). We also cooked on milk, if there was not condensed, but it turns out worse.

And I really do not like the taste of cannabis boiled, when I drink, I necessarily feel sick, drink or have a snack))) Already did not drink for ten years)))

Flowers in "Milk", very wasteful, Bro, for me, I can not afford it!
Half a joint for 10 hours is good economy.
My method has zero cannabis taste, you also strain out the plant matter.

Condensed milk is expensive here, I buy it to make fridge tart.
Boil water
use one cup boiled water, mix 1 packet of jelly powder into the water.
Add a can of condensed mixed into that and mix.
line a flat dish with tennis biscuits(flat coconut buscuits).

Pour the mix out over the biscuit base and put in the fridge for 12 hours.

Then you can slice it up and eat. It will be too sweet until it sets.
Half a joint for 10 hours is good economy.
My method has zero cannabis taste, you also strain out the plant matter.

Bro, no taste?)))) Do not believe))) I'm gourmet, Bro. I even feel the taste of grass even in baking (biscuits). At us at a forum even discussion on this subject was. Have come to a conclusion, that in any way you will not kill this smell. When I do cannabis oil to remove the aftertaste a little, I pour the leaves with cold water for 2 hours, in a cool place, drain, so for a day. So a little taste is removed. When I eat, spreading on bread .. with vanilla ... with what I like, I still feel!

Joint is how much by weight? At us so do not smoke, here ours joint



I smoke from morning till evening through Bulbulator-0,07 ounces of flowers a day somewhere!
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Condensed milk is expensive here

Sincerely surprised!

Bro, I have not been baking for a long time. It's hard for me already to endure such conditions, especially at work, I will be fired))). I do a little every two hours catch up ....

I have a responsible job, I'm an engineer at a construction site, people can suffer because of me !!

Yes, forgot to add, it turns out from those components, about 0.2 gallons, a dose of 0.02-0.03. And do not forget that if I drink, then nothing will happen to me, but if a freshman drinks .... There have been cases that people were hospitalized from such a dose. These are real cases.

It was a long time ago, somewhere in the nineties ...
Yes, my wife was nearly in tears at one point, she has never been stoned before ever.

))) I agree, women are not worth this)))) My wife once from the flowers was lost))) Circles in front of her eyes swam. After this case, he smokes very carefully. In addition, with each cycle, flowers are more powerful and powerful ..

Bought fertilizer for the final.

ANC, Bro, that's really expensive Plagron Green Sensation. 100 grams - 25 euros! I have enough for a week with difficulty! 30 cans of condensed milk we have)))))
Now I will tell you how I dry and treat.

There are two options for drying: for dense flowering and weak.

If the flowers are large and dense, they can not be dried on a branch as a whole. Even if the branch makes a crunch, then there will be more moisture in the big bump, and maybe there will be mold there further. I sort the flowers out on a part and only then dry.
Then I put it in a glass dish, and I send it to the refrigerator (not a freezer). If there is a perspiration on the glass from the inside, then I take out and air it until it disappears.

If the flowers are small and not dense, then if they are dried before the crackling of the branch, the flowers will be loose, and turn into dust. Such flowers should not be dried until the branches crack. They need to be dried to the end, put in glassware, and sent to the refrigerator. Two times a day to get out and air until the dish is not evaporated. Then they will be like plasticine.

It is necessary to treat flowers for 5 months, in sealed, glassware, only then they open their full potential. If you compare the treated 5 months of flowers with fresh .... Earth and sky ...

I would really like if you would understand me, which I doubt very much)))
Strategic stock!

When it's bad, I stir some tar with leaves or tobacco. In fact, it's hash. But it is burnt and not tasty. His action is stronger than flowers, but the trip is impure. But as the fishermen say: "Where there is no fish, there and cancer will seem like a fish")))))

When I grow up I want to grow like Sedan!

Buy lamp Philips Green Power (400 or 600 watts) Grid galvanized (sold in a building supermarket, used to reinforce plaster) diameter of the grid at less than 2 mm (1 line, if I understand your measure of weight correctly). Show me, I'll show you how to do it right!

Тtystikk, Bro, I have a question for you: do you have European lamps? As I know, you have 110 volts on the network.

Sativa hybrid. There, Satori and Panama are mixed.

Transplanted by my method of transplantation "No stress-One Touch"



Bio-humus is added to the ground

Added biostimulator Plagron Рower Roots 1ml / l

A few days later

Voltage is a driver issue, the lamps are the same.

I've run HPS, MH, CMH and LED.

LED is the best, but it does not come cheap... yet.

Our guys order spare parts in China and solder the LED, to save money. The result is amazing. As I said before, in many ways, the sodium lamp, even the best, is inferior to the LED! But in my growing method, LED will not work, because Shines a beam, and illuminates only a small area in front of him. I will get the result more than a minimum of 1.5 times on the sodium lamp now! But, in the future, I think to find a way out for the LED to shine in a circle!
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