Vero29 question


Well-Known Member
I'm using vero29 cobs #35e10k0d7 and I use 1 hlg 185-c1400b per 4 cobs. Just curious on which way would be the best to wire em. I've had em wired in series but I keep having issues with a rail going out. No idea if it's the way its wired or just a faulty wire as I made sure connections were all good etc.


Well-Known Member
I'm using vero29 cobs #35e10k0d7 and I use 1 hlg 185-c1400b per 4 cobs. Just curious on which way would be the best to wire em. I've had em wired in series but I keep having issues with a rail going out. No idea if it's the way its wired or just a faulty wire as I made sure connections were all good etc.
Have to be wired in series.