Vermont to Decriminalize weed!!?!?!?!?!


Well-Known Member
NORML is pleased to announce that on Thursday, February 14, the Senate gave final approval to Senate Bill 238. As amended, SB 238 would replace existing criminal sanctions outlawing the possession of up to one ounce of cannabis with civil sanctions punishable by a fine, but no criminal record.

Under current state law, the possession or cultivation of any amount of cannabis is a misdemeanor offense punishable by up to six months in jail.

The bill is expected to receive final approval from the Senate imminently before going to the Vermont House.

NORML would like to thank those of you who wrote your senator in favor of SB 238. Your letters have made a difference and momentum in favor of SB 238 is growing. However, this proposal will only receive serious consideration in the House if Vermont's representatives also hear an unmistakable message of support from their constituents.

If you live in Vermont and wish to end the needless prosecution of adults who consume small amounts of cannabis, please send an e-mail letter to your Representative today urging him or her to support SB 238. For your convenience, a pre-written letter in favor of SB 238 will be mailed to your state representative when you enter your zip code in our online advocacy system (link below).
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You can listen to NORML founder and Legal Director Keith Stroup discuss SB 238 on Vermont Public Radio at: VPR Regional News: Marijuana legalization advocates say decriminalization works well in many states.
Thank you for your support of NORML and our efforts to enact marijuana law reform in Vermont.


Ron Fisher
National Outreach Coordinator
Marijuana Law Reform - NORML

Anyone here from Vermont? if so, I hate you :evil::evil::evil: