Vermi fire?


Active Member
Any body use this soil? Im giving it a shot. The hydro guys swear by it and tell me Ill be happy. Im currently running FFOF so we will see. I also amend with Earthstones which I do like...Ill post up results as they come in..

One note Ive notcied it holds moisture alot longer.
I went by my hydro store today and saw that stuff. I'm very interested to see what kind of results people are having with it. I also currently grow in ffof. The guy at the store didn't know much about it but said he has a couple big accounts that buy alot of it so it must be working for those guys (this is in boulder). I'm growing outdoors this summer and want to go completely organic so this may be what I'm looking for. They claim the soil already has mychorrizae.
Total Nitrogen (N) 1.6%
0.152% Ammoniacal Nitrogen
0.1% Nitrate Nitrogen
0.408% Other Water Soluble Nitrogen
0.94% Water Insoluble Nitrogen
Available Phosphate (P2O2) 1%
Soluble Potash (K2O) 0.6%
Calcium (Ca) 1%

Derived from: Earthworm castings, Alfalfa meal, Blood meal, Feather meal, Bone meal, Humus, Kelp meal, Sulfate of potash and greensand