Vermi Fire soil Go/Nogo


Active Member
Any body try this stuff? Is it hype or good to go? Was told by hydro store guy its the bomb but my store doesnt carry it? WTF...Hello!
Vermi Fire is the Newest, highest quality soil on the market. Created by vermicrop organics, the lable says all it needs too.... FIRE.
lets just say I had, stressed, root bound girls about 24 inches tall in one gallon containers. I Transplanted them into 7 gallon bags. In two weeks, The plants went from small leafed, wilted sad girls too, happy healthy luscious bushes. Four weeks later they are 5 feet tall, even after pinching the tops for a bushier plant. The stalk is the size of a half dallor, and the top of the plants stem is the size of a sharpie too the tip. Big stems carry huge weight, thick folliage suckes up light and produces huge quanity. What ever grower wants! Northern califonia's finest!