Venting noobie question

I'm new to hydroponic growing, I got a medium sized grow room, i'm gonna get a 6''cool tube powered by a 400 watt ballast, with a 6inch exhasut fan 435 cfm leading to the attic, and a cf/inline fan combo also leading to the attic, are the exhaust fans suppose to be running 24/7 or is there like a on and off cycle or timed cycle. or where the fan turns on when it reaches a certain humidity/temp.

thx for any input <noob​


Well-Known Member
You can turn off the fan at night (lights out) if you can keep temps below 75F, which should be easy with no light.


Well-Known Member
your cool tube with the 435 only needs to run when the lights are on and for 15 or 20 min. after they go off. Vent fan stays on all the time.

Best temp is 80 to 85.

75 degrees and high humidity will produce powdery mildew.


You need a fan blowing in the room all the time to move the air around. Low is fine.