I've already gone over this with a couple people. I kind of just wanted to see the pole results lol. Originally I had a 400watt and everything was fine, had it filter to fan to cooltube exhausting out my window.. which I was given shit for, and was told I should have it as dr. who says (filter cooltube fan). I set it up filter to fan to cooltube because this way I have direct suction from the filter and am blowing the cooler air over the light. The other way I figured I would be causing my fan to work harder while also running hot air through it. Also, if there were any leaks in the ducting I would be sucking non scrubbed air.
I wanted to jump up to the 600watt. Have had temp problems obviously. I would love to directly cool my light but the cold winter air will destroy everything with its moisture. I also can't cool it with the bedroom air because its not cold enough obviously. So I left everything the way it was but just added a 100cfm duct fan directly hooked up to my window bringing in cold air. This worked minus a few issues. The ducting for the cold intake would build up ice in the bedroom causing water to leak on stuff, the bedroom began to get uncomfortably cold, and the tent would get to cold at night even though I had the intake fan on the same timer as the light. When this WAS working to my liking, it aloud me to bring the light closer.
If I could have it with just the flap open for intake at night and then have cold fresh intake from my window during the day that would be ideal. But I'm not going to tend to my grow every time the light goes on or off. SO, I raised my light and got rid of the intake.
NOW my question is... Should I continue with the 600w at a high height and semi-high temps or should I put the 400w in and put the light right nice and close??? Im assuming people will say keep it going with the 600w with the light up high lol.
Again, this wasnt really about my grow so much. It was more to see people argue about what set up is better. Physics will say it is more energy efficient to pull then to push... again though, I think my fan would be working harder, I wouldnt have as much suction from my filter, Id be sucking out unscrubbed air if there were any leaks and my light might not be as cooled?