

New Member
I am slowly trying to setup a CFL wardrobe. And i know absolutely nothing about indoor growing out hydroponics. My Space is approx 1.6m by 1m by 0.5m currently only have 1 baby inside and still trying 2 get the area right. Atm i have 2x 48w 5000k globes hanging above and 2x 28w 5000k globes coming in from side and back. Not sure of temps at the moment as i am yet to purchase my grow thermometer. I an positive the plants need air 2 live so surely it has 2 have an intake for fresh air. Therefore, it should have exhaust for stale air? But i don't think the area is getting too hot at all? So i have pulled apart 2 broken laptops and taken 2 fans out, about 50mm and have 1 blowing air in from side and 1 sucking air out of the top. Will these size fans be sufficient or do i need more? Especially seeing as i am planning on doubling plants and globes. And also, should they be left on 24/0 or will it cool the area down to much? Thankyou for your help


New Member
Got thermometer today, temps are 35C and humidity 40 percent, that's not good, right? Got another 2 small laptop fans, workin on gettin cpl 6" do i need an extra 1 inside for circulation?