Ventilation Question


Well-Known Member
Does the exhaust vent have to vent Outside ofthe house? or can it simply vent out of the grow room into the larger room.


Well-Known Member
Ideally it would go into the attic or outside the house, but as long as you have a way to keep the heated air from building up in that larger room ( sending the hot air right back into your grow) it should be fine. I am dealing with the exact same issue- I didn't want to cut holes in my ceiling up into the attic, so my air goes in one side of a closet and out the other. But I have a large whole house fan built into the ceiling that is sucking air from every room up through the attic and out or the top of my house.

Good luck.


Well-Known Member
You can just stick it out the window.

Its best to get it outside, my current setup heats up my whole room. Lucky for me. my grow room stays cool.